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Chapter 537

Just as Jing Ling said, Li Chu's more than 10,000 people were not used in vain.

You know, they still have no good way to deal with Li Chu, who is good at waterways.

Now that they had just won a great victory, it was a great time to pursue the barbarians. They must not leave Li Ju as a threat.

Therefore, Kou Zaixiong still agreed to Li Chu's request to surrender.

However, he did not go to see Li Chu in person.

Li Chu had killed many of his soldiers before, so it's good that Kou Zaixiong didn't have the heart to kill him.

Soon, news of the great victory ahead reached Bai Yutian.

After Bai Yutian heard the news, he was very excited and quickly ordered Jing Ling and others to continue moving forward and regain the lost ground.

The northern barbarians occupied a total of eight states in the Great Zhou Dynasty, covering the entire Monan and Mobei.

The victory of this battle directly allowed Zhou to take back the entire Monan.

Afterwards, Jing Ling led the army to continue marching towards the north, trying to take back Mobei as well.

Kou Zaixiong followed closely behind and set out with Jing Ling.

Li Jie's more than 10,000 people were directly placed in the vanguard team.

Li Chu had nothing to do about this. It was good for him to temporarily save his life.

After surviving this time, he might even be able to enter the Zhou court.

After Jing Ling and others set off forward, the rear army led by Bai Yutian also advanced ahead.

This time, they will work together to regain all the lost territory so that the northern barbarians will never dare to go south.

"Tang He, Fan Yonghao."

"I'm here!"

When they heard Bai Yutian calling their names, the two of them quickly stood up and waited for Bai Yutian's instructions.

"You two will lead the dragon and tiger troops, start from the trail and attack the enemy directly."


After several days of traveling, Bai Yutian and others were close to the location of the barbarians.

Bai Yutian also planned to take the initiative and deal some blows to the barbarians.

Tang He and Fan Yonghao were extremely excited. They followed Bai Yutian all the way here, and now they can finally go to the battlefield.

The two people agreed quickly, and after making some preparations, they set off with the Dragon and Tiger Army.

The Dragon Tiger Army is the first elite special force formed by Bai Yutian, and currently only has a thousand members.

But in Bai Yutian's heart, these thousand people are enough to rival thousands of troops.

The equipment used by the Dragon Tiger Army led by Tang He and Fan Yonghao is the most advanced equipment currently in the Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, each person is equipped with a small musket.

If you encounter danger, you can use a gun to save the day.

In addition, the war horses they ride are also the top level of current war horses in Dazhou, and have been carefully selected many times.

Soon, Tang He and Fan Yonghao discovered traces of the barbarian army.

This is a group of remnant defeated generals, probably only about 8,000 people.

They were separated from the main army and planned to return directly to Jin Lie Kingdom from here and then regroup.

"Damn it, why is Zhou's army so powerful this time?"

"The Zhou army defeated the Shanu Kingdom twice before. How could it be that simple?"

"Anyway, we have suffered heavy losses this time. I don't know if we can hold on in the future."

"I think we should just withdraw back to the country, otherwise, it will be too dangerous outside."

After the previous battle, many barbarian soldiers no longer had the will to fight.

Facing the Zhou soldiers, they already had fear in their hearts.

At this moment, dust was flying in the distance, and there was a burst of exclamation from the barbarian army.

When the dust settled, they realized that it was the Zhou army that came.

This frightened the barbarian army into panic, their formation was scattered, and almost all of them fled.

However, the general leading the barbarian army stopped the panic of these people with a wave of his hand.

"What are you afraid of? There are only a thousand people on the other side."

"Now that they meet us, it's them who deserve to die."

After hearing the general's words, the barbarian soldiers calmed down.

After seeing that the number of Zhou's troops was indeed only about a thousand, his face showed the joy of surviving a disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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