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0228 Glass Pavilion

The palace has mastered the refining method of high-quality colored glaze. It is said that the refined colored glaze is crystal clear and extremely exquisite, and there is also a mirror that can detect light...

In order to distinguish it from the previous colored glaze, the palace named this new colored glaze glass.

When the news comes out, some people believe it, some don't believe it, and some people are doubtful.

Immediately afterwards, more explosive news came out. The emperor and the ministers reached an agreement, and the profits from the glass were divided eighty-two between the national treasury and the inner treasury.

The condition is that the imperial court decrees that the formula of the glass be protected, and anyone who steals the formula will be punished with treason.

At this time, all the officials were as if a pot had exploded, and the sky was full of excitement.

It is not unheard of for national laws to protect certain technologies. Some things are indeed not allowed to be made and held by private individuals, such as crossbows.

But using national laws to protect a luxury product like glass is too childish and ridiculous. What does it bring to the country’s face?

So all kinds of opposition memorials came to the palace like snowflakes, but they were all ignored.

The ministers had no choice but to go to the ministers in power, hoping that they would change their minds and persuade the emperor to cancel the plan.

However, these ministers acted as if they had discussed it, and only talked about him and never mentioned the matter. If they couldn't shirk the blame, they found various excuses to escape.

And such a big thing that happened in the court could not be hidden from anyone, and soon ordinary people in the capital also knew about it.

Everyone was talking a lot about everything.

To summarize everyone’s topics, there are two main topics: one is what glass looks like and how beautiful it is. The other is whether the emperor or the ministers will win in this dispute.

As for the imperial decree to protect the glass formula itself, everyone thinks it doesn't matter. Whether it is protected or not has nothing to do with them. They can't afford it anyway.

Amid this commotion, a commercial building in Dongshi changed hands and closed its doors for renovation.

People who often come to Dongshi are very surprised. This building is located in the core of Dongshi and is making a lot of money every day. How can its owner be willing to sell it?

No one could answer their questions. Some people who thought they were well-connected inquired privately, but there was no news.

The more this happens, the more interested everyone becomes. Who is so mysterious? What do they sell?

Everyone is waiting for the day it opens.

Unconsciously, a week passed, and the dispute over glass in the court became more and more intense. In particular, the censors were as brave as chicken blood, and they almost wrote a memorial every day.

It's a pity that all the memorials were like silence and no response was received.

At this moment, a rumor quickly spread in the capital and quickly spread to the surrounding area.

"Hey, have you heard? A glass shop has opened in Dongshi, specializing in selling glass." A customer at a roadside restaurant said to another customer.

"What is glass?"

"...Are you from Chang'an? You don't even know about glass?"

"Hey, have you heard? A glass shop has opened in Dongshi." Passerby A said to Passerby B.

"How is that possible? Glass can only be made in the palace. Are you trying to say that this glass pavilion was opened in the palace?" Passerby Yi obviously didn't believe it.

"What I said is true. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. It's really filled with all kinds of glass." Passerby A said.

"I heard that a glass museum opened in Dongshi? It is full of exquisite glass objects. Is it true?"

"Have you heard about it too? I just heard someone talk about it, and I was about to go and see if it was true or not."

"Brother Li, why are you still listening to the song here? Go to the Dongshi Glass Museum and look at the glass."

"Glass? Is it the glass made in the palace? Wait, wait, wait, let's go together."

"Glass? What's there to see in that thing? Anyway, I can't even buy a single bead even if I sell iron, so what's there to see?"

"How do you know there are glass beads inside? Did you look at them secretly?"

West Market, the residence of Hu Shang.

"Seymour, I went to see the Glass Museum. It's true. It's filled with all kinds of exquisite glass products..."

"Is it really that beautiful?"

"Really, it is a thousand times more beautiful than the glass we have seen before... no, ten thousand times. As long as we can transport one piece back and sell it to those nobles, we will make it."

"Maqsud, we must buy a piece of glass and bring it back to the king. Your noble status will definitely be restored."

"That's what I'm thinking of. Have you asked them how much one costs? Can we afford it?"

"I asked about it, and they said it would be auctioned, and whoever pays the most money will get it."

"Auction? When does it start?"

"A month later in the glass museum..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and raise money."

The home of a powerful person in Chang'an.

"Master Lang, I went to see it, and it is indeed better looking than Liuli."

"How many are in there? Is it a lot?"

"I counted, exactly three hundred pieces."

"Three hundred? Even if each piece is only sold for one hundred, it is still thirty thousand. No wonder the palace has to legislate to protect the formula."

"Mr. Liu, I heard that you like to collect treasures the most. Are you tempted by the rare treasures in the glass museum this time?"

Haha... Zhu Hou was joking, how can I, a small family, afford it? Just go and have a look."

A new glass museum was opened in Dongshi, which was opened by the palace and specializes in glass business. The news quickly spread throughout the capital and quickly spread to surrounding states.

For a time, the eyes of the entire Chang'an City were focused here. Regardless of whether you have the ability to buy it or not, let's get over it first.

And those who have the strength and the idea to buy it, after confirming that the glass is real, immediately start to raise money and prepare to snatch one back in a month.

This is glass, a rare treasure. If you don't buy one, you will be shortchanging the little money you have in your vault.

What these people didn't know was that in a corner of Chang'an City, a couple was looking at them like leeks.

"Guanyin Maid, how is the situation?"

"Everything is going according to plan. Now all the rich people in Chang'an City have been mobilized." Changsun Wugou showed a rare proud expression.

Li Shimin also said with some excitement: "That's good. How big the glass industry can be depends on this. You must not be careless."

The eldest grandson Wugou nodded and said: "With my brother's ability, it is more than enough to do this well."

"On the other hand, Jing Ke, there are so many clever ideas. The one-month exhibition period will first arouse everyone's desire, and at the same time give them time to raise money."

"We also need to use an unprecedented auction method. I really don't know what he thought of it."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Nine times out of ten, the elders of his family came up with the idea. The Chen family is really full of talents, but it's a pity..."

Changsun Wugou shook his head and said, "If they were all alive, Erlang, you wouldn't think so."

Li Shimin laughed and said, "That's true. People always have to look to Shu, and I am not exempt from the vulgarity."

This chapter has been completed!
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