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0131 Erya

On the second day of Shangyuan Festival, which is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the dictionary compilation team of Zixiaoguan officially started work.

There was no ribbon-cutting or leadership speech. The only ceremony was that Chen Jingke officially named the small courtyard used by the editorial team.

Erya Courtyard, a very simple name.

"Erya" is China's first dictionary, so it is appropriate to be named after it.

There is nothing more after that, everyone is acquaintances, just start working directly according to the plan discussed before.

However, considering that dictionary editing has a larger workload and requires a better organization and clearer division of labor to ensure that tasks are carried out in an orderly manner, Chen Jingke clarified his duties for the first time.

"I shamelessly take on the role of editor-in-chief. Do you have any objections?"

"Don't dare."

"Don't dare? That means you have an opinion in your heart. Oh, how sad."

"Haha..." Everyone burst into laughter.

To liven up the atmosphere, Chen Jingke continued: "Yihe serves as the deputy editor-in-chief, and I will be fully responsible for the dictionary compilation work when I am away."

Yihe stood up and made a cross-hand salute like a man, and said: "Thank you, Master, and I hope you can support me a lot."

Needless to say, everyone certainly supported her.

Chen Jingke added: "Mrs. Wu will serve as the general advisor, and all matters related to knowledge must be based on her opinion."

Wu Shu didn't say anything, but stood up and made a Wanfu salute.

Naturally, everyone would not have any different opinions. After only two days of contact, they were already impressed by the Queen. Whether it was knowledge, knowledge or scheming, they were crushed in all aspects.

Afterwards, he appointed two team leaders to assist Yihe in his work.

Once the organizational structure is settled, the work will officially begin.

With the information and foundation left behind when marking pinyin before, everyone got started quickly and it was almost seamless.

However, there are many more reference books this time than last time.

When marking pinyin, there were only two reference books, Yupian and Qieyun. This time, the reference books except Erya, Shuowenjiezi, Yupian, Qieyun and other dictionaries are included.

It also includes the Nine Classics, The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Tao Te Ching, Nan Hua Jing, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Guan Zi, Han Feizi and more than ten classics of Confucianism and Taoism on the art of war.

Moreover, Chen Jingke used all the annotated editions of Hongwenkan or Sun Simiao's annotated editions, for reasons that need not be mentioned.

There are very few people who can read through so many books, and those who have studied them all can say that there are none. Yihe and others have basically only read one or two books.

This highlights the advantages of education from wealthy families. Wu Shu has read all the Nine Classics, as well as the Analects of Confucius and the Tao Te Ching. It is just a thorough reading, which does not count as a deep study.

But now she doesn't need to do in-depth research, nor is she annotating these classics. She is just collecting and summarizing the meaning of each word in different situations. What is needed more is patience.

Of course, the deeper you understand these classics, the faster and more accurate your collection will be, but their conditions are just that, and you can't be too demanding.

Faced with this situation, Wu Shu, as general counsel, put forward his first suggestion:

"Distribute these classics equally to everyone, read them through first, and then each person is only responsible for the parts related to the books they have learned."

"This can not only increase speed, reduce mistakes, but also reduce everyone's pressure."

This suggestion was naturally unanimously approved by everyone, so everyone selected classics based on their hobbies and what they had learned before.

Study these classics while sorting all the characters in pinyin order first.

While he was busy compiling the dictionary, Pan Shizheng visited Sun Simiao alone.

"Junior Brother Pan, please sit down." Sun Simiao was not surprised at all by his appearance, as if he had already guessed that he would come.

Pan Shizheng also knew that his purpose could not be hidden from others. After sitting down, he said with emotion: "The biggest shock I have received in this life was brought to me by senior brother and senior nephew Chen."

"You guys let me know what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world."

Sun Simiao said modestly: "Junior Brother Pan is overrated. I am only a few years older than you. I am lucky enough to have a good disciple."

He said this sincerely, and he was indeed lucky enough to meet Chen Jingke and achieve what he has today.

Master and apprentice complement each other more.

But to the uninformed Pan Shizheng, it seemed to Sun Simiao that he was extremely humble, and he said with admiration: "I only admired one person before, and that was my master, but now I have another senior brother."

Sun Simiao said: "Mr. Shengxuan is also someone I admire, and I dare not compare him with him."

Neither of them were ordinary people, so they didn't exchange too many pleasantries. They exchanged a few words and then got down to business.

Pan Shizheng said solemnly: "Senior brother must have guessed my purpose of coming."

Seeing Sun Simiao nod, he continued: "I admire senior brother's ideals and ambitions very much, and I am also willing to participate in this grand event."

"However, I am not alone. I am responsible for the rise and fall of the entire Maoshan sect. This matter is so important that I have to be cautious."

"So I have a few questions that I want to ask clearly before I can make a decision. I hope that my senior brother will forgive me for any conflicts and answer me honestly."

Sun Simiao said seriously: "It's okay. If you think about it, I would be as cautious as Junior Brother Pan. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Pan Shizheng asked the first question: "How does senior brother view the various branches of Taoism?"

Sun Simiao said: "It's just some minor differences arising from different understandings of Tao. This does not affect the fact that Taoism in the world is one family."

"My disciple said something in the book Journey to the West: red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaf, the three religions are one family."

"Because of this sentence, when the saints in Zixiao Palace perform the Dharma, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun will help Daode Tianzun win and gain the opportunity to come down to earth to preach."

"Three Pure Ones are one, one is prosperous, one is prosperous, and one is devastated. This is my view on the various sects of Taoism."

Pan Shizheng heard another deeper meaning, Zixiaoguan only innovated but did not take power.

As long as each sect accepts the spiritual system created by the Daomen Illustrated Scripture, it will still be the affairs of each family in the future, and Zixiaoguan will not interfere in other people's housework.

Naturally, he was very satisfied with this answer. What he feared most was that the Zixiao Guan Party would work together to eliminate dissidents and try to attack all factions.

"My second question is whether the imperial court and the saints support your innovation, and if so, how vigorously they will do it."

Sun Simiao did not answer directly, but asked: "You must have heard about what happened on the Imperial City Tower the night before yesterday, right?"

Master Pan nodded. Although he had been living in seclusion in Zixiaoguan, he was very aware of the goings-on in the outside world.

The queen almost announced the marriage in public, so naturally he had heard of such explosive news.

At the same time, I also understood what Sun Simiao meant. The emperor had even married his own princess, so his support would naturally not be small.

"I would also like to congratulate senior brother in advance on the fact that my disciple has become the legitimate princess."

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "It's too early, too early. We'll wait until His Majesty's decree comes down. What's your third question?"

Pan Shizheng said solemnly: "Who is your disciple? He is worthy of your majesty and empress paying so much attention to him."


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