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Chapter 394: True and False Monks

Yongjing also heard the exclamations from the people around him, Your Majesty! Is this person the emperor?

But at this time, Yongjing had no time to think about it because his dagger was knocked away by Bai Yutian and was instead held hostage by Bai Yutian's sword.

"Old man, do you think I really didn't see your disguise?"

"It's incompatible with the atmosphere of this temple. I'm afraid you are a fake monk."

Bai Yutian's words were astonishing, and he dropped major news one after another.

Bai Yutian has seen real monks, the kind of people with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, who have the true charm of Buddhism.

For a person like Xiang Yongjing, who stays at Yuding Temple all year round and is in the company of Lan Xiang, it is impossible for him not to have the temperament of a monk.

Therefore, Bai Yutian began to doubt Yongjing as soon as he came in.

There was a hint of viciousness in Yongjing's eyes, and she looked like a killer.

A short thorn appeared on his other hand. He just started to attack Bai Yutian, but was overpowered by Zhao Chuxue and Yang Zizai who caught up, and the chance was completely lost.

"Bang!" Dugu was smart and closed the door directly to avoid causing a disturbance.

The only few monks from Yuding Temple in the room also looked at Bai Yutian with wary faces, ready to take action at any time.

There are also warrior monks in Yuding Temple, and their strength is not weak.

If Yuding Temple hadn't been competing for rankings all year round, it might have been able to compete for the top power in the world.

"Tell me, who are you, what is your identity, and where is the girl in the portrait?"

Bai Yutian stepped on Yongjing and asked several questions in succession.

Yongjing closed her mouth, looked aside, and refused to answer Bai Yutian's question.

Bai Yutian sneered, picked up the dagger that Yongjing had knocked off from the ground, and stabbed Yongjing directly in his thigh.

"Stop, there is no blood in this important place of Buddhism!" The surrounding monks roared angrily upon seeing this.

Bai Yutian looked over coldly, "I don't know if you are real monks. Yuding Temple is an important place for Buddhism. I hope you don't seek death."

It seems that they came to the right place today.

There is something unusual about this Jade Cauldron Temple.

Yongjing endured the pain and didn't want to speak, but Bai Yutian was decisive and pulled out the dagger and thrust it into his other thigh. The pain made him suck in cold air.

"Stop...stop, I said, I said..." Yongjing couldn't bear the pain and planned to confess.

Among the surrounding monks, someone suddenly jumped out and wanted to take Yongjing's life.

There was a coldness in Zhao Chuxue's eyes, and the inner energy surged out, the cold air whistling, directly blocking the man.

"I am from Fuzhou, and Yuding Temple was completely controlled by us ten years ago."

"As for the girl in the portrait, she was personally received by our host, and I don't know what to talk about."

Bai Yutian was shocked that he was Fuzhou again.

As expected, Fu Zhou did not let go of such delicious food as Yuding Temple.

I am afraid that many of the silver coins in Fuzhou came from Yuding Temple.

"Who is your host and what is his status in Fuzhou!"

This question made Yongjing hesitate a little, as if he didn't want to speak.

However, Bai Yutian decisively pulled out the dagger and stabbed Yongjing's palm, causing his face to twitch.

"I don't know the host's name, but I know he is one of the four golden-robed protectors."

The four golden-robed protectors are on the same level as the four great envoys of Tianjia. They may have entered the realm of destiny.

Even Zhao Chuxue and others are no match.

Bai Yutian's eyes were cold. He didn't expect to find such a big fish after searching for Di Ke.

But, why do Fuzhou people want to see Di Ke?

Zhao Chuxue came over and asked Bai Yutian for instructions, "Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. We should ask Tailin City for help."

They can imagine how powerful the golden-robed protectors are, but they are still a bit reluctant.

"No, if we interrogate this person today, I'm afraid we've aroused their vigilance. By the time Tailin City sends someone over, I'm afraid the people from Yuding Temple will have already escaped."

Bai Yutian had long wanted to eliminate Tianjia and Fuzhou, but now that he had met Fuzhou's golden-robed protector, he certainly didn't want to let them go.

"But!" Zhao Chuxue was very worried. She just wanted to ensure Bai Yutian's safety.

On the other hand, Dugu Sheng was young and vigorous, showing his sharp edge, and said quickly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely help your Majesty capture the abbot of Yuding Temple."

I am afraid that if Dugu Sheng really understood the strength of the Golden Robe Protector, he would not boast so highly.

"Is she still in Yuding Temple now?" Bai Yutian asked.

"He is, he should still be there." Yongjing said tremblingly.

Bai Yutian grabbed Yongjing and said, "Take us to find the host."

Yongjing's appearance was extremely miserable, and as soon as he came outside, he caused huge commotion.

People gathered around and pointed at Yongjing one after another, not understanding what happened.

This chapter has been completed!
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