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Chapter 370

In the end, Wan Cai did not catch up with Kou Wang and others.

Kou Wang was too vigilant and escaped early, without giving Wan Cai and others any chance.

Later, Yu Xiaobei, who was guarding Nancheng, received an order from the Dachuan court, requiring him to return to Nanchuan City immediately to guard Nanchuan City.

Although he was very reluctant, Yu Xiaobei still accepted the decree.

After Yu Xiaobei withdrew, Kou Wang quickly occupied Nancheng.

Now, Kou Wang and Nanchuan City are face to face.

As long as they capture Nanchuan City, they can declare their victory.

Kou Wang was very excited, but their previous plan was seen through by Wan Cai, and Yu Xiaobei returned to Nanchuan City with intact strength, making it more difficult for them to occupy Nanchuan City.

Nanchuan City is a big city with a large scale.

Without an absolute numerical advantage, it would be difficult for Kou Wang to capture Nanchuan City.

The day after Kou Wang occupied Nancheng, the Dachuan court sent people for peace talks, expressing its willingness to peacefully coexist with the Zhou Dynasty, and only hoped that the Zhou Dynasty could withdraw its troops.

Kou Wang sneered, "You are just a group of rebels. They should not have existed in the first place. You dare to coexist with me, the Great Zhou. It is simply ridiculous."

Speaking of the latter part, Kou Wang became even more angry. He tore up the letter written by Yu Xiang and threw it to the ground.

Not to mention Bai Yutian's consent to such a letter, I'm afraid Bai Yutian would be upset even if he saw it.


The person in charge of the peace talks was a civil servant of the Dachuan court and a close confidant of Yu Xiang.

Seeing Kou Wang's decisive attitude at this time, a look of anger appeared on his face.

"General Kou, peace talks are beneficial to both of us, why not?" Envoy Dachuan patiently continued to persuade.

Kou Wang turned his back and said disdainfully: "In the 511th year of the Great Zhou calendar, I led my army to Dingyuan Mountain. You hurriedly asked me, Great Zhou, for a truce, and the court agreed."

"Now that I have occupied Nancheng, don't you think it's ridiculous that you want to hold peace talks again?"

"If you are really afraid, how about just asking Yu Xiang to plead guilty and go to Tailin City to kneel in front of His Majesty to atone for his sins."

For the people of the Dachuan court, Yu Xiang was their emperor and their spiritual support.

How could the envoy of Dachuan bear it when he heard Kou Wang insulting their emperor?

He shook his sleeves fiercely and cursed angrily: "How dare you, the Emperor of Dachuan Kingdom, let you call him by his first name."

"You are a traitor and a traitor, so what if I call him by his name? What can you do to me?"

Kou Wang lowered his harsh words, but the Dachuan envoy did not dare to answer them.

Not to mention that he was just a civilian official, even if he was a military general, he would not dare to take action in the enemy's base camp.

I'm afraid if he makes the slightest move, his body will be separated.

"Okay, I will go back and report to Your Majesty. I hope General Kou will not regret it then!"

After saying that, Ambassador Dachuan flicked his sleeves and left Nancheng.

"General, the Nanchuan rebels are stubborn, why didn't we detain him just now?" Someone next to Kou Wang asked in confusion.

"Although this person is an envoy of the rebels, he is not an important figure. Detaining him will have no effect. Instead, it will be true."

After saying that, Kou Wang turned to look at everyone: "Get ready to attack Nanchuan City tomorrow."

"This is our last battle in the south. After more than a year, we are finally going to see the dawn of victory."

"Everyone, if you don't break Nanchuan, I swear you won't return it!"

Inspired by Kou Wang's spirit, everyone became excited.

They attacked from Jiangbei, recaptured Huaizhou, attacked Dingyuan Mountain, and occupied Nancheng.

Now, it's finally time for the final battle.

"If you don't destroy Nanchuan, you will never return it!" everyone shouted in unison.

Nanchuan City, Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, that Kou Wang was so rude that he actually kicked me out."

After the Dachuan envoy returned to Nanchuan City, he recounted the incident again, adding more fuel and jealousy, and incorporating many of his own emotions, making the officials in the hall indignant.

"This is too much. Do you really think that there is no one in Dachuan?"

"It's only a few hundred thousand soldiers and horses, but they still want to swallow up our city of Nanchuan. It's just an idiot's dream."

Of course, there are also people who are worried.

"The Northern Tiger Army has high morale and advanced weapons. It may not be difficult to break through Nanchuan City."

Speaking of which, they are rebels after all. Their founding of the country was not righteous and they had no orthodoxy.

Therefore, when the Zhou army came to the city, many people began to feel guilty and wanted to reconcile with Zhou to avoid war.

However, their thoughts were too good. They not only wanted Da Zhou to stop attacking, but also wanted to continue to maintain their own enjoyment.

As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too, so naturally they couldn't realize this wish.

"Your Majesty, I would like to issue a military order and swear to protect Nanchuan City to the death." Yu Xiaobei knelt down and said, his voice shaking the entire hall.

Now, it seems that the moment of life and death has come.

Yu Xiang even ordered Zhang Kui to give up attacking the Weibei Valley and return to Nanchuan to resist Zhou's attack.

After all, the Weibei Valley was not their primary target in the first place. Now that even the capital is in crisis, they naturally have to plan ahead.

As soon as Zhang Kui withdrew, Li Chu of Dashun naturally no longer persisted and turned back with his army.

At dawn the next day, Kou Wang led his army to fight over. The sound of gunfire shook the sky, breaking the silence of Nanchuan City.

Yu Xiaobei stayed here all night. After learning that Kou Wang was attacking the city, he quickly gathered his energy to resist the Zhou army.


The war was about to break out, and countless people died in an instant.



The Northern Tiger Army charged desperately, pressing towards Nanchuan City like a black cloud, putting great pressure on the Nanchuan City defenders.

However, Yu Xiaobei was not a good person and quickly dispatched and commanded all the defenders on the city wall to desperately resist the attack of the Northern Tiger Army.

The ladders and chariots were all moved to the foot of Nanchuan City by the Northern Tiger Army.

When the war began, Kou Wang was ready to occupy the two cities of Nancheng and Nanchuan City, so he also brought a lot of siege equipment.

The flags fluttered and moved with the wind, exaggerating the tragedy of this battlefield.


Yu Xiaobei and Kou Wang are old rivals. One attacks the city and the other defends the city. They are both very powerful.

Yu Xiaobei was covered in blood, but it was all the enemy's blood.

Kou Wang has been attacking so far, but he has not gained any advantage.

Helpless, Kou Wang finally had no choice but to withdraw his troops and prepare for the next attack.

However, Da Zhou possessed extremely lethal weapons such as artillery. Even though Yu Xiaobei defended Nanchuan City, he still suffered heavy losses.

The battle losses between the two sides were inextricable, which meant that Yu Xiaobei was at a disadvantage.

"Report, the Zhou army has retreated, and General Yu Xiaobei is safe and sound for the time being."

When the news reached the palace, the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

When they learned about Kou Wang's attack, they all had their hearts in their throats. Fortunately, Yu Xiaobei was still able to defend Nanchuan City.

This chapter has been completed!
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