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0261 Yi Liang’s confusion

Yi Liang was a bad boy since he was born. According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, once a bad boy is a bad boy, he will always be a bad boy, and there is almost no possibility of turning over.

Unless a miracle happens.

Then a miracle really happened. He joined Baiqisi inexplicably and became the saint's personal guard.

Originally, he thought that he would be like the protagonist in the storybook and reach the pinnacle of life.

In fact, he guessed the beginning but not the process, and now he doesn't know what the ending will be like.

Baiqisi is indeed very good, and he also completed the registration change for the whole family, but life here is not always so harmonious.

Half of the people in this army are from the Yuancong Forbidden Army. After this group of meritorious deeds, they are looked down upon and discriminated against in every aspect.

Instead of steaming steamed buns and arguing over words, they would huddle together to keep warm and fight tooth for tooth, eye for eye, and contemptuously call each other a dandy.

If he was just fighting with the other party, he wouldn't feel so tired. The key is that there is also a lot of intrigue among his own people.

These people with bad backgrounds really have all kinds of personalities, including tactful, cunning, and full of lies...

There is a saying among them privately, which he thinks is very appropriate: Dandy boys will only despise you, and comrades will defraud you of your last penny.

Sometimes he really wants to go to the dandy and say, I surrender.

But he knows that this road will not work. If he does this, he will shun himself as a bad son, and the other party will not accept him.

His original dream was wiped out in the intrigues day after day, and he became more and more confused.

At this time, the saint accepted his fate as a new steward, Princess Jinyang's consort, Chen Jingke, a disciple of Sun Shenxian from Zixiao Temple.

Originally, everyone thought that Chen Zhenren was here for gold plating. In the next few years, he would be promoted one after another and his status would be better when he married Princess Jinyang in the future.

But no one expected that this real person was not gold-plated. He made vigorous and resolute moves as soon as he arrived.

He didn't understand and didn't care about letting officials exchange positions. Anyway, he felt that it had little to do with him.

But he knew very well what was going on when teaching reading and literacy. He was very grateful and studied very hard.

Let go of intrigues and the like first, and learn how to read first. Then you will have more opportunities to get ahead in the future.

But it didn't take long for him to discover that not everyone thought so, and many people disdained reading and literacy.

Some people even say that they just don't study hard and they want to fail the exam and drag this "dandy" boss into trouble.

He couldn't understand why, and there was no sworn hatred between the two parties. Is it worth risking his own future to do this just to have some leisure?

But he had already had enough of the intrigues and was too lazy to care about it. He wanted to take care of himself first.

Hard work always pays off, and he became the best performer in their team. But what he got was all kinds of cynicism, which made him even more uncomfortable.

But these behaviors of envy, jealousy and hatred inspired his fighting spirit and made him study harder.

'Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Don't give up on yourself when you are at a low point. Keep learning and enriching yourself so that you can seize the opportunity when it comes.'

This is what Chen Zhenren said when he taught everyone.

That Mr. Chen rarely gave lessons to everyone, but Yi Liang felt that every word he said was very reasonable, and it almost reached the seams in his heart.

He understands so many things at such a young age, no wonder he became the Prince Consort.

As he became more literate, he was gradually able to read the textbooks given to him by himself.

What he liked most was the Brief History of China, in which the glorious deeds of the sages made him both envious and longed for.

Just when everything was going in a good direction, a sudden change happened.

One night while he was sleeping in the camp, a group of people covered his head with a quilt and beat him.

He didn't struggle or cry out, he just curled up and let them kick him, because he knew who was beating him.

They are just good brothers who get along day and night.

Compared with the pain on his body, his heart hurt more. He knew why these people beat him, because he had the best grades and because he was not gregarious.

But after the pain, I was more puzzled. We all climbed out of the mud pit, and finally got the opportunity. Why can't we study hard and completely change our destiny?

What good will it do them to give up on themselves like this?

He was confused again.

When he really couldn't figure it out, he went to ask Xu Shanying, the instructor of his team, for help.

Xu Shanying told him the story of crabs: "The crabs in the basket don't want to try to climb out. They drag down whoever climbs high, and in the end they can't escape."

"They are just crabs. They have no future. You should not imitate them."

Yi Liang shook his head and said: "I don't know how to learn from them, and I also know that they are jealous of me. But... I don't understand why they don't live up to their expectations and drag others down?"

Xu Shanying was also asked. This question was beyond his understanding, so he found Chen Jingke.

Chen Jingke was also surprised. He didn't expect that this little Baiqisi really had a treasure in the ocean. So he asked Xu Shanying to bring him over.

When Yi Liang heard that he was going to see Chen Jingke and get personal guidance from him, he was naturally very excited and looked forward to getting the answer.

When he arrived at Chen Jingke's camp, he found that there was already a person here. He also knew this person. He was one of the "dandy boys" in his mouth, Hua Wu.

He thought the other party was in trouble, so he prepared to come out and wait.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jingke waved to him and said, "Come in."

Although he was confused, he walked in obediently.

Chen Jingke pointed at the two of them and said, "You should know each other, right?"

"We know each other." They both said in unison.

Chen Jingke said: "It's good that we know each other. You two encountered similar problems, so I called you over to solve them together. Do you have any objections?"

The two people quickly said: "No."

Chen Jingke said: "That's good. Let's talk to each other first and tell each other your confusion."

The two looked at each other, what does this mean?

Chen Jingke smiled and said, "What, sorry?"

Yi Liang said quickly: "No, no, it's just..."

Hua Wu also said: "I don't have anything to do with it. I'm just afraid that Yi Liang won't agree."

Yi Liang was unhappy when he heard this and said, "I am also afraid of Hua Wu and dare not say anything."

Chen Jingke felt funny in his heart and said: "Okay, now there is no misunderstanding, let's start talking. I will listen on the side and give you answers after listening. Well, Yi Liang will talk first."

So the two told each other about their experiences and confusion.

After communicating with Hua Wu, Yi Liang realized that these dandy boys were not as harmonious as they seemed on the surface.

Some people rely on the legacy of their fathers and grandfathers to survive, while others want to work hard to win for their fathers and grandfathers and impress those generals who look down on them.

They also compete with each other, but they are all decent people, and they are considerate in doing things and do not dare to be too mean.

Another point is that even the most dishonest among these people are more motivated than most bad guys, and they work very hard when studying with the instructors.

The reason is simple, they understand the importance of reading better than bad children.

Then these people began to compete with each other, saying that I don't know anything and can't pass the test, and the result is that each one has higher scores than the last.

People never study or study in front of others. If they ask questions, they just put them aside and then hide in nooks and crannies and study hard.

After listening to this, Yi Liang was stunned and felt very knowledgeable.

After telling the story, the two people looked at Chen Jingke, waiting for him to answer their questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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