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Chapter 99 This person is really talented

When the wine enters the heart, three-thirds of the roar turns into madness, and the remaining seven-tenths create the scene of Minghu Lake. There is no such arrogant person in the world.

Bai Yutian suddenly felt as if he had really become a poet.

Of course, if he really writes poetry, it is still a bit reluctant given his current level.

However, drink also stimulated his talents.

The road to the rise of the Great Zhou Dynasty is long and arduous. Now we have defeated Shan Nu, regained a state, and eliminated the Gu family.

However, Dazhou still suffered from internal and external troubles and many problems.

Even behind Bai Yutian, there seemed to be a mysterious big hand urging him.

At this time, Bai Yutian no longer cared about thinking so much. After pouring the wine, Bai Yutian wiped his mouth and began to recite poems.

"When will the bright moon come?"

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine.

I don’t know what year it is today in the palace in the sky.

I want to ride the wind back home, but I'm afraid it's too cold in the high places.

Dance and figure out the shadow, how does it seem to be in the human world?

Turn around the Zhu Pavilion and look down at the Qihu. The light will make you sleepless.

There shouldn't be any hatred, so what's the point of being reunited when we say goodbye? People have joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, and the moon waxes and wanes. This has never been the case in ancient times.

I hope that we will live forever and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart."

This is Su Shi's Shui Tune song, but Bai Yutian removed the first line, since he was not using it to commemorate someone anyway.

However, even if he didn't point out someone, he still expressed his nostalgia.

When he finished the poem, the surroundings immediately became silent.

After a moment, thunderous applause broke out.

They didn't expect that Bai Yutian, who seemed ordinary, could actually write such a literary poem.

When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine. It’s really wonderful.

Zhao Chuxue and others looked at Bai Yutian in shock, and even Zhao Chuxue's eyes were full of admiration.

"Hey, this man is so good at poetry. What a poem." Zhu Ke stood up excitedly and said to the person next to him.

Although he expected that Bai Yutian was not simple, he did not expect that the other person would be Wang Zha as soon as he opened his mouth and write such a beautiful and good poem.

Zhu Ke's eyes shone brightly. He, who had not participated in the poetry fight, wished he could join in immediately.

However, the rule of the poetry competition is that once both parties start a poetry competition, no one can join again.

Zhu Ke thought about this poem over and over again. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this poem was really excellent, so he quickly had it recorded.

And someone on Bai Yutian's boat had already recorded the poems Bai Yutian recited.

The person who recorded it was none other than Zhao Chuxue.

Not only Zhu Ke and others, but also Xu Sheng, Fan Jin and others who were against Bai Yutian were stunned.

The level of this poem has almost reached their highest level.

Even if they wanted to write this poem, they couldn't do it in a moment.

"Don't worry, this person must have composed this poem a long time ago, but he just said it now." Xu Sheng quickly comforted everyone.

Just one poem has already had a serious impact on their morale.

"Yes, yes, don't panic, everyone, let's think of a way to deal with it quickly."

Several people were thinking crazily in their minds, thinking about lyrics that could rival Mingyue.

“A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without any blind date.

Raising glasses to the bright moon, facing each other into three people.

The moon doesn't know how to drink, and its shadow follows me.

For now, the moon will be shadowed, and we must have fun until spring.

My singing moon lingers, my dancing shadows are in confusion.

They make love together when they are awake, but they separate when they are drunk.

We will travel together forever, and we will meet again in Miao Yunhan."

Before everyone could recover from the bright moon, Bai Yutian immediately composed another song called "Drinking Alone Under the Moon".

"Wonderful! Use the moon as your friend, sing to the wine, and enjoy yourself in time! I feel not lonely from the loneliness. Now I am even more curious about who Mr. Huang is." Zhu Ke said with his eyes twinkling.

This feeling made Zhu Ke seem to have found a soulmate.

Although he is one of the four great talents in Qizhou City, many people don't know that he is also lonely, walking alone, and it is very cold at high places.

On the other side, Zhao Chuxue was already intoxicated. This was the first time she had seen Bai Yutian's literary talents after spending such a long time together.

It can be said that she was conquered by Bai Yutian immediately.

Thinking about it now, Bai Yutian might not even be able to see his so-called talents.

"Everyone, hold on, this must be a poem he wrote in advance." Xu Sheng continued.

But everyone could also tell that Xu Sheng's voice clearly lacked confidence and was even a bit harsh.

Before they could come up with the poem "How to Deal with the Moon", Bai Yutian immediately recited the next poem.

Raising glasses to the bright moon, facing each other into three people.

This sentence made the talented and beautiful people around me continue to ponder and feel the charm of it.

"Wine will be served."

“If you don’t see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea never to return.

Don't you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening.

If you are happy in life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden cup stand empty against the moon.

It is my nature that my talents will be useful, and I will come back to you after all my wealth has been spent.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time.

Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, is about to drink wine, but don’t stop drinking..."

The momentum on the field had not stopped yet. After Bai Yutian poured down a jar of wine, he continued to sing "Jianjin Wine".

"Bah." Zhao Chuxue didn't notice that the pen she was writing poetry with had broken.

And she was immersed in the artistic conception of this poem.

Not only Zhao Chuxue, but also the people around her looked shocked and admired each other.

"I was born with talents that will be useful, hahaha, I understand, I will not despair." Someone couldn't help but roared, broke the silence, grabbed a jar of wine, and poured it into his mouth.

Xu Sheng on the other side was completely panicked at this moment, "No, he definitely did it in advance, in advance."

However, even if he said this, everyone present would be moved.

Even though it was written in advance, this poem is absolutely unprecedented.

In fact, no one in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty may be able to make it.

They wanted to fight back, but found that they could not fight back at all. Their lips moved, but they could not say a word.

Everyone felt that no matter what kind of poem they wrote, it would destroy the artistic conception at this time.

However, Bai Yutian's poems still did not stop.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the second jar of wine, took a deep breath, and started reciting poetry again.

"Mountain Dwelling in Autumn Darkness."

“After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late in autumn.

The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring flows over the rocks.

The bamboo noise returns to Huan Nu, and the lotus leaves move off the fishing boat.

Let the spring fragrance rest at will, and the king and grandson can stay."

At this time, Bai Yutian is like a poetry machine, constantly uttering poems.

Moreover, every poem is shocking. In terms of the brilliance of the poems, every one of them can sit firmly in the top of the poetry competition.

In fact, because Bai Yutian was included in the Poetry Competition, other people's poetry competitions seemed so ridiculous that they were not worth mentioning.

Xu Sheng and others were already numb. They knew that they had lost. They hadn't spoken yet, but they had already lost.

How can this compare, but the poem "The Wine Will Come in" and "When Will There Be a Bright Moon" have already defeated them all, not to mention other poems.

Zhu Ke's whole body was numb at this time. He gently shook his folding fan and said, "This man is really a great talent."

This chapter has been completed!
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