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0248 The general is the courage of the soldier

Looking at the retreating army, everyone was still immersed in the excitement just now.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Chen Jingke was the first to recover and quickly came to Li Shimin to help him.

Li Shimin said: "I'm not that fragile yet."

Having said that, you could tell from his frown that it was not as easy as it seemed.

After spending half his life in the army, how could he not know that the prince's prestige was not enough to calm the morale of the army, so he came in person at the critical moment.

Of course, Sun Simiao's consent was sought beforehand.

It has to be said that Angong Niuhuang Pills is very effective against this type of disease, and his recovery far exceeded Sun Simiao's expectations.

Although he has not yet fully recovered, as intracranial congestion cannot be easily repaired, he can already walk and handle some simple government affairs.

Before setting off this time, he took another Angong Niuhuang Pill and the medicine prescribed by Sun Simiao. He also wore a bracelet to monitor the situation at all times, which is why Chen Jingke was asked to follow.

Fortunately everything went well.

However, the scene of jumping off the horse just now and the roar of the army behind still had a certain impact, and my head began to hurt.

If this kind of minor headache usually passed after he tolerated it for a while, he didn't dare to pretend to be a tough guy now, because if the cerebral hemorrhage recurred, it would be all over.

So he said it was okay, but he did not refuse Chen Jingke's help.

At this time, Li Chengqian also reacted and quickly held his other arm and said with concern: "Yeah, what's wrong with you?"

Others also looked over worriedly.

Li Shimin pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy. Master Sun asked me to rest for half a month and it's only been five days. In fact, my rheumatism has not fully recovered."

"Normally, it's fine. I was a little excited just now when the army set out. Maybe the wind vertigo happened again. Don't worry, just rest for a while and you'll be fine."

Hearing what he said, Du He and others also put down their worries. There was no way, Li Shimin's behavior was too deceptive, and it was normal for them to be fooled.

Not only were they deceived, everyone was deceived when the news came out that the emperor personally appeared at the scene of the army's departure and opened his eyes for the prince.

Everyone finally believed that the emperor had just suffered a simple vertigo attack, and they were relieved, and everything was fine.

Some conspiracy theorists have even begun to suspect that all this is a drama directed and performed by the emperor. As for the purpose, it is not yet known.

Maybe it was to uncover some careerists, maybe it was to support the prince, or maybe it was for other reasons.

But no matter what the reason was, it was everyone's consensus that the emperor was in good health.

Back to the present moment, someone immediately brought a chair for Li Shimin to sit down and rest, and then notified the imperial chariot outside to come in and pick him up.

He actually came here in a royal chariot, but changed to a horse at the door, which could better boost his morale.

Now that all the troops have left, there is no need to perform anymore. Just drag the chariot in and sit on it.

While waiting for the royal chariot, Li Shimin said to the two young generals in their early twenties next to him: "Respect Hengyan, Sheng Liwei."

"My subordinates are here," the two of them said as they stepped out.

Li Shimin pointed at Chen Jingke and said: "From now on, Baiqisi will be temporarily under his control. No matter what he asks you to do, you just need to cooperate."

"Here." The two of them first accepted the order, then saluted Chen Jingke and said, "I have seen a real person."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "The two captains are exempt from courtesy. I will need your cooperation in the future."

Jing Heng said: "My true words are serious. If you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "I will go to the Baiqisi camp on the 20th in four days, and the two captains can make preparations first."

Although there are only more than a hundred people in the Baiqisi, they are at the battalion level, and the chief generals are all at the rank of captain. The higher up are the captains of Zhechong, who are at the general level.

Jing Hengyan replied: "Well, I'm waiting for you."

Chen Jingke nodded and said no more, but he already had a preliminary judgment in his heart.

When hearing this order, Sheng Liwei was a little hesitant and didn't have much respect for him. Jing Hengyan did not hesitate and was very respectful to him.

Jing Hengyan is the grandson of Jing Junhong, and he was one of the leaders of the Yuancong Forbidden Army who died fighting to stop the Changlin Army on the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident.

Sheng Liwei, on the other hand, was born a bad boy.

The attitudes of the two confirmed Cheng Yaojin's initial speculation that Jing Hengyan, who came from a noble family, was more friendly to him simply because he was Princess Jinyang's consort and one of his own.

Sheng Liwei, who was born a bad boy, was not interested in his identity and did not like his airborne immediate boss.

However, Chen Jingke didn't have much to worry about. He was no longer the same person he was when he first traveled through time. He went in and out of the palace every day, chatting and laughing with the big shots in the court, so how could he be afraid of a few soldiers?

Li Chengqian and others on the side were also surprised by Li Shimin's 'sudden' order.

Baiqisi was the emperor's personal guard, but he was placed under Chen Jingke's control. What happened?

Are you simply giving him an empty official position to prepare for marrying the princess in the future, or do you have other plans? It seems that you need to pay more attention to it.

The chariot soon arrived next to the general ordering platform. Li Shimin came to the car, and Li Chengqian, Du He and Chen Jingke were also allowed to get on the car to accompany them.

Well, Du He is also Li Shimin's son-in-law, the consort of Princess Chengyang. He is the prospective husband of the heartless little loli who pestered Chen Jingke to listen to Journey to the West the year before last.

Chen Jingke found it interesting when he thought about his original experience. He and Du He must have formed a different kind of relationship.

But speaking of it, in the original history, Du He really cheated Princess Chengyang. To Li Chengqian, he was a loyal minister, but to Chengyang, he was definitely not a good husband.

Fortunately, the history of this life has changed, and Chengyang's experience will no longer be as bumpy as the previous life.

Du He was also very friendly to his brother-in-law. If it weren't for the inconvenience, he would have come up to chat with him long ago.

After the royal chariot set off, Li Shimin asked Li Chengqian: "How do you feel about today's events?"

Li Chengqian said with admiration: "Yeye is like a god in the minds of the soldiers. I tried my best to boost morale, but you did it just by showing up here."

Li Shimin was very pleased with himself, but he was not satisfied with the answer and said, "That's all?"

"Uh..." Li Chengqian said in shame, "My son is stupid, please give me some advice."

Li Shimin said solemnly: "The general's morale and morale are very important. It is said that the general is the courage of the soldiers. This is the truth."

"Changing generals on the spot has always been a taboo for military strategists. In addition to the fact that the new coach does not understand the situation on the front line and is prone to making mistakes, another reason is that changing the generals on the spot will affect the morale of the military."

"But it is precisely because the general has such a great influence on an army that if you find that he really has a problem, you must have the determination to cut off the strength of a strong man, and you must not take chances."

"Otherwise, it will definitely cause greater losses and lead to an irreparable mistake."

Li Chengqian thought for a long time and then said: "Thank you for your advice, I understand."

This chapter has been completed!
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