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Chapter 378: Entering the Palace

Yu Xiang was completely crazy. He had no idea about the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, and thought he could drive out the Zhou army with the elite Yu family army.

The ministers hesitated and did not know how to speak.

They knew that the destruction of Nanchuan City was already a certainty, and no one could save it.

What they can do now is to save as many people as possible from the Yu family and continue the bloodline of the Okawa Kingdom royal family.

The leader of the Yu family's army is also named Yu, and is called Yu Lian. He was originally just a personal guard of Yu Shen. Later, with the help of Fu Zhou, his strength was raised to the level of a pseudo-grandmaster and he became the leader of the Yu family's army.

There was anger in his eyes, and his eyes were full of determination.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

No matter how weird Yu Xiang's order is, he must obey it.

On the other side, Deng Yongle led an army that swarmed in from the Nanchuan City Gate, almost crushing the city gate.

The people of Nanchuan City had already hid in their homes, praying that this battle would pass quickly.

Deng Yongle was deeply influenced by Bai Yutian and would never harm ordinary people, so he led an army towards the palace.

Along the way, they also encountered many defeated remnants of the Nanchuan City defenders. Anyone who dared to continue to resist would be killed without mercy.

Deng Yongle was very fast and had already reached the palace in the blink of an eye.

As long as he captures the palace, he will completely defeat Nanchuan City.

Thinking that Kou Wang was now facing an army of 100,000 men, Deng Yongle felt heavy in his heart and couldn't help but speed up.


At this moment, an army of about a thousand people suddenly appeared from the palace in Nanchuan City and rushed towards Deng Yongle.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Deng Yongle frowned. Although the enemy army had almost no resistance, he did not take it lightly.

There have been many things that capsized in the gutter in history, and we should never be careless at any time.

Moreover, he knew that the army in front of him should be Dachuan Kingdom's last trump card in Nanchuan City, the Yu Family Army.

The Yu Jiajun broke away from the Nanchuan Wolf Army and claimed to be more powerful than the elite Wolf Army.

However, Deng Yongle had only heard about Yu Jiajun's power and had never seen Yu Jiajun on the battlefield.

This time, Dachuan Kingdom was at the end of its rope and had no choice but to send out the Yu Family Army.

The Northern Tiger Army led by Deng Yongle soon started fighting with the Yu Jiajun.

The Northern Tiger Army led by Deng Yongle still had tens of thousands of soldiers and could almost swamp the Yu Jiajun, but they were still held back by the Yu Jiajun.

Seeing this scene, Deng Yongle was shocked and his face became even more gloomy.

As expected of Yu Jiajun, he is really strong.

Deng Yongle had no time to sigh and immediately led the army to attack across the board.

At this moment, Julien suddenly stood out from the army and came towards Deng Yongle.

He understood that as long as Deng Yongle was killed and the Northern Tiger Army was leaderless, they would still have a chance.

However, two fierce generals immediately came out of the Northern Tiger Army and helped Deng Yongle stop Julien.

Naturally, they were no match for Julien and were repelled directly.

However, they also stopped Julien, causing his plan to fail.

Deng Yongle was also furious at this time. He fumbled for a pill from his armor. It was smooth and round, and it was the Spinner Pill.

After taking the Huanhuan Dan, Deng Yongle felt that earth-shaking changes had taken place in his body, and powerful power surged in.

He passed over the soldiers in front and rushed straight towards Julien.

Julien was overjoyed. He was worried about how to get close to Deng Yongle, but he saw Deng Yongle taking the initiative to attack him.


Julien picked up a giant ax from the ground. The powerful force caused the giant ax to swing in the air and strike at Deng Yongle.

At the same time, Julien's whole body's inner energy also attached to the giant axe, making the giant ax even more powerful, as if it could tear the air apart.

Deng Yongle's expression remained unchanged, he tightened his grip on the long knife, and without slowing down, he narrowed the distance between him and Julien.

Finally, the two approached and their weapons collided.

Deng Yongle's long knife was almost instantly thrown away by the giant axe, but the axe's power was still there and it struck Deng Yongle's shoulder.

Facing the attack of the giant axe, Deng Yongle did not dodge. At the same time, he drew out a short knife with his other hand and suddenly slashed it horizontally in front of him.

This knife brought out a brilliant line of blood.

Julien's smile froze on his face, the giant ax in his hand fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground covering his neck in disbelief.

Deng Yongle traded his injuries for his life, choosing to sacrifice an arm and kill Julien directly.

Previously, when Julien defeated two fierce generals with one move, Deng Yongle judged that Julien was very strong and had profound internal skills.

Therefore, he chose this method to get rid of Julien.

The wound on his shoulder was so deep that the bone could be seen, and a little more force could have caused his arm to fall off.

When Yu Jiajun saw Yu Lian being beheaded, he was instantly panicked.

It is true that they are elites, but there are too many enemies in front of them, and the main general has been killed. The blow to them can be imagined.

Finally, even Nanchuan City's last trump card, Yu Jiajun, was retreating steadily.

The Nanchuan City Imperial Palace was finally completely exposed to Deng Yongle and others.

The heavy palace gate did not stop Deng Yongle's steps, and they all rushed in.

Main hall.

A eunuch rushed in in a hurry and fell down in front of Yu Xiang.

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened. The Zhou army has attacked the palace."


"How is that possible!"

As soon as this statement came out, the officials were shocked.

Some people's minds began to waver, their eyes kept turning, thinking about countermeasures.

Some loyal supporters of the Yu family continued to advise Yu Xiang to leave and let him make a comeback.

After all, the Yu family has been rooted in Nanchuan Prefecture for hundreds of years. Even if they are rebelling now, they still have many staunch followers and supporters.

Yu Xiang yelled and overturned the table, but he could only be incompetent and furious.

"Wan Aiqing, please take all my heirs away and seek help from Fuzhou as much as possible."

His hairpin fell off and his long hair flew around, showing his loneliness.

From the beginning, his fate was doomed.

"Yes." Wancai knelt down and kowtowed.

He is truly loyal to his family and is a loyal supporter of his family.

But at this time, he had no choice but to save one by one.

In the main hall, many ministers began to run away, unwilling to die with Yu Xiang.

In the end, only four or five ministers and Yu Xiang were left in Nuo Da's hall.


The body of a Dachuan soldier hit the pillar of the main hall, and Deng Yongle finally attacked here.

He saw Yu Xiang, and Yu Xiang saw him.

"Yu Xiang, you have committed treason and rebellion. You have committed a heinous crime. Why don't you surrender quickly?"

Deng Yongle raised his long sword and pointed it directly at Xiang.

Unexpectedly, the first Zhou general to step into this place was Deng Yongle.

"Hahaha, I am the emperor of Dachuan Kingdom, and you are just ministers, so what qualifications do you have for me to surrender?"

From Yu Xiang's point of view, he was the emperor and the supreme being.

Even though we are outnumbered and outnumbered, we still have our own pride.

This chapter has been completed!
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