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0234 Savage

Indochina, a tribe in the northern part of Chenla Kingdom.

Yao Yangyun came to a wooden house and heard a strange sound coming from inside. He couldn't help but touch his lower back.

Then he reached out and knocked on the door, then found a tree stump at the door and sat down.

Looking at the lush primitive jungle in the distance, he couldn't help but think of Chang'an.

At this time, everything there must have withered in the cold winter, right? I don’t know what happened to Yang Tianlu and the others.

Although they are dead soldiers and agents, it is more difficult for them to communicate with each other than ordinary people. Once the superiors discover that they are communicating in private, the consequences will be serious.

So since coming to the south, he has never contacted there again. He can only inquire that everything is normal at Zixiaoguan and nothing dangerous has happened.

It was the best thing if nothing happened. He didn't worry about the safety of the two of them. Instead, he was more concerned about Yi Nu's plan and didn't know whether it would succeed.

There is a small road not far from the door. From time to time, people walk by on the road, and many women boldly ogle at him.

He has become accustomed to this. It's not that the Tang Dynasty doesn't have so many ethics and morals, but some are barbaric.

The status of women here is generally higher than that of men, and the head of the family is also a woman. Therefore, they are very bold and dare to take the initiative to seduce the man they like.

Men are actually the same, their wives seduce other men, and they often steal other women.

A man can have several mistresses at the same time, and a woman can have several concubines at the same time. It doesn't matter whose child is born, since they all follow the mother anyway.

What's even weirder is that the men here are very unlike men. They are very lazy, and even the heavier work is done by women.

For example, women are responsible for harvesting crops and carrying rice bags, while men are responsible for loading grain into their pockets.

But this situation only exists among the people, and the top management is still dominated by men. This is not just the case for one or two tribes, but the entire Indochina Peninsula.

When he first came here and heard about this custom, his views were shattered.

These men, who came from heaven, were very popular in the local area, and they were seduced by women wherever they went.

At first they didn't dare to move their hands or feet, but later they got used to it, and they didn't mind stopping to rest for a few days when they saw something beautiful.

For example, this time, they stopped in this village and each found a home to stay. He even got together with the female chief of this village.

Anyway, the emperor's order to them was very broad. There was no deadline or standard for finding and contacting tribes in this area. It was almost like going on vacation.

It would be better if the climate conditions here could be better.

When it came to the climate and environment, he couldn't help but want to complain. This damn place has high mountains, dense forests, lots of water, mosquitoes and wild beasts. There are no four seasons, only dry and rainy seasons.

It is now the end of November, and the temperature is still the same as early summer.

But at the same time, he lamented that the land here is so fertile and the climate conditions are so suitable for growing crops.

The locals only need to scatter the rice on the ground without having to manage it. They can harvest it when it is ripe. Moreover, they can grow crops, fruits and vegetables all year round.

Therefore, people here do not have the habit of storing food. They eat as much as they have, and then go to the fields to harvest after eating.

There are only four words in his mind to describe it: good fortune.

However, what made him very unhappy was that with such unique conditions, these barbarians did not work hard and worked more lazily than the others, which was a waste of natural resources.

He wished he could kill all these people and take back the land for cultivation by the people of Tang Dynasty.

Unfortunately, the environment here is the biggest enemy for northerners.

A cup of tea time passed while I was thinking wildly, and the sounds in the room suddenly became urgent and soon stopped suddenly.

After a while, a man walked out of the house while lifting his pants. Through the crack in the door, he could vaguely see a naked woman lying on the bed.

Qian Yi fastened his belt and said nonchalantly: "Old Yao, if you come here now, could you possibly have heard some news?"

Yao Yangyun nodded and said: "Tomorrow, people from several surrounding villages are going to pay tribute to their leader. Let's go there together."

Qian Yi said with a smile: "The beauty trick is successful. When you get back, I will definitely report you to the truth for your contribution to sleeping with the barbarian female chief and finding the leader of the Jimi tribe."

"Shut up if you can't speak. No one will treat you as a mute." Yao Yangyun twitched the corners of his mouth and wanted to sew his mouth shut, but considering that he was a teammate, he held it back.

"The Jimi tribe is the most powerful tribe in Chenla, and there is already a tendency to replace it with the king. What he hopes most now is to gain the support and canonization of the Tang Dynasty."

"If we can successfully convince him, the whole of Zhenla will surrender to the Tang Dynasty in the future. With this achievement, we may not be able to protect ourselves."

"So there must be no problems during this trip. We can only succeed and not fail. If anyone dares to ruin a major event, my brothers will be the first to refuse to agree."

Qian Yi put away his frivolous expression and said seriously: "Don't worry, I know the seriousness of the matter. Who doesn't want to live in the sunshine?"

Yao Yangyun said: "It's good to know. I'm going to inform others now. Remember to meet me at my place tonight and leave early tomorrow morning."

The next day, under the cover of the female chief, Yao Yangyun and his party successfully blended into the tribute team and arrived at a larger village after trekking in the jungle for four days.

Then, under the introduction of the female chief, I met the big leader of the Jimi tribe.

After they revealed their identities, they became the big leader's guests as expected, and the subsequent negotiations naturally went very smoothly.

The Jimi tribe was willing to be loyal to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and sent envoys to Chang'an for pilgrimage.

With the support of the Jimi tribe, they successively met with the leaders of several surrounding tribes to establish contact with them.

After completing all this, Yao Yangyun and the others split into two groups. One group stayed in the area to continue searching for more tribes, and the other group led the envoys from these tribes and countries to Chang'an.

Because there were so many tribes and countries making the pilgrimage, there were more than 300 people in the envoy group.

Because Yao Yangyun was concerned about Yi Nu and Yang Tianlu, he chose to return to Chang'an with the team.

They traveled all the way to the seaside, found a ship to greet them at the agreed point, and then headed north from Yuhang to the Grand Canal.

Entering Chang'an via the Grand Canal, Yellow River and Guangtong Canal, the whole journey takes one and a half months.

They arrived neither early nor late, just in time for the Chinese New Year.

Therefore, these envoys from the indigenous tribes who were not qualified to see Li Shimin were arranged by Honglu Temple to enter the palace together with envoys from other vassal states to pay New Year's greetings to the emperor.

Are all nations coming to court? Naturally, the more vassal forces that come over, the better. It doesn’t matter how many people they have, just make up the number.

These natives, who had never seen the world, had long been dazzled by the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and almost lost their ability to think, but they still made a lot of jokes.

Not to mention these natives, after Yao Yangyun met his superiors and explained all the experiences of his trip, he went to Zixiao Temple on the pretext of burning incense.

No one can say anything about this reason. The more people like them are, the more superstitious they are. Zixiao Temple is a famous temple in the world. Who doesn’t want to come here to burn incense?

Then he successfully met Yang Tianlu, and the two hugged each other, thankful that they had lived safely for another year.

Yao Yangyun said with emotion: "Thank you to Master Sun and Master Chen, otherwise we don't know what kind of mission we would be sent to perform, and we might have died long ago."

Yang Tianlu also said gratefully: "Yes, every time I think of this, I am very grateful to them."

The two sighed for a while, and Yao Yangyun suddenly asked: "Where is Yi Nu, how is her plan?"

Yang Tianlu smiled and said: "She is very good, and she is loved by Master Chen. The plan is also going very well, but there is only one final step left."

Yao Yangyun said with both joy and confusion: "Why not just make cooked rice from raw rice?"

Yang Tianlu explained: "Zhenren Chen is still young, so I'm afraid of hurting his body."

Yao Yangyun said unhappily: "You have lived in Wenrou Township for too long, and you can't even be so cruel?"

"Let's cook the rice first. It won't hurt you once or twice. Can't you just be more moderate in the future?"

"Besides, he will be thirteen after the Chinese New Year (a virtual age). Children from poor families are already married, so what are they afraid of?"

Yang Tianlu sneered and said, "How about I go talk to Yi Nu later?"

Yao Yangyun said affirmatively: "Say, if it doesn't work, I still have medicine here."

Yang Tianlu said quickly: "Forget about the medicine, if we really feed him this stuff, the saint, the empress, and Master Sun won't kill us all."


Thanks to Shuxunshule for the reward.

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