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0150 Li Tai’s Little Rebellion

Household registration is not something you can just do if you want to. Even if the country promulgates relevant laws, it will be difficult.

Because it is people who exercise power. Once people have power, they will always want to use it, otherwise their power will not be highlighted.

In previous lives, when laws, regulations and various monitoring methods were so complete, when encountering certain household registration plcs that wanted to highlight their authority, ordinary people had to go several times to enter a household, let alone in ancient times.

Now that the laws are more complete, there is no interest in whether people can be naturalized or not and the staff who handle household registration, and they are still like this.

In ancient times, having more hidden households was of great benefit to local officials, powerful men, nobles, and powerful people. Turning hidden households into their own tenant slaves was what they wanted to do most.

Under such a situation of related interests, the local government was even more unwilling to easily apply for household registration for hidden households. Even if Li Shimin repeatedly ordered a census, it was of no use.

According to the general population history records, in the 13th year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty conducted a large-scale national census, and the result was that the registered population was only 12.3 million.

Even those who write history in later generations cannot stand this data.

Li Chengqian thought that when the imperial court issued a decree, the officials below would implement it and the problem would be solved quickly. This was really too naive.

Changsun Wujia couldn't stand it anymore. In the past, she really felt that her son would be good at anything if she educated him well.

After today's Q&A, everything was revealed.

Although he is excellent in some aspects, he is horribly childish in politics. For a prince, this shortcoming is enough to negate all his merits.

How can such a prince be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the country? He must be given relevant training when he returns.

Li Chengqian was still immersed in the shock brought by the population information, and had no idea that his hard days were coming.

Li Tai's attitude was much more casual. The last time he wanted to get closer to Chen Jingke, he was rejected by Changsun Wugou. Later, Li Shimin quietly took back many of his privileges.

He is a smart man and knows that he has completely lost his chance to compete.

Although he was very reluctant, fortunately, Li Chengqian was not lame at this time, and he was not the ambitious King of Wei later, so he quickly accepted this reality.

Since you want to be in peace, you should interfere less or not as much as possible in government affairs, so as not to cause trouble and involve your whole family.

He likes to read history and knows very well how to protect himself as a legitimate prince.

Besides, according to normal circumstances, he will leave Beijing and go to the fiefdom in two years. He can't control it even if he wants to, so why bother.

So after listening to Chen Jingke's analysis, he felt a little gloating about his misfortune.

It's not that he is heartless and doesn't understand the meaning of lip-destroying teeth, but he believes that his elders can handle the problem, but the process will be very troublesome.

Thinking about it makes me feel happy. This is a small rebellion after he was exploited and had the right to compete.

After resting for a while, they started working again.

Chen Jingke had a conversation with the cotton farmers that Changsun Wugou had brought before, and they came to the conclusion that they were not cotton farmers but flower farmers.

They grew cotton as a flower.

He had no choice but to recall the planting methods of his previous life, and then prepare tools and the like.

In the era when there was no polyethylene mulch insulation, seedlings needed to be raised in a greenhouse in advance, which could shorten the farming period and increase cotton yield.

To raise seedlings, you need a nutrient bowl to facilitate transplantation. To make a nutrient bowl, you need special equipment, a nutrient bowl machine.

It sounds very high-end, but it is actually very simple. The nutrient bowl machine is the same tool as the manual briquette making machine.

The difference is that briquettes have hollow honeycombs, while the nutrient bowl is a solid mud column the size of a disposable paper cup.

Making a nutrition bowl looks like fun. You can make one by just kicking your foot, just like laying an egg. Li Zhi, Gao Yang, and Chengyang were all very interested in it and rushed to try it. They had a great time.

Xiao Sizi did not interfere. She was using a small wooden shovel to build a castle with dirt together with Chen Jingke.

Playing with sand can be said to be a common hobby for most children, regardless of gender.

Dig a shallow pond on the ground and place the prepared nutrient bowl neatly in it.

Then water and soak the seeds, and plant the seeds on the nutrient bowl. When all the seeds are planted, sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top to cover the seeds.

Finally, use bamboo strips or relatively flexible tree strips to create a space, and lay a layer of straw mat on top of the bamboo strips to keep warm.

When it's hot during the day, lift the mat to receive sunlight, and cover it at night to keep it warm. In this way, the cotton seedlings will grow to the point where they can be transplanted in ten days and a half.

Once the transplant is successful, it is not over yet. The follow-up care will also take a lot of time and effort. But this will happen in the future. For now, they only need to cultivate the seedlings well.

More than 200 kilograms of seeds are definitely not enough for just a few of them. Besides, they have so many things to do, and it is impossible for them to farm here all the time. The main work should be left to specialized tenants.

They just came to experience it on the first day and taught the specialized tenants the process of raising cotton seedlings.

After making two ponds and about ten acres of nutrient bowls, it was already past three in the afternoon and they set off back to Chang'an.

Chen Jingke did not follow him to the palace. He said goodbye at the city gate and went back to the temple. He had worked hard all day today and was very tired.

Little Sizi was very reluctant to let go of him, but she was well-behaved and easy to coax, and she would settle down with just a few nice words.

All the way back to Guanli, I went to Sun Simiao's place as usual to say hello and then went back to take a shower and rest. But as soon as I entered the door, I saw a guest in the house, the kind who needed to be received by Sun Simiao personally.

As for eldest grandson Wugu, after returning to the palace, she asked Sun Fucai to tell Li Shimin that she would come over when she had time. By the time she finished taking a bath, Li Shimin had already arrived.

As the saying goes, 'beauty comes out of the bath', her slightly lazy look made his eyes go straight.

However, they were both an old married couple, so they were not so eager to go to bed to communicate, and instead started talking about business.

Li Shimin asked directly: "Did Chen Jingke pull some tricks again?"

A smile appeared on Changsun Wugu's face and he said: "Erlang is wise."

Then I talked about Chen Jingke’s views on population.

After hearing this, Li Shimin's face gradually became serious. After all, it was related to the safety of the country, how could he not pay attention to it, but his first concern was indeed another point.

"He said this data comes from the Seven Years of Takeru, right?"

Changsun Wugou said: "Yes, I asked him specifically. It is indeed the seventh year of Wude."

Li Shimin analyzed: "In the seventh year of Wude, the court conducted a census. If I guess correctly, his family should have taken advantage of the data obtained by that opportunity."

"This shows that at least in the seventh year of Wude, their family was still very powerful in the Tang Dynasty, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain such data."

Changsun Wugou nodded and continued, "However, since Erlang changed his name to Zhenguan, the imperial court conducted two more censuses, but he didn't mention it."

"I thought that something happened to their family after the seventh year of Wude, so that their strength was so great that they had to withdraw from the Central Plains. So they don't have the latest data, only the one after the seventh year of Wude."

Li Shimin nodded in agreement and said: "He said that his family suffered heavy losses in exploring the eastern continent, so that their family fortunes fell into decline. Now it seems somewhat credible."

Changsun Wugou said: "I think so too. If this is true, we can rest assured."

Li Shimin nodded and turned the topic to the population issue: "I have known for a long time that there are many hidden households, but I never expected that there are actually more people than the registered population."

"The nobles are far more powerful than I imagined. No wonder they dare to despise my royal family."

"Before, I was still hesitant about whether to use the method mentioned by Chen Jingke to attack the powerful nobles, but now it seems that I can't help it anymore."

This chapter has been completed!
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