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Chapter 281 Buying Food

This was the war initiated by the Dashun Kingdom and the Dachuan Kingdom, which wanted to encroach on the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If we retreat now, it will be equivalent to giving up Jiangbei to others.

"Jiangbei cannot be lost!" Soon, someone expressed their stance and said through gritted teeth.

He knew the importance of Jiangbei and expressed his point of view.

In fact, most of this group of people insist on not giving up Jiangbei.

Not to mention the richness of Jiangbei, its superior geographical location alone determines that it cannot be discarded.

However, although they cannot abandon it, they are helpless to deal with the current situation in Jiangbei.

Locust plagues have always been one of the natural disasters in the Great Zhou Dynasty. In recent decades, they have occurred more frequently, making life difficult for the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Everyone was still thinking about countermeasures, but Yuncheng seemed to have grasped some key, and he had an idea and said: "Your Majesty, this locust plague in Jiangbei is a bit inexplicable."


After hearing Yuncheng's words, everyone looked at him in shock.

What does Yuncheng mean? Could this locust plague be man-made?

The locust plague passes through the country, leaving no trace behind. It is so terrifying that it cannot be controlled by humans.

"Yuncheng, tell me your opinion." Bai Yutian was thoughtful and quickly ordered Yuncheng to explain.

Yuncheng nodded. Since he dared to stand up, it meant that he already had a guess in his mind.

"Your Majesty, although it is said that locust plagues will occur from time to time in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Jiangbei is rich and the climate is humid, so it is difficult for locust plagues to occur."

"What's more, there is still a certain amount of time before the food harvest. It is a bit strange that a locust plague occurs at this time."

"Not only that, it would be understandable if the crops were eaten by locusts, but the granary is the top priority, so how could it be eaten away by locusts so easily."

Yuncheng slowly revealed the doubts, which aroused everyone's contemplation.

If only these crops were plagued by locusts, Da Zhou would still be able to accept it.

After all, their front line is not that long, and as long as the logistics supplies are sufficient, they can arrive quickly.

Moreover, Jiangbei Granary also stores a lot of grain.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was even a saying that if you are familiar with Jiangbei, you will be sufficient all over the world.

"It is said that there is a lost ancient method in Dazhou. It is a powder made of special materials. If it is applied to grains and crops, it can attract locusts to eat them."

Suddenly, Yan Chong's expression changed drastically and he spoke.

Because this ancient method is so harmful and no one has ever seen it, it has always been regarded as a legend.

At this time, Yan Chong suddenly remembered this ancient method and was a little shocked. Could it be that this ancient method really existed, and someone used this ancient method to cause a sharp decrease in food in Jiangbei, so that the soldiers could not fill their stomachs.

If this is really the case, it would be terrible, and it would simply be the destruction of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Huh!" Bai Yutian took a deep and heavy breath, and everyone could feel the anger in Bai Yutian's heart.

If it is really man-made, it is unimaginable how malicious this person is.

"How long can the food of the Great Zhou court supply Kou Wang and the others?" Bai Yutian asked with a gloomy face.

Lu Zhiren cupped his hands and said: "The imperial court can supply a hundred thousand troops from Jiangbei for half a month. This is the most conservative estimate."

After all, the imperial court still needs to support the battlefield in Mingzhou. The last war in the Western Wilderness has consumed a lot of Zhou's food reserves, and it is now reaching its limit.

The food and money of the Great Zhou Dynasty were not only spent on two battlefields, but tens of millions of people in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty needed to eat and live.

"First allocate food from the imperial court to support the Jiangbei army, at least not to leave the soldiers with empty stomachs." Bai Yutian decided immediately.

If you don't even have enough to eat, why are you fighting?

However, this can only solve an urgent need and is not a long-term solution at all.

"In addition, send people over to check the situation and investigate the source of the locust plague."

Bai Yutian said every word, which contained overwhelming anger. If it was really man-made, Bai Yutian would have to crush this person to ashes.

"Also, a batch of grain will be transferred from various states and counties to be used as military ration." Since the imperial court and Jiangbei have declared an emergency, Bai Yutian can only mobilize food from elsewhere.

However, when Bai Yutian finished speaking, Lu Zhiren and others had ugly looks on their faces.

After Lu Zhiren came to power, he worked hard and worked hard to implement everything.

It was precisely because of this that he knew the true situation of the states and counties in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the major states and counties of the Zhou Dynasty, the corruption situation was serious. Most of the food and money were in the hands of officials and nobles, and the common people were so poor that they could only eat dirt.

The food these states and counties can mobilize is really limited.

"It's already this time, and you're still collecting food privately. It's really..." Bai Yutian almost lost his mind and asked people to grab the food directly.

But soon, he calmed down and took two deep breaths.

It's not that he doesn't dare to rob, it's just that the current situation in the Zhou Dynasty is not that stable, and these local governments have deep roots.

Moreover, if Bai Yutian rushes to rob it, it will be unreasonable for the imperial court. This is a big taboo. I am afraid that he will be criticized by the people of the world and affect the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Lu Zhiren, you apply for a batch of silver from the treasury, go to those noble families, and ask them to sell some grain to help me defend Jiangbei."

"Then the imperial court is a little more nervous. It's okay to have less food in stock. At least it will ensure that the soldiers have enough to eat."

As long as this period of time is sustained, Dazhou can completely counterattack and regain its territory.

The current emergency recruitment has been going on for some time, and Zhou Dynasty has also recruited many soldiers from various places. As long as they are trained, they can rush to the battlefield.

"Yes!" Lu Zhiren quickly agreed.

Although the locust plague in Jiangbei has nothing to do with him, he is responsible for the food issue after all. Now that there is a shortage of food, he is also responsible.

This time, it was time to atone for my sins and solve an urgent need.

Of course, in addition to buying food, Bai Yutian also had ideas about controlling the locust plague.

Jiangbei Granary is a top priority, and Bai Yutian cannot give up.

However, controlling the locust plague is easier said than done.

If it was really that easy, everyone would have stood up and come up with ideas.

The locust plague has been rampant in the Zhou Dynasty for hundreds of years. Although people have thought of many ways to control the locust plague, the results have been very little, not even worth the little food saved.

However, Bai Yutian had a crazy idea in his mind.

By combining poison with alchemy, you might be able to invent a solution to the locust plague, just like pesticides.

There is no term for pesticides in Dazhou now. To deal with the locust plague, some tools are used to kill the locusts.

Although this method has a certain degree of lethality, it is still somewhat inadequate in the face of a large-scale locust plague.

This chapter has been completed!
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