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0013 each mind

After the dinner, as these wives returned home, an accurate news spread quickly: the queen's illness was over and she had recovered as before.

No matter what everyone thinks, they have to accept this fact.

At the same time, Sun Simiao's status in their minds was directly elevated to the level of a god, and everyone wanted to make friends with him.

Miracle doctors are always a scarce resource, and even princes and nobles have to bow down because no one can guarantee that they will never get sick.

At the same time, another news was spread. The queen recognized Sun Zhenren's disciple as her nephew, took him to the dinner party and introduced him to everyone in public.

There are many ways to recognize relatives, and the method adopted by Changsun Wujia is undoubtedly the most solemn. This kind of relationship will even be recorded in official history.

However, everyone disagreed with the rumor in the palace that it was the empress who was cured by Sun Simiao and his apprentice, and that she was grateful to Xiaozhen for accepting him as her nephew.

Fang Xuanling said to his wife Lu: "Your Majesty spared no effort to keep Sun Zhenren, even going so far as to recognize his relatives. That is to say, the little Sun Zhenren was from a humble background, otherwise it would be impossible to marry a princess."

Fang Lu first nodded in agreement.

Everyone can accept prodigies, but medical skills are different from other things and require time to accumulate experience, so everyone is more willing to trust older doctors.

A ten-year-old child probably doesn't even know how to memorize the chants, and he doesn't know all the medicinal materials. No one believes that he can participate in the treatment of the empress.

Everyone is more willing to believe that this is because the emperor deliberately put gold on Chen Jingke's face in order to reduce the obstacles to the empress' recognition of her marriage.

But Fang Lu then said doubtfully: "But I see that your empress seems to have true feelings for that little real person, and it doesn't seem like she is taking advantage of her."

Fang Xuanling did not see the actual situation with her own eyes, so she could only guess: "That's the Queen."

Hearing this, Mrs. Fang Lu actually nodded in agreement, she is the Queen.

Fang Xuanling seemed to have thought of something and said: "You said that little real person is only ten years old?"

Fang Lu nodded and said, "No more than ten years old."

Fang Xuanling said: "When the Taoist temple is built, you can go there a few times to offer incense and build a good relationship. Remember to bring your legacy with you when you go."

Fang Lu immediately understood what her husband meant and said, "Da Lang has thought carefully. I will time it right to let Yi Zhi and Xiao Zhenren get acquainted. Yi Zhi has Shao Hui, so they must have a feeling of sympathy for each other."

Similar conversations are happening in many homes.

For example, Cheng Yaojin, after hearing his wife Cui's description, immediately said: "Let that brat Chu Bi go to the Taoist temple more often and become sworn brothers with that little real man."

Mrs. Cui was not opposed to making friends with the other party, but she was worried that her child would not be able to complete the task: "I think that little real person is very wise and precocious in his prudent behavior. Since he is young and has a straightforward temperament, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating."

Cheng Yaojin smoothed his beard and said confidently: "You don't understand this. The smarter a person is, the more he likes to associate with honest and honest people. You won't be wrong if you listen to me."

Mrs. Cui always knew that her husband was rough and subtle, so when she saw what he said, she had no objection. She was thinking about how to let her son appear in front of him without leaving any trace.

Cheng Yaojin shook his head and said: "Don't think about so many useless things. If Chu Bi shows up at the Taoist temple, any fool knows what our purpose is."

"I can guarantee that there will be more than one or two people who do this. Just wait, most of the powerful people in Beijing will do this when the Taoist temple is built. Alas, it's a pity that we don't have a suitable daughter, otherwise I would have wanted you to take your daughter there.


Ms. Cui asked in confusion: "Does Dalang value that little master too much? The empress only recognizes him as her nephew to keep Master Sun. Why do you do this?"

Cheng Yaojin chuckled and said, "I have been following His Majesty for more than ten years and I know him quite well. Our Majesty is not the kind of person who casually recognizes relatives."

"He has many ways to keep Sun Zhenren alive. There is no need for the empress to recognize a little Taoist boy as his nephew. There is only one possibility for him to do this. This little Taoist boy has the ability worthy of Your Majesty."

Cui said with some disbelief: "He is just a ten-year-old Taoist boy. What skills can he have that are worthy of Your Majesty?"

Cheng Yaojin shook his head and said: "Then I don't know, and you don't want to ask. Remember, never ask. Just pretend you don't know anything and just do what you just said."

Chen Jingke didn't know what was happening outside. After the banquet, he sent Changsun Wugou back to the Li Zheng Hall.

He came back not just to give things away, but mainly to check that Changsun Wugou's residence amulet did not meet the standards.

Regarding the queen's safety, the palace moved very quickly, and a big change was made. For example, all the flowers in the garden were pulled out, all the woolen fabrics in the palace were cleaned, and every corner was cleaned to be spotless.

Chen Jingke checked it carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with it. When he was about to say it was OK, his eyes suddenly stopped on the pillow.

He asked: "What is the stuffing in this pillow?"

"As far as Xiao Zhenren is concerned, it's kapok." A familiar voice said next to him.

Chen Jingke looked familiar at first glance, and when he looked at the band-aid on the other person's forehead, he immediately knew who it was. He smiled and said, "So it's you. Could it be that you have been promoted by looking at these clothes?"

Sun Fucai said respectfully: "Thanks to the gift of the empress, I have been appointed as the prisoner of the inner audience."

Chen Jingke said casually: "Congratulations, but it's a pity that I, a poor man, don't have any gifts for you."

Sun Fucai quickly said: "Don't dare, don't dare, how dare I accept the gift from the young master." Then he lowered his voice and said in a voice that only he could hear: "You have given me enough."

Chen Jingke said in confusion: "What did you say?"

Sun Fucai changed the subject and said, "No, I just wanted to ask if there is anything wrong with this pillow?"

Chen Jingke then slapped his forehead and said, "Look at me, I'm confused again. Kapok may also induce asthma. Change it."

Sun Fucai's expression changed and he immediately shouted: "What are you still doing? Take the pillow away and replace it."

Immediately a palace maid ran over and took the pillow away.

Chen Jingke didn't like his tone very much. He frowned and said, "You..." But as soon as he said the words, he felt that he was being too nosy. After all, this was the palace.

And this is the eunuch in charge, so it will be very troublesome if he is offended.

But Sun Fucai said respectfully: "If you have any questions, little master, please feel free to tell me. If I do anything wrong, you can beat me and scold me. I will never dare to complain."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "What am I scolding you for? You must know that a kind word will warm you for three winters, but a bad word will hurt you for six months. Many things can be discussed, but using beatings and scolding to solve them is too hurtful and will not convince the public."

"We are trying to put ourselves in your shoes. How would you like others to treat you? Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Of course, if the other person really refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, that's another matter."

Sun Fucai said thoughtfully: "Thank you, Mr. Xiaozhen, for your advice. I'll take note of it and I won't do this again in the future."

Seeing that he was sincere and didn't look angry, Chen Jingke breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't take it seriously. I'm just talking nonsense. Just don't be angry."

Sun Fucai said: "How could it be? No one has ever told me such a great truth except Xiao Zhenren. It's too late for me to be grateful, so how can I be angry?"

Chen Jingke felt a little embarrassed and changed the subject: "What about... let's continue talking about how to take care of the empress."

"As someone who is close to your Majesty, you must pay attention to one thing. Whenever you find that your Majesty is allergic to something... that means you feel uncomfortable, cough, or show signs of illness after contact with it, you must write it down and tell me."


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