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0188 Cheng Yaojin’s Advice

"...At that time, the saint led a group of generals into the palace to rescue the late emperor, leaving only Duke Tan (Zhang Gongjin) and a few others to guard the Xuanwu Gate."

"Yiwei cavalry general Feng Li, deputy guard Xue Wanche, Qu Zhi's left cavalry Xie Shufang and others led the elite troops from the East Palace and Prince Qi's palace to attack."

"At that time, Xuanwu Gate was only guarded by a few people from Duke Tan... Fortunately, Duke Tan's arm was amazing and he closed the gate of Xuanwu Gate on his own, temporarily blocking the rebels' counterattack."

Everyone was astonished, that was the Xuanwu Gate. It was so heavy that it usually took several people to push it, but he could close it alone. He was truly worthy of his "amazing arm strength".

The matter of Xuanwu Sect has always been taboo, and no one dares to mention it. Cheng Huailiang, Yuchi Xunyu, and Qin Huaidao only knew that it happened, but did not know the specific process.

This was the first time I heard the details, so I was very excited.

Although Chen Jingke has read about it in history books, the experience of hearing it from someone who has experienced it is completely different.

Cheng Yaojin continued: "Although the city gate is closed, the danger has not been eliminated. Duke Tan and his party only have five or six people, and together with the small group of forbidden troops who have just been surrendered, there are only thirty or fifty people."

"Feng Li has more than 2,000 men. If they are allowed to attack Xuanwu Gate, they will not be able to defend it for long. The situation will be extremely dangerous."

Everyone listened with their hearts hanging in the air. Although they knew they had won in the end, this process was too dangerous.

Cheng Huailiang couldn't help but ask: "Yeah, where have you been?"

Cheng Yaojin's eyes seemed to have flashes of swords, and he said: "Donggong still has an elite forbidden army, the three thousand Changlin Army. If they are allowed to come to the imperial city, everything will be over."

"At that time, I led the eight hundred dead soldiers of Tiance Mansion to stop Changlin's army halfway. After a fierce battle, eight hundred brothers were killed, and in the end there were only less than a hundred left."

He said it simply, but judging from his expression and the final result, the process must have been extremely tragic.

Chen Jingke's heart moved and he thought of something.

In his previous life, there has been controversy as to whether Cheng Yaojin participated in the Xuanwu Gate Incident. Some think he did, while others think he did not.

The reason for those who think he did not participate is that he was not seen in the whole process. But there are not many people who hold this view. After all, official history records that he participated.

Although the official historical records are also vague, they are much more credible than speculations without evidence.

It is generally believed that his name did not appear because he did not follow Li Shimin to the palace, but went to perform other tasks.

Moreover, this task was very important, otherwise when the merits were judged and rewarded afterwards, he would not have been given an additional 700 households of real food.

Another thing is that historical records record that Li Shimin had eight hundred elites from the Tiance Mansion in his hands.

But when the coup happened, these 800 people never showed up again. What did they do?

At this time, through the explanation of the person involved, Cheng Yaojin, the doubts in my heart were finally solved, and it turned out that he really went to perform other tasks.

The Changlin Army is an army that belongs exclusively to Li Jiancheng. Historical records record that he selected elite soldiers and warriors from all over the army to form it. It can be said to be the elite among the elite.

There are two thousand people in total, and they are stationed at Changlin Gate. They are the biggest force guarantee in his hands.

If Changlin's army had arrived outside Xuanwu Gate in time and cooperated with the two thousand elites from the East Palace and Prince Qi's Mansion, it would have been useless for Li Shimin to get the military talisman from Li Yuan.

Because these people were only loyal to Li Jiancheng and did not recognize Li Yuan's military symbols at all.

Cheng Yaojin led eight hundred people to stop him because he was determined to die. As expected, those who can be trusted by the emperor and enjoy glory and wealth have all sacrificed their lives.

Hearing the wonderful part, Yuchi Xunyu asked excitedly: "Then what? How did Duke Tan and the others stop Feng Li and the others?"

Looking at the excited crowd, a trace of melancholy flashed in Cheng Yaojin's eyes. Their life-fighting experience back then will be seen by future generations as nothing more than a conversation piece after dinner.

This made him somewhat unmotivated, and said: "Later, Jing Junhong and Lu Shiheng, commanders of Yuan Cong's imperial army, came with their guards to stop him, buying precious time for the saint."

"It's a pity that the two generals died on the spot due to being outnumbered, and almost all their bodyguards were also killed."

"After the incident was completed, the saint was grateful for the loyalty of the two generals, posthumously granted them titles, and rewarded their families generously."

"Because of this incident, the saint treated Yuan Cong's Imperial Army very favorably and selected hundreds of their disciples as personal guards."

Things are normal up to this point. It is normal to risk one's life to help the emperor at a critical moment. It is normal to be treated favorably.

Qin Huaidao said in confusion: "But why do you select people from official households to join the Hundred Cavalry? Let those who have achieved meritorious service join the army with untouchables. This...will cause criticism, right?"

Cheng Huailiang and Qin Huaidao also nodded, expressing their incomprehension.

Chen Jingke had already made a guess, but he was not sure if it was right, so he looked at him with the same inquiring eyes.

Cheng Yaojin said: "After being born into a meritorious family and being your Majesty's bodyguard, it is inevitable that you will be a little arrogant and extravagant. The saint selects capable people from bad people to join, just to stimulate them."

Chen Jingke thought that it was indeed the case, it was the catfish effect. You, a group of people from noble backgrounds, were outclassed by a group of unscrupulous people. How could you be ashamed?

Considering the subsequent development history of Baiqi, I have to express my admiration for Li Shimin.

In the following hundreds of years, Baiqi played an important role, even influencing the situation of the Tang Dynasty at critical moments.

During Wu Zetian's period, it was expanded to Qianqi and became the emperor's most trusted troop.

During the Jinglong Coup during the reign of Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, they sided with the emperor, allowing Zhongzong to turn defeat into victory, and was expanded to Wanqi.

Li Longji also received the support of Wan Qi before he launched a coup to eliminate Queen Wei and Princess Anle's party, and made his father the emperor.

When he ascended the throne and became emperor, he also entrusted Wanqi with important responsibilities. Later, he was expanded to Longwuwei to guard the palace.

Until the Anshi Rebellion, Long Wuwei's strength was greatly reduced, and it gradually became an ordinary forbidden army.

It can be seen how much trust Li Shimin put in giving Baiqi to him for experiments.

Cheng Yaojin said seriously: "I don't know what you and the saint want to do. I just hope you won't let down this trust and don't let these meritorious disciples go by the wayside."

Chen Jingke said seriously: "Don't worry, I want to succeed in this matter more than you do."

Cheng Yaojin nodded and did not ask any more questions, but said: "As long as you have an idea. You definitely didn't come to me to hear stories. If you need my help, just tell me."

Chen Jingke said: "You also said that the children of the Yuan Cong Forbidden Army have some high-sightedness. I, an unreasonable person, suddenly came over. I'm afraid no one will listen to me, so I came to ask you for advice."

Cheng Yaojin shook his head and said: "You are right to worry, but you are worried about the wrong object."

Chen Jingke said in confusion: "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Cheng Yaojin said: "What are the Yuancong Forbidden Army? To put it bluntly, they are His Majesty's most loyal hawks and dogs. Who are you? The chief personally appointed by His Majesty, and also His Majesty's son-in-law."

"Even if they are dissatisfied, they won't show it. At most, they will mutter a few words of underestimation. As long as your performance is not too bad, it won't take long to get along with them."

At this point, he said half-truthfully: "If you really don't know what to do, just take Princess Jinyang with you. Once you meet the princess, everyone will be honest."

Chen Jingke showed a thoughtful expression and said: "This is a good idea, but I don't know if the empress will agree."

Then he found that everyone was looking at him strangely.

Cheng Huailiang said in surprise: "Brother, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Chen Jingke asked in confusion: "What's my wife's is mine, what's the shame? If you don't know how to use it if you have something to do with it, then there's something wrong with your brain."

"Pa." Cheng Yaojin stretched out his arm and slapped Cheng Huailiang on the head, cursing and saying: "Asshole, now you know you have no brains."

"Uh..." Chen Jingke was confused, why did he suddenly take action?

Cheng Yaojin explained: "This bastard, Qinghe tried to help him several times, but he refused for the sake of bullshit face. Do you think he has a brain problem?"

"Is this..." Chen Jingke really didn't know what to say. This kind of thinking is quite common nowadays.

However, if you think about it carefully, it's just nonsense. Why did Princess Shang marry a wealthy woman? Isn't it just because of her background?

Now I am coy and afraid of losing face. To put it bluntly, I am a bitch and still want to build a memorial arch.

Of course, if that woman goes too far and becomes arrogant when she helps you, it is understandable that you don’t want her to help, and it is a sign of backbone.

But Princess Qinghe is not like that. She is a very virtuous person and is devoted to Cheng Hualiang. If she refuses to help, there is something wrong with her brain.

But of course he couldn't say this, and he had to help explain: "Everyone has different ideas, and it's good that Huai Liang has such an ambition."

Cheng Yaojin said angrily: "What a ambition, he just wants to save face and suffer the consequences."

Seeing that Cheng Huailiang's face was a little worried, Chen Jingke quickly changed the subject and said: "Uncle, let's get down to business first. Children of the Yuancong Forbidden Army don't have to worry, then it's not the bad boys who should be worried, right?"

Cheng Yaojin glared at Cheng Hualiang and then said: "Yes, it's them."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "How is it possible? What can they do with their background? What can they dare to do?"

Cheng Yaojin warned: "People should not be judged by their appearance. If you have such an idea, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

"The ones who are really difficult to get along with are the bad boys. They have been living in a mud pit since they were young, and the only thought in their hearts is to survive."

"As long as they can survive, they can give up anything, including dignity. So they are the most snobbish, and they know how to bully the weak and fear the strong."

"If you act weak, they will bite you in the face. If you act too strong, they will cheat and cheat. It is the most difficult to treat."

"This is the reason why the government soldiers only want sons from good families and not these bad ones. The only ones you really need to be careful about when you go to Baiqisi are them. Don't be deceived by them."

This chapter has been completed!
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