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0268 nonsense

Ask me?

Chen Jingke quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know anything about these things, so I don't know how to change them."

"I am only responsible for bringing the knowledge in my mind back to the Tang Dynasty. As for how to use these things, that is Your Majesty's business and has nothing to do with me."

Changsun Wugou said doubtfully: "Your elders must have discussed this matter, right? Just tell me the results of their discussion."

Chen Jingke said: "They did discuss it, but in the end they destroyed all the results of the discussion, so I don't know what was discussed."

Changsun Wugou frowned and said, "Why should it be destroyed? Isn't it a pity?"

Chen Jingke came up with the reasons he had made up a long time ago and said: "Because they discussed and discussed, and finally came to a result, that is, what they discussed was nonsense."

"If anyone governs the country according to the results of their discussion, the world will inevitably end in chaos and dynasty changes."

Changsun Wugou said in surprise: "How is that possible? With the talents of your family elders, even if what they think about cannot be copied, they can still provide reference for others."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "They don't think so. An elder told me that governing the country requires targeted management based on the actual situation."

"This actual situation includes the country's system, strength, economic situation, cultural background and other factors..."

“What is a good policy in one country may be a disastrous policy for the country and the people in another country.”

"They did not understand the actual situation of the Tang Dynasty, and the improvement plan they made based on their imagination was completely just talk on paper. If the Tang Dynasty really followed their plan, it would definitely lead to chaos."

"So in the end they destroyed all relevant materials and only taught me the knowledge of literature and investigation of objects."

"They firmly believe that there is no shortage of wise men among the Chinese people. As long as I bring this knowledge back, someone will be able to make good use of it."

Changsun Wugou couldn't help but nodded. This truth was really impeccable, but he still asked without giving up: "Is it really true that I didn't tell you at all?"

Chen Jingke smiled bitterly and said: "I occasionally heard them say something, such as land annexation will destroy the equal land system."

"Once the equal land system is destroyed, the country's system as a whole will be destroyed...so they discussed restoring the well-field system."

"In every dynasty, there will be wise kings, and there will also be fatuous and unprincipled kings. So how to prevent the appearance of fatuous kings?"

"They believe that the abdication system should be restored and everyone should jointly elect a wise man to be the emperor."

"Or delegate power to the three provinces, and rotate the officials of the three provinces every five or ten years...the glory belongs to the emperor, and the power belongs to the three provinces..."

"Okay, okay." Changsun Wugou finally couldn't help interrupting him, and complained: "The elders of your family destroyed this knowledge, which can be regarded as self-awareness."

Chen Jingke shrugged and said, "You don't believe it now. No matter how smart they are, they only have experience in running a family."

"According to records, including servants, our family had less than 10,000 people at its peak, which is not as large as the population of a county in the Tang Dynasty."

"Do you believe that such a group of people with no experience in running a country can come up with clever strategies to run the country?"

"The elders of our family also understand this truth, so they mainly focus on studying literature and studying things, and they have basically made no achievements in governing the country."

Changsun Wugou was finally convinced and said: "That makes sense. It seems that it is impossible to get help from you."

She said she was sorry, but in her heart she was very happy.

Sure enough, as she guessed, Chen Jingke simply brought back knowledge and did not have so many plans.

This is good news for Datang, himself, and Xiao Sizi.

Seeing that she believed her, Chen Jingke breathed a sigh of relief. Of course he knew a lot about policy.

Among other things, he knew a thing or two about the mainstream social system for more than a thousand years. But he didn't dare to talk about these things, at least not now.

The most important thing is, can these advanced systems really be suitable for the current Datang Dynasty?

A very simple example is that the two-party system was very successful in the US imperialism, and then many countries began to imitate it. When the US imperialism evolves into a country, it will also enforce the two-party system.

But facts have proven that all countries that imitate the two-party system have failed.

The reason is as Chen Jingke said just now, no system is omnipotent and needs to be consistent with the local humanistic environment, economic conditions, national strength, etc.

The two-party system is a product of the unique environment of US imperialism. For other countries to imitate it is to seek death.

By the same token, will the various advanced systems that emerged later be sure to succeed in the Tang Dynasty?

The greater probability is that the country will be in chaos and change of dynasties - unless he makes a revolution, but he does not have the ability.

Then there is only one way, borrow the power of the natives of the Tang Dynasty and slowly improve it according to the actual situation.

Of course he knew that relying on these carnivores for improvement would never be able to change the world he wanted.

He didn't count on these people either.

What he really wants to do is to increase productivity and promote the spread of knowledge among the people. When the general public masters knowledge and awakens their wisdom, they will naturally fight for their own interests.

At that time, these meat-eaters will either take the initiative to delegate power or be revolutionized.

And these awakened latecomers will naturally choose the path that is most suitable for the country.

After dealing with Changsun Wujia, he immediately promoted his plan and said:

"Although I can't provide His Majesty with any policy ideas, I can still help a lot technically."

As he spoke, he picked up a book from the bookshelf, handed it to her and said, "This is a new steelmaking method I designed, covering everything from ore mining to smelting."

"If we find a few large-scale iron ore plants to build, it will be no problem for Datang's steel output to exceed 10,000 tons within two years."

"Oh, a ton is a weight unit created by our family. One ton is equivalent to two thousand kilograms in the Tang Dynasty. It is specially used to express bulk goods."

Changsun Wugou immediately made the conversion. One ton is two thousand catties, and ten thousand tons is twenty million catties. Now Datang's steel output is only more than one million catties, which is an increase of more than twenty times.

With so much steel, there are so many things that can be done, and the key is that railways are also possible.

Changsun Wugou took the booklet and said, "Okay, I won't say anything to others, and I won't let you suffer in the future."

Chen Jingke just wanted to be polite.

She took the lead and said, "Don't use Xiao Sizi as an excuse. Some things become boring if you talk about them too much."

Chen Jingke said with some embarrassment: "I was sincere, okay?"

Changsun Wugou glared at him, and he quickly stopped without daring to say anything more.

After talking about the business, she thought of her son and warned: "Qingque will follow you to learn the art of studying objects from now on, help me guide him well."

Chen Jingke asked strangely: "You didn't tell him about the feudal state?"

Changsun Wugou shook his head and said, "Things haven't been decided yet. Who knows what will happen in the future? I'm afraid that if I give him hope now, he won't be able to accept it if it doesn't come true in the future."

Chen Jingke understood and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of him."

While they were chatting, Li Shimin also summoned a group of confidants in Ganlu Hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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