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0143 Deceive the master and destroy the ancestors

"How can this be unreasonable? What can Zixiao Guan, Sun Simiao and others want to do? To slander my Immortality Pill like this." Danyangzi said with both anger and fear.

He is the master of Danyun Temple at Chaoyang Peak in Huashan Mountain and a well-known alchemist. His specialty is Five Stone Powder. With this elixir, he has become the guest of many powerful people.

Danyunguan was built for him at the expense of several powerful people, with the purpose of keeping him to practice alchemy.

It can be said that everything he has now is obtained by relying on the Five Stone Powder and the Immortality Pill. This innovation of Zixiaoguan directly broke his foundation.

Those who funded him have expressed doubts. After all, everyone is generally more willing to believe Sun Simiao.

When he thought about what would happen if his lies were exposed, he felt panicked.

However, after being a liar for so long, his psychological quality is very strong. He immediately calmed down and wrote back to those benefactors:

I am different from those coquettish bitches. I am a descendant of Baopuzi, a true alchemist with a heritage. Five Stone Powder is an ancient prescription.

Sun Simiao is indeed a brilliant doctor, but he only has research on treating diseases and saving people, and knows nothing about Changsheng. That's why he said such ridiculous things. Don't believe him.

I recently made a new breakthrough in alchemy, and I will soon be able to refine a better elixir of longevity. Everyone is waiting for my good news.

He wrote several letters in succession to temporarily stabilize the benefactor, and then hurriedly sent his trusted disciple Yun Qi to see Meng Chunzi.

Meng Chunzi is one of the stewards of the Maoshan Sect. He is the same generation as Master Pan and is also an authentic master of the Alchemy Sect.

The two met and chatted quite speculatively because of Dan. They often exchanged letters and their relationship was quite good. Dan Yangzi just came to him to inquire about the situation and at the same time see if they could join forces to resist Sun Simiao.

Yun Qi also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he rushed to Maoshan and returned soon.

"Master, Meng Chunzi refused to see me, and I didn't even enter the Maoshan sect's door. They Zhike disciples also said... and said..."

"What else are you talking about?" Danyangzi asked, suppressing his panic.

Yun Qi whispered: "I also said that you are a wild Taoist priest who wants to climb the high branches of Maoshan Sect."

Danyangzi's eyebrows stood up and he shouted angrily: "Meng Chunzi, I am incompatible with you."

But he knew very well that anger could not solve any problems, and he knew even more that he was in danger.

As a professional liar, he showed extremely high qualities, but said calmly on the surface: "Since Meng Chunzi doesn't know how to praise, there is no need to save face for the Maoshan sect as a teacher."

"I have contacted many experts from the alchemy sect. In the next few days, we will all denounce Sun Simiao and others. We must destroy their reputations."

"Go and comfort the disciples in the temple and tell them not to panic. The sky will not fall."

Yun Qi's nervous expression eased and he said: "Yes, I wish the master a successful victory."

Later, Danyangzi personally came out to comfort the disciples, telling them not to worry. The prestige of the temple master came into play at this moment, and the panicked disciples in the temple calmed down.

After finishing all this, he locked himself in the house in the name of studying the flaws of the New Alchemy Sutra.

During this period, Yun Qi came several times to report on the situation in the temple. He was finally relieved to see that he was indeed studying the Alchemy Sutra with great concentration and had written many manuscripts.

It was not until dinner in the evening that Danyangzi walked out of the room with a happy expression on his face. Everyone was also happy and quickly asked if the research had yielded results.

Danyangzi pretended to be mysterious and said: "It cannot be said. You will know when the time comes."

The more he behaves like this, the more people believe that he has made a major discovery, and they feel more relieved. Gu Chui

In the evening, he personally went to the courtyard and told the patrolling disciples: "In the recent troubled times, in order to prevent accidents, you should work harder to avoid being broken into by bad guys."

The disciples were very excited and expressed that they would definitely guard the Taoist temple.

The fact is that no matter how many slogans you shout, it is useless. In the middle of the night, those who should be lazy will still be lazy, and those who should sleep will still sleep.

In the dead of night, the door of Danyangzi's room was opened a crack. A figure squeezed out from inside, it was Danyangzi who was wearing casual clothes and carrying a package on his back.

I saw him arriving at the back door with ease, and found that the gatekeeper had already died in his sleep.

In the past, he would have called the person up and punished him severely, but now he was very happy that the other person was lazy.

He took out the key and opened the lock, opened the back door through a gap and got out.

Just as he was carefully closing the courtyard door, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink, and half a steel knife stretched out from behind and was placed on his neck.

His body suddenly froze.

Then a familiar voice came: "Master Danyangzi, where do you want to go dressed like this in the middle of the night?"

Hearing this voice, his heart sank directly into the deep end. This was Cui Fu, his biggest financial backer.

From this surname, you can guess that his identity is not simple, and he is indeed no ordinary person, a branch of the Bolingcui family.

Danyangzi cried secretly in his heart but did not give up the struggle. He turned around cautiously. When he saw a dozen people standing behind him, surrounded from all sides, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

Qiang smiled and said: "Why did Cui Langjun appear in Xiaoguan at this time? It's really..."

Cui Fu sneered and said, "You didn't expect that, did you? If I don't show up today, I'm afraid I'll never have the chance to see you again."

Danyangzi sneered and said: "What is Cui Langjun talking about? Why can't I understand it? I'm in the temple. If you want to see me, you can just say hello. Why bother..."

Cui Fu's face turned cold and he shouted: "Shut up. Why did I come? We all know what you want to do with this costume, so there is no need to fight to the death."

I don't know if he was angry or something else, but after saying these words, he was breathing slightly, his face turned blue and red with sweat stains, and his eyelids and hands were trembling slightly.

Danyangzi's legs went weak and almost fell to the ground. He held on and said, "May I ask Cui Langjun why he is like this? Is it because of Sun Simiao's words? I have already explained in the letter that he is talking nonsense."

"I have contacted many alchemy experts to condemn him together, and you will be able to see it soon."

Cui Fu sarcastically said: "If you don't give up, didn't you go to the Maoshan sect to seek help from Meng Chunzi and were rejected? Come and tell me, who are your so-called masters of alchemy? Could it be that they are wild Taoists who don't have temples to watch?"

Danyangzi's heart moved. Only his disciple Yunqi knew about Meng Chunzi. Where did Cui Fu hear about it? Could it be...

Thinking of this, he quickly looked around, and sure enough, he saw his most trusted disciple Yun Qi in the shadows behind the crowd.

He still didn't know what happened, and said with splitting eyes, "Yun Qi, you beast, you actually betrayed me."

Yun Qi was a little scared at first, but then he said angrily: "Bah, you are an old beast. You actually want to leave so many people in the temple and run away alone. Do you still have a conscience?"

Danyangzi was so angry that he trembled all over and said, "Aren't you... afraid of thunder from the sky?"

Cui Fu was not in the mood to listen to his master's scolding, and shouted: "I don't know if he will be struck by lightning, but I know you will definitely die a bad death."

"Take him away, I want him to taste what it means to cut off children and grandchildren, and what it means to tear out one's heart."

This chapter has been completed!
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