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Chapter 288 Big, very soft

Thinking of this, Bai Yutian suddenly felt the energy and blood rolling all over his body, as if something was about to burst out of his body.

Bai Yutian was shocked and quickly calmed down his anger.

At the same time, he also asked people to take Zhang Cunxian and Zheng Kaiji away quickly and discuss these matters next time.

Although Zhang Cunxian and Zheng Kaiji were also confused, they did not dare to force Bai Yutian.

Now, Bai Yutian still holds the power of life and death over them.

If Bai Yutian is made unhappy and kills them directly, then all the fun will be over.

After driving Zhang Cunxian and Zheng Kaiji out, Zhao Chuxue looked at Bai Yutian worriedly.

After Bai Yutian killed the envoy, a strong evil aura still remained on his body, like a murderous god from hell.

Afterwards, Bai Yutian trapped himself in the palace for seven days, during which he saw no one. All aftermath matters were presided over by Yuncheng and Yan Chong.

When Bai Yutian came out, the evil aura on his body had completely disappeared, and Zhao Chuxue and others also discovered that Bai Yutian's aura was like that of an ordinary warrior, not as scary as before.

Out of respect, Zhao Chuxue and others did not inquire carefully.

However, they also knew that Bai Yutian's terrifying power came from the black beads, and they were worried in their hearts, fearing that Bai Yutian would have any sequelae.

Just now, Zhao Chuxue noticed Bai Yutian's evil aura again, so she was very worried.

After Zhang Cunxian and Zheng Kaiji left, Bai Yutian's evil spirit had dissipated a lot. He controlled his mind in time and suppressed the evil spirit.

The events of the past few days have made Bai Yutian angry all the time. He was so angry that he almost couldn't control it.

"Chu Xue, come and learn a few moves with me." Bai Yutian took the lead and walked out of the palace, followed by Zhao Chuxue.

Since Zhao Chuxue became the Grandmaster, the two have not sparred with each other.

Zhao Chuxue looked at Bai Yutian and showed a slight smile. He would only show such a smile when facing Bai Yutian.

Zhao Chuxue circulated her inner energy, and the surrounding temperature immediately dropped, and a cold air enveloped Zhao Chuxue.

This cold air is very strange. Although it has the same power as ordinary inner air, it can make the enemy feel clearly cold when facing the enemy.

According to Zhao Chuxue's speculation, her cold air will become colder as her cultivation level increases.

By then, the cold air alone will probably freeze the opponent.

And that kind of strength probably only exists in legends.

After traveling to this world, Bai Yutian saw all kinds of wonders and was always full of curiosity about this world.

"Your Majesty, be careful."

In this sparring session, both sides did not carry weapons and were just competing in fist and kick skills.

Bai Yutian knew that he could not just practice hard, he also needed to gain practical experience.

Only in this way can you gradually become stronger.

Zhao Chuxue's moves are very gentle and look weak, but they contain amazing power.

Bai Yutian only relied on his own strength, and it was impossible to fight against Zhao Chuxue.

Fortunately, Zhao Chuxue suppressed his own strength and did not use too much inner energy. This gave Bai Yutian more room to display his strength.

However, as time went by, Bai Yutian still fell into a disadvantage.

"Bang!" Bai Yutian punched out, but Zhao Chuxue cleverly dodged it.

At the same time, Zhao Chuxue leaned closer to Bai Yutian and pushed upward with both hands. Bai Yutian couldn't control his body and stepped back.

In panic, Bai Yutian could only wave his hands randomly, trying to catch something.

As a result, Bai Yutian actually caught something.

Bai Yutian grabbed it hard, but still couldn't stop Bai Yutian's retreat. Due to inertia, Zhao Chuxue was directly dragged down by Bai Yutian.

Originally, with her strength, she would not fall down easily.

However, when Zhao Chuxue and Bai Yutian were competing, how could they use all their strength to guard against it?

At this time, she was unprepared and her inner energy had already calmed down, just like an ordinary woman.

Being surrounded by Bai Yutian, he fell directly towards Bai Yutian.

Bai Yutian looked at his hands, and it turned out that what he was holding were Zhao Chuxue's clothes.

His fall directly caused Zhao Chuxue's coat to tear open, and the white patches on her shoulders and chest were exposed in front of Bai Yutian.

Moreover, Zhao Chuxue still fell in front of Bai Yutian, and the softness of her chest pressed against Bai Yutian's chest, making Bai Yutian feel comfortable again while feasting his eyes.

Although Bai Yutian had seen Zhao Chuxue's body, he was so eager to treat the disease that he did not bother to observe carefully.

Seeing this this time, Bai Yutian suddenly felt his heart racing and excited.

Zhao Chuxue also noticed the situation at this time, stood up quickly, covered her chest, and looked at Bai Yutian angrily.

There was a bit of reproach in his eyes, and he looked quite pitiful.

"Your Majesty, you are going too far."

Zhao Chuxue's words brought Bai Yutian back to reality, and he quickly ordered the palace maid to get a set of clean clothes for Zhao Chuxue to change into.

Although Zhao Chuxue changed into clothes, Bai Yutian was still quite embarrassed.

At the same time, Bai Yutian was also recalling the feeling just now.

It seems that Zhao Chuxue's place has become bigger again.

Bai Yutian was shocked, would being promoted to Grandmaster make it bigger?

"Your Majesty, don't you have anything to say?" Zhao Chuxue put on her clothes and looked at Bai Yutian angrily.

At this time, Bai Yutian was recalling the feeling just now. When he heard Zhao Chuxue's question, he blurted out: "It's big and soft!"

After saying that, Bai Yutian regretted it and even wanted to slap himself twice.

Bah! It's so big and soft. Isn't this an obvious way of teasing others?

Zhao Chuxue was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then she reacted and stamped her feet fiercely, her cold face immediately covered with a blush.

"Ahem!" Bai Yutian coughed twice quickly to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Dianwei walked in just at this moment, diverting the attention of the two of them.

"Your Majesty, Kou Wang has withdrawn to Chanzhou City, and Deng Yongle's 50,000-strong army also left Huaizhou and came to Chanzhou City."

"However, General Kou Wang was quite unconvinced. He asked His Majesty to find the murderer who intercepted the grain and bring those people to justice."

Dianwei said bitterly.

Kou Wang is proud by nature, and the only person he admires among his peers is Jing Ling.

Under Kou Wang's defense, Huaizhou was impregnable. Even if it was short of food and water, it could still maintain its men.

However, this time it failed because of a group of people who intercepted the grain, and caused heavy losses to Kou Wang. How could Kou Wang feel at ease?

"Well, let him check it too."

The group of people who intercepted the grain are indeed a threat. In the future, there will be a steady stream of grain transported to Jiangbei. If this group of people is not eliminated, Jiangbei will not be able to form an effective defense at all.

Bai Yutian sighed, if there was no locust plague in Jiangbei and the granary had enough food, why would it be so troublesome?

This chapter has been completed!
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