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0011 Master and Apprentice Together

Chen Jingke quickly said: "Master, do you have any idea?"

Sun Simiao analyzed: "If those people want to touch you, they can only use force. There are two ways to poison you. It is very difficult to use force."

"Everything we can think of, His Majesty must also be able to think of. He will definitely do his best to protect your safety. I guess he will send dead soldiers to protect you. Then you will be fine as long as you don't leave the sight of the dead soldiers."

"What we need to pay attention to is poisoning..." At this point, he smiled proudly and said: "There is no separation between medicine and poison. Your master and I are not only good at saving people, but I am also no weaker than anyone else in using poison to prevent poison."

Chen Jingke immediately understood the other meaning of his words and said in surprise: "Master, are you willing to stay with me?"

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "I am just your disciple, and I am waiting for you to provide for me until the end of my life. How can I leave you alone and leave alone?"

Chen Jingke said movedly: "Thank you, Master, I will definitely honor you."

Sun Simiao said: "If you have this intention, I will be satisfied."

After the master and apprentice reached a consensus on this matter, the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Chen Jingke also began to use his subjective initiative and tried to analyze the situation at hand: "Whether we can protect ourselves depends on His Majesty. To impress His Majesty, we must protect the empress. Medical skills are the foundation."

Sun Simiao nodded and said, "Yes, it depends on whether your method is effective."

Chen Jingke immediately said: "You know me. You only know some dead prescriptions and know nothing about pathology and pharmacology. You have to rely on you to cure my mother's illness."

"I will tell you the specific conditions of asthma, treatment and maintenance methods and prescriptions. Come and study it, and I will learn from you."

They had already decided to share life and death with this apprentice. Sun Simiao did not politely avoid suspicion or anything, and said: "Okay, tell me everything you know."

So Chen Jingke explained the causes, symptoms, and treatment ideas of asthma in detail, and also wrote down several prescriptions he knew.

As mentioned before, asthma is a lifelong disease, and care and control are better than diagnosis and treatment. The core idea of ​​​​treating it is to relieve cough and asthma and improve immunity.

Traditional Chinese medicine has proposed many plans for this kind of thinking, and Chen Jingke usually uses traditional Chinese medicine to maintain his health.

Only when he goes out for adventure travel will he carry Western medicine with more obvious effects, which is why he carries so many Western medicines for treating asthma in his bag.

A long illness may not make him a good doctor, but at least it will give him some knowledge about asthma.

For example, the traditional Chinese medicines he commonly uses are Mahuang Decoction, Xiaoqinglong Decoction, Suzi Jiangqi Pills, Jiangqi Dingchuan Pills, and others, which have different prescriptions for different conditions, such as lung deficiency, kidney deficiency, spleen deficiency, etc.

Take different drugs according to different situations to achieve effective control.

He knows the detailed formulas of commonly used medicines such as Mahuang Decoction, Xiaoqinglong Decoction, Suzi Jiangqi Pills, and Jiangqi Dingchuan Pills. Although he does not know the specific formulas of other auxiliary drugs, he can also tell most of them.

For a miracle doctor like Sun Simiao, having these things is equivalent to telling him the answer directly. After reading the medicine prescribed by Chen Jingke, he cheered repeatedly:

"Wonderful, wonderful. So it can still be like this. The person who can prescribe these medicines must be a medical fairy in this world. Even if Bian Que is resurrected and Hua Tuo is reincarnated, it will only be like this."

Chen Jingke said in his heart that it is natural. These prescriptions have been summarized after thousands of years of precipitation. In the 21st century, modern medicine was used to demonstrate, and the reliability has been proven.

"But..." Sun Simiao pointed to some of the medicines and said, "What are these medicines? Why have I never heard of them?"

Chen Jingke took a confused look and realized that he had subconsciously used the name of his previous life when writing the prescription.

It should be noted that Chinese medicine has been constantly developing and changing for more than a thousand years. The names of many medicinal materials have changed several times, and many medicinal materials have not yet been discovered. No wonder Sun Simiao can't understand it.

Fortunately, he had memorized the verses with Sun Simiao before and knew the names of these medicines during the Tang Dynasty, so he quickly changed the names.

There are also some drugs that have not been discovered in this era. I also sketched and wrote the names to make it easier to find them later.

Then the master and apprentice began to discuss the use of these drugs together.

One is a miracle doctor who treats people, and the other is a patient who often receives treatment. Naturally, the two chat in harmony.

In particular, Chen Jingke provided Sun Simiao with many ideas based on his own perspective, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of asthma.

However, they did not immediately start using these methods to treat their eldest grandson Wujia. If something went wrong, the master and the apprentice could choose the method of death in advance.

However, with the support of the monthly dose of western medicine, they had enough time to prepare and were not in a hurry.

While the master and apprentice were studying the medicine, there was no silence outside.

At noon, news came out from the palace that the queen's illness had been cured after treatment by Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke.

This news instantly spread throughout Chang'an City and quickly spread in all directions. Some people were happy, some were unwilling, and more people were discussing the medical skills of Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke.

The two of them were praised to the heavens. All kinds of medical gods came to the world, and all kinds of magical methods appeared.

But some people don't believe that the queen's illness has not been cured for so many years, and this time she was sentenced to death by the imperial doctor. How can she say it will be cured?

Even if Sun Simiao was very skilled in medicine, there still had to be a treatment process, right? The queen was cured at noon when she entered the palace this morning. Who are you kidding?

But then several pieces of news came out from the palace, which made them unable to believe it or not.

First, the emperor issued an order to celebrate the empress's recovery and grant amnesty to the world. At the same time, a Taoist temple was built in Changlefang for Sun Zhenren's master and disciples as their dojo.

Then the queen invited the ladies from the capital to the palace to attend a banquet to celebrate her recovery.

Now no one doubted it anymore.

The reason is very simple. They have granted amnesty to the whole world to build Taoist temples. If it is later found to be fake, will the emperor still have the face? Moreover, the queen has personally entertained the noble ladies in the capital, so it cannot be fake.

But whether you believe it or not, as long as you have enough status, you will send your own housewife to the palace to attend the banquet. Whether it is true or not, you can rest assured if you see it with your own eyes.

There were two banquets in the palace. One was when the queen invited her concubine. The other was when Li Shimin invited important officials in the court, such as Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, Li Ji, etc.

Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke were also separated. The former went to Li Shimin's place, while Chen Jingke was dragged by Chang Sun Wugao to the table of women and children.

When Changsun Wugou walked into the banquet hall dressed in gorgeous palace clothes, all the wives looked at her with shocked expressions.

It's really getting better, it's really getting better, and I can't see any signs of illness at all.

Is it really a magical trick?

In fact, only she and Chen Jingke knew that her situation was not as easy as it seemed.

After all, the body has long been depleted after suffering from chronic illness for many years. Even if the asthma is controlled, it is not easy to recover from the depleted body.

In order to attend the banquet and convince everyone that she was cured, Chen Jingke gave her another injection of epinephrine and a beta-2 receptor agonist.

The effect was indeed very obvious, and it stunned everyone as soon as it appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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