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Chapter 43 Sweep

  Since the last wave of the red side had already demolished the enemy's two outer towers in the middle, this time the team destroyed the opponent and allowed them to easily destroy the middle crystal with their troops.

The resurrected Draven came out to take a look at the situation. As a result, Jin Chenglu was very irritable and directly flashed up and stepped on the second step under the incisor tower and dropped Draven.

This time the red side simply refuses to move and is ready to bulldoze the opponent.

Although other members of the blue side were resurrected one after another, no one could even touch the corners of Vayne's clothes without flashing. The team battle that was forcibly fought in the front tooth tower was harvested by Vayne again. Blue

Se Fang was wiped out again.

 “Come on, come on! Brother, stop trying. Let the kid on the other side see what it means to retaliate.”

Jiang Daying said hello and just in time to dismantle the front tooth tower, everyone on the red side stood in line at the entrance of the opponent's spring.


The heads of the five people's heads lit up at the same time with Poro's naughty expressions. Although the tongues sticking out of the grimacing faces looked funny, it was probably a bit dazzling to the Yanda team.

 Last time, they had done the same thing to their opponents.

They also understand the principle of change of fortune, but isn't it turning too fast?

At the scene, the members of the Seoul National University E-Sports Club were finally proud and proud, returning the humiliation of their opponents. This is definitely one of the joys of life.

 “Great job! Just humiliate these guys.”

 “Yo ho! Let’s see who is being humiliated?”

 “Don’t push! Wait for them to revive and then kill them for two more rounds.”

On the field, after the red side showed its expression, it did not hesitate to continue to abuse the fountain. After venting its anger, it pushed back the enemy's base.

 Seoul National University led 1:0 and reached the match point.

 In the second game, Yanda, who chose the red side, banned Lin Cheng's Sword Girl as soon as he came up.

They also discovered that this hero was not easy to use in their hands. In the last game, Lin Cheng's E flash general entered the field and Sword Girl nailed the wall, which was the turning point of the situation.

Moreover, Yanda continued to ban Vayne and Qinggangying after banning Sword Girl.

The opponent's ban method made Seoul National University a little confused. Although Lin Cheng's Vayne performed very well in the last round, how could anyone ban it like this in the first round?

Judging from this Blue Steel Shadow, is the opponent still planning to play top laner Ornn?

With such doubts, the blue side first locked down the heroes in other positions and prepared to see the situation.

  Unfortunately, the opponent looked like he was taking on Ornn, but he did not reveal the top lane hero for a long time. Instead, he gave the last counter position to the top laner.

An Shengyan is in a bit of a dilemma now. The opponent's move is obviously Ornn, but he is afraid that if he plays Ornn first, Lin Cheng will use a long-handed hero to crush him, so he has been reluctant to play the top lane.

In Lin Cheng's hero pool, there are many heroes who can suppress Ornn, but few can suppress Ornn like Vayne in the previous one.

 What he has to consider is not the peaceful development of himself and the opponent. Obviously, Lin Cheng's teammates cannot stand up to the mix between the two sides on the top lane. He must have an advantage on the top to block the hole below.

Although he wants to gain an advantage, Lin Cheng can't draw something like Lucian first on the blue side, and besides, he doesn't like this hero very much.

Of course Jayce can go out first, but the opponent has already produced a jungle spider in the first round, and he is afraid that Jayce will take out the entire top laner on the opponent's side. It will not be easy for the two of them to train Jayce.

The same is true for Kennan. The Electric Mouse is very flexible, and there is no way to resist when the crocodile flashes up to cooperate with the spider's grabbing.

 Let alone an orphan hero like Sword Girl, it makes no sense for the blue side to play this hero first.

An Shengyan suggested that he play Riven. Lin Cheng's Riven was very cool. In her opinion, there was room for maneuver with Crocodile and Spider on the opposite side.

But to be honest, the opponent's support is Tau Tau, which will make it difficult for Riven to enter the field, and if the opponent backhands Ornn, Riven will not put much pressure on Ornn.

After careful consideration, Lin Cheng asked his teammates to help lock down Silas. This hero is relatively versatile, and Lin Cheng is confident that he will have an advantage no matter what the opponent's backhand plays.

 The most important thing is that Lin Cheng is very greedy for the opponent's ultimate move.

The red side spent a long time wandering among Crocodile and Ornn, and finally locked Ornn and Lin Cheng to go on the road.

Although Lin Cheng didn't find a chance to kill Ornn alone in the early stage of this game, his army line and health were suppressed very well, and he didn't give the spider a chance to catch him.

On the contrary, after reaching level six, Lin Cheng stole Ornn's ultimate move when he was pressing the line and found an opportunity to TP to the bottom lane.

Gao Yaohan in the bottom lane was still the same. He was pushed out of the lane with EZ, and he was pushed under the tower with Jhin.

However, the opponent's duo's crazy push gave Lin Cheng a chance to bypass the TP. Silas came down and directly called the sheep to keep the two of them, and cooperated with his teammates to wildly wave the chains to win a double kill.

 As he levels up and becomes more equipped, Sylas puts more and more pressure on Ornn in the top lane.

And Lin Cheng's style of play is not unique at all. After pressing Ornn under the tower, Silas went into the jungle, covering Jiang Daying's counterattack while also supporting Jin Chenglu in the middle.

The spider in the middle lane cooperated with Clockwork to gank a wave of Jin Chenglu's Zoe, but they did not expect that Lin Cheng happened to be crouching in the grass above the river. The two of them were directly caught by Lin Cheng, and they were both killed in the middle lane.

 In this way, Lin Cheng's Silas forcefully radiated his advantage on the top lane to the entire top half, and the blue side's top, middle and junglers each took the lead in the matchup.

The spider who couldn't do anything became more and more anxious. He entered the field alone without the cover of his teammates. As a result, Jiang Daying's prince squatted down and cooperated with Zoe who came to support to complete the kill.

 The situation on the field is slowly tilting towards the blue side.

Finally, taking advantage of the period when Silas was unable to steal Ornn's ultimate move, the red side seized the opportunity in the 18th minute to force the opponent to start a big battle with themselves in the river.

 But what the people in Yanda didn’t expect was that Sylas without Ornn’s ultimate move would be even more powerful.

When Lin Cheng's teammates were activated by Ornn's ultimate move, Lin Cheng stole the Bull Head ultimate move with his backhand and counterattacked. The 65% damage reduction provided by the second level of firm will made the conqueror Silas who entered the field look like a god of war, waving iron.

Chain killed seven in and seven out in the opponent's formation.

 Lin Cheng’s equipment itself is very good. If you run over an opponent head-on, you won’t be able to deal with him at all. Lin Cheng’s teammates will be doing crazy output to compensate for the damage.

 In the end, this wave of team battles initiated by the red side ended with the red side's team annihilation. Lin Cheng even still had more than half of his health after the final battle.

After such a morale-damaging wave of team battles, the students from Yanda seemed to be mentally shattered. Inexplicably, one of them was captured and then Calabash saved his grandpa and was beaten out of the team again.

 Seoul National University followed the trend and ended the game in one wave.

No one expected that Yanda, which was originally regarded as the strongest team before the game, was swept in the finals.

This chapter has been completed!
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