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Chapter 307 Yunqing is worried

When Bai Yutian woke up, he was already on the bed in Tai Chi Hall.

People were coming and going outside the palace, and there were figures everywhere, cleaning up the mess left by the war.

At the same time, Tailin City entered maximum martial law, no one was allowed in or out, and no one was allowed to go.

Those men in black all have the power of pseudo-grandmasters. Dian Wei and others personally took action and led the dragon guards to search door to door, refusing to let go of any detail.

The impact of this war was too great. Many innocent people died and caused great panic.

"Quickly, let Yuncheng and Yan Chong appease the people, investigate the damage this time, and make statistics."

This was Bai Yutian's first order after waking up. He had not only himself in his heart, but also the innocent people of Tailin City.

"Yuncheng and Master Yan have already gone."

Yun Qing was accompanying Bai Yutian. Seeing Bai Yutian wake up, a smile appeared on his face.

"Cough cough cough!" Bai Yutian still wanted to speak, but he coughed uncontrollably, and several wounds on his body also cracked due to the cough.

Yun Qing quickly stopped Bai Yutian, "Your Majesty, don't talk for now. Taking good care of your health is the main thing."

Bai Yutian's injuries were too serious this time, with more than a dozen sword wounds alone.

The rest of the injuries were internal and external, and the bleeding was excessive. It was a miracle that he could wake up so quickly.

"Imperial doctor, imperial doctor!" After Yun Qing comforted Bai Yutian, he quickly called the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat Bai Yutian.

An old man stepped forward, it was Dong Sheng who had accompanied Bai Yutian to the Western Wilderness.

After returning from Xihuang, Dong Sheng was promoted by Bai Yutian to take charge of all the imperial doctors because of his contribution.

At this time, he took Bai Yutian's pulse, and then smiled softly, "Queen, your Majesty's God has blessed the dragon body. It is no longer a serious problem, but the body is still a little weak and needs to be replenished."

Hearing Dong Sheng's words, Yun Qing was completely relieved. She ordered Lian'er to go with Dong Sheng to get medicine to replenish Bai Yutian's body.

As for himself, he stayed in the Tai Chi Hall.

Yun Qing held Bai Yutian's hand, tears streaming down her face.

At this time, there were only two of them in the room, and Yun Qing could no longer control his emotions.

When Bai Yutian was fighting the silver-robed man, her heart was almost in her throat, fearing that Bai Yutian would be in danger.

It's a pity that she is just an ordinary woman, she can't help Bai Yutian at all, and will also drag Bai Yutian down, which makes her feel very guilty.

"Your Majesty, it's all my fault, I'm useless!" Yun Qing cried so hard that it made people pity her.

Her delicate body kept trembling slightly, and finally she lay on the bed and cried loudly.

"Qing'er, this is serious. If it weren't for you, I might not have woken up yet, and even Great Zhou might have been destroyed."

"For Da Zhou and for me, you have made great contributions."

What Bai Yutian was talking about was when Yun Qing served Bai Yutian for the first time when he had just traveled through time, and even though he risked being blunt, he still spoke out.

For the country, for the country, and even more for him, Bai Yutian.

According to the regulations, Bai Yutian should call Yun Qing the queen, but Bai Yutian hates this kind of rule the most. He usually calls Yun Qing Qing'er or his beloved concubine.

After Yun Qing became the queen, she even assumed this responsibility.

Within the scope of her ability, she gave Bai Yutian the greatest help.

When Bai Yutian conquered Shanu Kingdom, many decisions were implemented by Yuncheng and Yan Chong, but when they encountered some problems, Yunqing also needed to make the decision.

And Yun Qing also showed his courage and skill, keeping the entire rear area stable and united when Bai Yutian was away in Tailin City.

"You still have a baby in your belly, so it's easy for you to get flatus if you're so sad!"

"I order you now not to cry anymore!" Bai Yutian pretended to be stern and said.

Although his tone was stern, Yun Qing still heard the care in Bai Yutian's words.

There were many concubines in the harem, but Bai Yutian's love for her was unique.

"Okay, get up!" Bai Yutian stretched out his palm, touched Yun Qing's shoulder, and comforted her.


Bai Yutian's injury finally improved after seven days, and he was able to get out of bed and walk.

During these seven days, Tailin City has been under martial law. Zhou soldiers walked on the streets every day, looking for those enemy soldiers and men in black who had escaped.

After several days of manhunt, all the escaped black-clothed and enemy soldiers have been captured.

Counting those soldiers who surrendered on the spot, there were more than 1,300 soldiers in total, and the rest all died in the palace.

There are nine men in black, most of them are the masters of Fuzhou's original hall. I originally thought that this plan would be flawless and that it would be a great achievement after its completion, but who knew that it would end up here.

For these people, Bai Yutian has no mercy at all, just one word, kill.

Moreover, the heads of Yu Xiaodong, Xiaoxi, Song Feng and others were hung on the city wall for all the people of Tailin City to visit and warn the world.

In addition, Bai Yutian also distributed all the previous rewards to the Imperial Guards and promised them some privileges.

If it weren't for these people, the palace might have fallen, and even Yun Qing's safety could not be guaranteed, so Bai Yutian was not lenient at all in rewarding him.

Since Da Zhou's fall from the Gu family, the treasury has been in a full state. Coupled with the good weather this year, various natural disasters have finally not occurred, and Da Zhou has successfully collected a wave of taxes.

Therefore, the Zhou Dynasty can be said to be very wealthy now.

Not only the Imperial Army, but also the students of the martial arts academy, Bai Yutian also gave very high rewards.

Many people have never seen so much money in their lives. When they saw the Zhou Dynasty's court being so generous and generous, they strengthened their belief in following the Zhou Dynasty.

Although Tailin City has experienced two disasters in a short period of time, and even the palace was almost occupied this time, it has obviously made the people of Tailin City more united.

Moreover, it is also a training for the city guard camp.

After the imperial court moved the capital, the city guard battalion was responsible for guarding the capital. It had never experienced combat, and both its vigilance and combat effectiveness were far behind.

And this time, it happened to be a lesson to them.

Use blood and life as a lesson to let them understand the horror of war.

The reason why the enemy was able to enter Tailin City this time was entirely because the city gate was opened from the inside.

The main reason is that the guards at the South City Gate were bribed by Ming Gaochi, which led to Ming Gaochi placing people in key areas of the South City Gate and letting the enemy troops in.

Therefore, Bai Yutian ordered that all persons involved in this matter be traced without mercy.

From Ming Gaochi to the city guard camp generals, a total of more than 300 people were arrested this time.

According to the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, different punishments were imposed for their different levels of crimes.

Some people were sent to the frontier, some were sent to labor, and some were beheaded directly.

This resulted in many general positions being vacated in the City Guard Camp. The City Guard Camp was undergoing a major purge for the first time since the fall of the Gu family.

This chapter has been completed!
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