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Chapter 467

In the arena of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the only three sects that can take advantage of the top forces are the Hidden Sword Villa, Lingyun Sect, and Qianshan Sect.

In response to this, there has long been an undercurrent in the world, and countless small and medium-sized forces are planning to compete for the position of this top force.

Although the Martial Arts Academy is the holy land of martial arts in the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is in a neutral position in the world.

Therefore, the struggle between Jianghu and Jianghu has never weakened.

After announcing these things, Bai Yutian also felt a little tired, so he came to the harem.

Yun Qing, Yan Yumeng and others had been waiting in the harem for a long time. After seeing Bai Yutian, they immediately rushed forward and surrounded Bai Yutian.

Looking at Yun Qing and others' eyes like hungry tigers pouncing on prey, Bai Yutian also smiled helplessly.

In the end, Bai Yutian decided to accompany Yun Qing first, which made all the concubines roll their eyes.

After all, Yun Qing is the queen and has absolute majesty in the harem.

It's okay for everyone to have a small fight, but they still have to understand the situation clearly.

In the Tai Chi Hall, an indescribable scene was playing out, and bursts of blushing and heart-pounding sounds were heard.

Before that, Bai Yutian also went to meet the two little guys Yun Qi and Yun Shu.

These two little guys missed Bai Yutian so much that they hugged them and kissed them.

Not seeing each other for a long time, Yun Qing was also obedient to Bai Yutian and did exactly what Bai Yutian said, making Bai Yutian have a good time.

At this time, Yun Qing's delicate body loomed in the dark room, making people's blood boil.

One night passed.

In the early morning, Yun Qing was still sleeping soundly.

Yesterday, Bai Yutian gave Yun Qing a hard time, but Yun Qing also completely relied on Bai Yutian, without any precautions, showing her gentleness and wisdom.

At this time, Bai Yutian looked at Yun Qing's delicate face and felt a little distressed.

Nobility and delicacy, gentleness and consideration are all reflected in a woman.

After Bai Yutian left Tai Chi Hall, he went to the court to discuss matters.

Bai Yutian had been away from home for more than half a year, and the imperial study was almost full with memorials.

Led by Yuncheng and Yan Chong, the ministers began to report on various state affairs, including the implementation of the order issued by Bai Yutian yesterday.

Nanchuan and other places had long been recovered by the Zhou Dynasty, and due to the brutality of Yu Xiang's rule, the locals had a strong sense of belonging to the Zhou Dynasty.

Even some people who were disgusted with the rule of the Zhou Dynasty and were even forced to go to Nanchuan by the Zhou Dynasty now felt the changes in the Zhou Dynasty. The people's lives gradually improved, and these people also gradually changed their view of the Zhou Dynasty.

However, the people in Yuzhou and other places did not obey the Zhou Dynasty very much, and there were some soldiers and civilians who were seriously brainwashed by Gu Chengxuan, Shi Wanlang and others. They hated the Zhou Dynasty deeply and it was difficult to change in a short time.

Fortunately, these people are only a small number and pose no threat to Dazhou.

Anyway, Zhou's achievements are real. Now that the rebels have been eliminated, these people will have to surrender sooner or later.

Bai Yutian nodded. Now it seems that the imperial court's execution ability is still good, at least much stronger than before.

Moreover, corruption and other problems have been reduced a lot. With Yuncheng Longwei and others supervising and managing, there is no way these officials would dare to go too far.

In the next few days, Bai Yutian has been dealing with various state affairs.

In addition to Yunqing Yan Yumeng, Bai Yutian also favored several concubines who had been in the harem for a long time.

The original owner of Bai Yutian's body had average abilities, and was too seduced by Gu Lianxi, so he ignored his concubine at all.

Now, it just happened to make Bai Yutian addicted.

I don’t know what’s going on, but the news of being pregnant with Ryuko has been spreading frequently in the harem, all in the past few days.

Originally, the royal family had only a few members, but now many members have been added to it, and it can be said to be very prosperous.

Bai Yutian was also very excited about this, and directly ordered the whole country to celebrate, reduce taxes, and issued a series of preferential policies.

Especially for business, Bai Yutian strongly supports it to promote economic prosperity.

To this end, Bai Yutian implemented reforms and established a larger market to make the Great Zhou trade more prosperous.

Moreover, roads throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty are connected, making the connections between various places closer.

These things were all done by the Ministry of Works. Shen Yuxing had nothing to do, but it made Li Zhengkang very busy.

Shen Yuxing was immersed in research and turned his back on what was going on outside the window, so Li Zhengkang could only take matters into his own hands.

And because of what happened last time, Li Zhengkang did not dare to slack off in his duties.

In order to build roads, Bai Yutian even mobilized most of Dazhou to get Dazhou into action and began a vigorous development.

This chapter has been completed!
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