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0210 gentle

Chen Jingke didn't feel anything wrong after he made the outrageous remarks. In order to conform to the times, he specifically emphasized the need to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

Put loyalty to the emperor first and think more about the emperor.

Seeing that the five people were calmed down by his words, they were very proud. He then went on to talk about the idea of ​​​​the people being the navy and the army being the fish, and he also let them remember their sorrows and sweet things.

At the end of the class, he asked people to salute in the direction of the palace and asked three questions:

"Who gave you everything?"

"Who do you owe allegiance to?"

“What if someone is unfaithful?”

This is to imitate Yuan's routine when he was training troops at the small station, which was to repeatedly brainwash the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor, and it was done to appease Li Shimin.

All in all, his ideological class was a hodgepodge of everything.

It wasn't until almost noon that he said, "Okay, you guys should think carefully about what I say. We will continue class tomorrow."

After saying that, he went back to his small courtyard to eat.

What he didn't know was that his words were regarded as the highest level of intelligence and sent to the palace at a high speed.

After having lunch under the attentive service of the two maids, he lay on the lounge chair in the pavilion and fell asleep while waiting for the arrival of Cheng Huailiang and the others.

Two little maids were sitting next to him. Yuzhu put one foot next to the beam behind the recliner, and kicked it from time to time to keep the recliner rocking back and forth.

Yi Nu held a stick with a red ribbon tied to one end and waved it from time to time. The ribbon fluttered to scare away the mosquitoes.

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from the side, there was a faint buzzing of insects in his ears, and after a while Chen Jingke fell into a drowsy sleep.

Yi Nu took out the prepared blanket and covered him with it, and became much gentler in driving away mosquitoes from behind.

About half an hour later, he woke up under the influence of his biological clock.

Just like this, he closed his eyes, smelling the fragrance coming from beside him, and said lazily: "Yi Nu, what time is it?"

Yi Nu whispered: "It should be three minutes later."

"Yeah." He responded softly and continued to sleep.

Then the sound of slight footsteps gradually faded away, and after a while it sounded again, gradually approaching, and finally stopped beside him.

"Master, let me cleanse your face." Yi Nu exhaled softly and said with a blue breath.


There was a sound of water, and then a damp face towel gently covered the upper part of his face, and two small hands pressed gently through the face towel.

Forehead, eye sockets, bridge of nose... Just looking at the skillful technique and moderate strength, you can tell that this must be done frequently.

After pressing once without any blind spots, the face towel was moved to the lower half of the face and continued to be pressed. The reason why the face was not covered directly was because it was afraid that covering the nose would affect breathing.

This is not over yet. After wiping your face, take off the face towel, rinse it in water, and then carefully clean your eyes.

At this point, cleansing is complete.

Chen Jingke also fell asleep and woke up completely. He opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful little face so close to him. His heart was filled with warmth.

Yi Nu showed a sweet smile and said: "Master, you are awake."

Chen Jingke sighed: "Yi Nu, you will spoil me like this. I find that I can't live without you more and more."

Yi Nu smiled and said, "I just want you to be reluctant to leave me, so that I can always stay by your side."

Chen Jingke said: "Okay, you two will serve me like this for the rest of your lives."

Hearing this, the two women smiled happily, as if this sentence was worth all their efforts.

Chen Jingke knew what they were thinking, that they were afraid of being abandoned one day.

In ancient times, it was a common thing to have concubines and maids accompany guests, and giving concubines to each other was also a form of courtesy.

If you don't want to fall into this situation, you can only try your best to please the master, just like the two of them are doing now.

He has already given him the promise, but this deep-rooted fear cannot be completely eliminated with words.

Even if they repeated it a hundred and a thousand times, they could not completely dispel their concerns.

But he would still take the trouble to repeat it again and again, just because every time he said it, the two maids would feel at ease for a long time.

Cheng Huailiang and the other three arrived very quickly. They arrived not long after he woke up. They were all acquaintances and their relationship was extraordinary. The four of them simply said hello and then found a place to sit down.

Yuchi Xunyu said impatiently: "Master, where did the glass mirror your Madam Wu sent you come from? Is there any place to sell it?"

Chen Jingke smiled and said, "Why, do you want to buy it?"

Yuchi Xunyu sighed and said, "Hey, don't mention it. My mother took away the mirror that Mrs. Wu gave to my wife. She has been depressed for many days, so I just wanted to buy one for her."

The three people on the side shook their heads and were speechless. Chen Jingke could only say: "I can't buy it for the time being, but I still have a few noodles here. Take one to give to your sister-in-law when you leave."

Then he shouted into the room: "Yi Nu, go to Mrs. Wu and ask for a mirror."

"Here." Yi Nu responded and went out.

Yuchi Xunyu suddenly turned his worries into joy and said: "My brother is still interesting, so I won't be polite."

Cheng Huailiang said thoughtfully: "I have also seen the princess's mirror. It is indeed a rare treasure. I don't know where the real person bought it. If you can master the channels, it will be a profitable business."

Qin Huaidao also said: "My wife considers my property to be a forbidden property, and I won't even be allowed to touch it. If I can master the channels, I can make a lot of money even if it's more expensive."

Chen Jingke thought to himself, after all, there are no stupid people. The first thing everyone thought of when they saw the mirror was how to make a living. It's a pity that they have no chance.

"Don't think about this business. The mirror was given by the palace."

Upon hearing this, the three of them immediately gave up the idea. They had no guts to compete with the queen for business.

At this time, Chen Jingke smiled and said: "Why, you gave up so quickly?"

The three of them were stunned. Cheng Hualiang reacted the fastest and said in surprise: "Is there any way?"

Chen Jingke said: "Don't think about doing mirror business in the Tang Dynasty, but if you have the ability, you can buy mirrors from the empress and sell them outside."

"It's not just mirrors. I have many kinds of glass in my hands, including bowls, cups, and bottles. As long as you have the ability to sell them outside, you don't have to worry about running out of goods to sell as long as I'm here."

Qin Huaidao seemed to have thought of something and said in surprise: "Master, you don't mean to say that this glass is from the palace..."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "This is still a secret right now, so don't let it leak out. If you really want to do this business, just follow what I said and open the channels in advance."

"When the palace starts to sell goods, you can be one step ahead of others and make a lot of money."

Cheng Huailiang said unhappily: "What's yours? It's ours. If we have money, we will make it together."

Yuchi Xunyu shouted: "Yes, we share the blessings and the hardships. How can we leave you behind in a profitable business?"

Chen Jingke refused: "I understand what the three of you want, but we are unable to build this kind of external sales channel by ourselves. We can only rely on the strength of the family."

"Zixiao Guan's capabilities are limited. We have no time to be distracted by innovation alone, so we will not participate this time."

Qin Huaidao said: "That won't work. If you don't participate in this matter, what's the point of us doing it?"

"In this way, Zixiaoguan only needs to contribute the money. We will discuss the channel matters with the adults, and we will share the dividends with you when the time comes."

Chen Jingke shook his head repeatedly and said: "That won't work. Family cooperation is different from cooperation between the four of us."

"We brothers don't have to worry about some gains and losses. You still have brothers and sisters in your family, so you have to consider their feelings."

Cheng Huailiang interjected: "You really worry too much. How can friends be so careless about each other? If there was such a short-sighted person in my family, the adults would kick him out of the house without me opening my mouth."

"Also, who said Zixiaoguan can't contribute? The glass output must not be high. Who among the powerful people in the DPRK doesn't want a piece of the pie?"

"If there are more wolves and less meat, it depends on who has a good relationship with the saint empress, so that he can get more meat. Who among us has a better relationship with you and the empress?"

"From now on, we will have to rely on you to get glass from the palace. Only if you ask for it can we sell it. Isn't this a contribution?"

Qin Huaidao clapped his hands and said: "Yes, that's it. Without glass, what's the use of our hard work in opening up the commercial road to the outside world? Zixiaoguan must participate."

Yuchi Xunyu hummed: "I don't know that much, but I know that if Zixiaoguan doesn't participate, Aweng will beat me half to death when I get back."

Chen Jingke was very moved and did not refuse, saying: "Okay, since the three brothers said so, I won't be pretentious. Leave the purchase of goods to me in the future."

The four of them discussed how to sell glass again, but they knew too little about foreign trade and couldn't come up with a solution for a long time.

In the end, I had to admit that this matter must rely on family strength.

With this consensus, they decisively changed the topic and talked about the reason why Chen Jingke came to them.

"I came here to ask you to find some seasonings. These seasonings are very important. If you can find them, our dishes will be even better."

Qin Huaidao said in surprise: "Really? What kind of seasoning and where can I find it?"

Cheng Huailiang and Yuchi Xunyu were equally excited.

The business that the four of them run together is a restaurant. Although there are only three restaurants, because they are relatively high-end, it can be said that they make a lot of money every day.

It's just that others are not vegetarians, so they gradually figured out how to make stir-fries and developed many new tricks.

Now their biggest advantage is the signature dishes created by Chen Jingke, but these advantages are being caught up day by day.

This situation makes Cheng Hualiang and the others very worried. Now that there is an opportunity to widen the gap again, they are naturally very interested.

Chen Jingke said: "One is cumin, which is an indispensable spice for barbecue. It grows in the Western Regions. You can find it from Hu Shang."

"The second is shrimp skin, which is obtained by drying the fresh shrimps produced in Qingzhou waters. This material is the most fresh and can make the dishes extremely delicious."

"The third one is chili pepper, which is produced in the deep mountains and old forests of Shennongjia and Liuzhao. You can send people to Shennongjia to look for it first."

This chapter has been completed!
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