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Chapter 31 Subduing Yan Chong

However, even the Jing Zhao had failed, who else could the imperial court send? As for the armies of various states, the powerful ones did not listen to the orders of the Zhou Dynasty, while the weak ones had too much to look after themselves, and had no available troops at all.

Moreover, Jing Zhao was defeated and retreated to Xuzhou, which represented the complete fall of Liangzhou.

Without Liangzhou, Shan Nu's attack will be easier, while Jing Zhao and others' defense will be even more difficult.

Although the ministers had complaints in their hearts, even Gu Taizhong didn't say anything, so they had to keep it in their hearts.

Bai Yutian has become a completely different person recently, extremely tough, and they don't want to get into trouble with this.

"Li Aiqing, later send all the information that Shanu has collected in recent years to my imperial study. I want to check it in person, and the request must be detailed. If there is any falsehood, be prepared to bring it up to see me."

The ministers remained silent, and Bai Yutian turned his attention to Li Rang, Minister of War.

This information is related to the safety of Dazhou, and any mistake may cause serious consequences. Bai Yutian will never allow such mistakes to happen.

"I obey the order." Li Rang heard this and quickly replied.

After saying this, Bai Yutian ordered everyone to go down to court, but he secretly summoned Yan Chong.

Although Yan Chong was only the minister of the Ministry of War, he was truly talented, knowledgeable and capable. If it weren't for Gu Taizhong's deliberate suppression and Bai Yutian's neglect, Yan Chong would have been the prime minister now.

Moreover, it seems that Bai Yutian's predecessor personally demoted Yan Chong to the rank of Minister of War. If it were not for the title of former minister of the late emperor, Yan Chong would have been expelled from the imperial court.

However, although Yan Chong is in the imperial court now, his heart is no longer in the imperial court.

All he thought about was to wait a few years until he reached his age, then he would resign and go home with his daughter, and never get involved in the court battles again.

In the side hall, Yan Chong raised his head slightly and looked at Bai Yutian quietly.

He also took note of Bai Yutian's changes during this period. Although he was a little happy, he still couldn't get over the hurdle that Bai Yutian had sent Yan Yumeng to the cold palace before.

Yan Chong only had a daughter like Yan Yumeng, so he doted on her to the extreme, but she was treated coldly by Bai Yutian in the harem, which made Yan Chong very angry.

"I wonder what your Majesty has to do with me?" Yan Chong said slowly, his tone extremely calm.

Bai Yutian could hear the dissatisfaction in Yan Chong's words, and he suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

"My beloved concubine, come out." Bai Yutian said softly.

After Bai Yutian finished speaking, he saw a figure in a white dress slowly walking out from behind the screen and arriving at the side hall.

Yan Chong's face was originally calm, but when he saw this figure, he could no longer remain calm. His eyes suddenly turned red, his whole body trembled, and he stared blankly at the figure in front of him.

"Father." He called softly, his voice full of sadness and helplessness.

The figure in a white dress ran over, threw herself into Yan Chong's arms, and started sobbing silently.

After not seeing each other for three or four years, father and daughter had long missed each other extremely. But now that they saw each other, they could no longer suppress their emotions.

Bai Yutian touched his nose in embarrassment. After all, he came from the earth in the 21st century. He felt guilty when he thought that his predecessor had imprisoned someone for several years, preventing father and daughter from seeing each other.

Yan Chong looked at Bai Yutian in surprise. He naturally knew that seeing Yan Yumeng here meant that Yan Yumeng had left the cold palace.

"I have ordered that Yan Yumeng be reinstated as a noble concubine and live in the former Lingyue Palace. Aiqing will not have to worry about your daughter in the future." Bai Yutian reminded from the side.

Bai Yutian's voice also made the two of them realize that this was the palace after all, and in front of the emperor, they couldn't be too presumptuous.

Yan Chong looked at Bai Yutian with red eyes, almost crying, "My lord, thank you for your great kindness."

Seeing that Yan Chong was about to kneel down, Bai Yutian quickly ran over, supported Yan Chong, and pulled his sleeves, "My dear, there is no need to be polite. What happened before was indeed my fault. I apologize to my beloved. Now I

I have woken up, so I invited Concubine Yan out of the cold palace so that you and your daughter can see each other more often in the future."

As soon as these words came out, not only Yan Chong, but also Yan Yumeng covered his mouth in surprise.

She really didn't expect that such words could come out of Bai Yutian's mouth, and that Bai Yutian would take the initiative to admit his mistake, and that the Emperor of Zhou would actually apologize to a minister.

"Your Majesty, I am scared. No matter what, I and my daughter have responsibilities that cannot be shied away from." Yan Chong said quickly.

"If it's wrong, it's wrong. I won't admit it even though I'm wrong."

"In addition, the Gu family is now so powerful that the entire court is seriously corrupt. I am determined to rectify it, but I don't know what Ai Qing wants." Bai Yutian said.

Upon hearing this, Yan Chong immediately became serious, straightened his clothes and said, "I am serving your Majesty."

Yan Chong was just like what Yuncheng said, he was upright, upright and dedicated to serving the country.

Although Yan Yumeng and Bai Yutian broke up completely before, but now seeing Bai Yutian's changes and meeting Yan Yumeng, all the resentment in his heart was instantly wiped away, leaving only feelings for Bai Yutian and Da Zhou.


"Very good, I now give you an important task, and I hope you can complete it for me." Bai Yutian said with a smile.

Yan Chong's expression suddenly became serious, "Your Majesty, please speak."

"The imperial court is seriously corrupt, the treasury is empty, and in addition to the recent severe natural and man-made disasters during the Great Zhou Dynasty, banditry is rampant. I am very heartbroken, but I cannot come up with enough money to provide disaster relief and suppress the bandits."

"A few days ago, I ordered Yun Aiqing to investigate corruption and the emptiness of the national treasury. However, Yun Aiqing recommended you to me, thinking that you are capable enough to take on this important responsibility." Bai Yutian said slowly, with a firm tone.

Now that Liangzhou has been lost, Bai Yutian is even more anxious. He just wants to quickly promote talents to increase the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"I will do my best to share your Majesty's worries." Yan Chong nodded immediately without any hesitation.

Obviously, he also saw Bai Yutian's determination.

Seeing Yan Chong accept the order, Bai Yutian immediately felt relieved. He could still trust a loyal minister like Yan Chong.

The appearance of Yuncheng and Yan Chong gave Bai Yutian hope. At least the Zhou court was not without available people.

However, the current talent pool is still somewhat lacking.

Among them, a big reason is that in the past few years when Gu Taizhong was in power, he excluded dissidents and bullied ministers. Anyone who went against him almost never ended well, resulting in a serious brain drain.

In addition, except for Huang Yongding and others, no one else has taken the initiative to surrender to Bai Yutian in the past few days. Most of them are ministers of the Gu family faction, and they dare not approach Bai Yutian at all, let alone take the initiative to surrender to Bai Yutian.

However, Bai Yutian does not need these people to surrender. With Qiao Che's support, the investigation of corruption and the emptiness of the treasury will be smoother.

This chapter has been completed!
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