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0273 Royal grandson

At that time, Chen Jingke was playing with little Sizi when he saw the eldest grandson Wugou coming over in a hurry and saying, "The Crown Princess is about to give birth, come with me quickly."

The little Sizi pouted immediately, and after playing with her brother for a while, she was called away again. She was very unhappy.

Chen Jingke knew what she was thinking. He rolled his eyes and pretended to be surprised: "Xiao Sizi, you are going to be an aunt."

Children always like to be adults. I was very happy when I heard that my seniority had suddenly increased by a generation, and I immediately put the unhappiness behind me.

"Come on, hurry up, I want to see my little nephew."

Hearing her blurt out "nephew", Changsun Wugou was very happy and said: "Yes, yes, that's my nephew. Let's go over quickly to see your little nephew."

Why does she care so much about Xiao Sizi's casual words? It has something to do with folk customs.

If a child points to a pregnant woman's belly and calls her brother, then she is pregnant with a boy; if she calls her sister, she is a girl.

Of course, everyone knows that this is not credible, it is just a matter of luck.

Naturally, they didn't forget to take Hong Ling and others with them when they went there. It would be easy to have a smooth delivery, and they could receive timely treatment if the delivery was difficult.

All the way to the East Palace, Xiao Sizi jumped out of the car and ran ahead, shouting: "Little nephew, here is my little nephew."

Changsun Wugou reminded from behind: "Slow down, run slowly and be careful where you step."

Chen Jingke smiled heartily.

When they arrived at the palace, they found that Li Shimin had already arrived, accompanied by Li Chengqian and Changsun Wuji.

Xiao Sizi ran to Li Shimin and asked, "Yeah, where is my little nephew?"

Li Shimin picked her up and said with a smile: "Your nephew is a naughty child. He is playing hide and seek with you. How about we beat him up later?"

Little Sizi grabbed his beard and said angrily: "Yeah, that's a lie. My nephew is not born yet. How can he hide and seek? Humph."

Li Shimin laughed heartily and said: "Oh, oh, oh, you are going to pull off Yeye's beard. Our little Sizi has grown up and become sensible."

Xiao Sizi said proudly: "That's right, I'm no longer a child."

"Erlang/Your Majesty." Changsun Wugou and Chen Jingke followed up and gave a simple salute.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Well, sit down first, it may take a while."

Changsun Wugou turned around and asked Li Chengqian, "What's going on inside?"

Li Chengqian replied: "Mr. Wen said that the fetal position is very correct, and it will be a normal birth without any accidents."

This was not his first child. A concubine had already given birth to his eldest son, Li Xiang, for him before. So he was not anxious and felt quite calm.

But what is about to be born now is the Crown Princess's first child, her eldest son/daughter, whose status is extraordinary.

In order to show their attention, both Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou were present. But it was just this once. From now on, Changsun Wugou would at most come to visit.

Hong Ling and others were arranged to stand ready next door. They often met the emperor, and although they were a little nervous, they were not so frightened that they dared not do anything.

But fortunately, everything was just as Po Wen said, there was no big problem, and the royal grandson was born smoothly half an hour later.

"Oh...the little nephew is born." Xiao Sizi cheered and ran to the delivery room.

The eldest grandson Wugou grabbed her and said, "You can't go in now. Don't disturb your sister-in-law and children."

Xiao Sizi said unhappily: "When can I come in? I want to see my nephew."

The eldest grandson Wugou coaxed, "Wait until the house is tidied up before entering. You don't want to scare your little nephew, right?"

Xiao Sizi said reluctantly: "Oh, I understand."

Li Shimin was also very happy and laughed and said: "Haha... Okay, it's good to come. My grandson came at the right time."

Everyone understood what he meant. The royal grandson was born just as the court was preparing to reform, which was a standard auspicious sign.

"In order to celebrate the birth of the emperor's grandson, all the prisoners in custody will be reduced to the first rank, and the internal and external officials of the fifth rank and above, the son as the father and the latter, will each be awarded one rank. The world will be in the imperial palace for five days, and a banquet will be held for all officials in the East Palace."

Li Chengqian quickly said: "Thank you Aye."

According to ancient rules, ordinary people are not allowed to enter the delivery room.

It wasn't until Po Wen packed up the baby and wrapped it tightly in a blanket and sent it to the next room that Li Shimin, Changsun Wugou and others came to visit.

In fact, there is nothing good-looking. A newborn baby is really not good-looking. The adults understood what was going on and didn’t say anything.

The little Sizi was young and didn't understand. After seeing the baby, he said in disgust: "Oh, it's so ugly, and...and..."

Chen Jingke suppressed his laughter and said seriously: "Just like a little mouse, right?"

Xiao Sizi said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, he is just like a little mouse... He is so ugly, what should I do in the future?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Changsun Wugou glared at him angrily, and then said to little Sizi: "Children are always like this when they are born. In a few days, they will become white, fat and beautiful."

Xiao Sizi said doubtfully, "Oh, then I'll see him again in a few days."

After seeing the child, Li Shimin was about to leave. Everyone hurriedly saw him off. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and said to Chen Jingke:

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Chen Jingke knew what he was asking and shook his head: "No."

Li Shimin didn't say anything more, nodded and left.

Changsun Wugou stayed here for a little longer. After the delivery room was tidied up, he went to express his condolences to his daughter-in-law. Chen Jingke also followed behind to pay homage to the princess.

Crown Princess Su is the 24th descendant of Su Wu, her great-grandfather is Yuwen Hu, and she comes from a standard Guanlong core family.

Li Shimin chose her as the crown princess, which shows that he attaches great importance to Li Chengqian.

Everyone always jokes that Wei Zifu's dowry is the thickest in history because she brought Wei Qing and Huo Qubing to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Naturally, the Su family could not compare with Wei Zifu, but her younger brother Su Huan was the prime minister during the reign of Zhongzong Ruizong.

He also supported Li Longji, so after his death, Li Longji gave him the posthumous title "Wenzhen".

Wenzhen was the first posthumous title for civil servants. During the Song Dynasty, in order to avoid taboo Zhao Zhen, it was changed to Wenzheng, which was the posthumous title given to Fan Zhong after his death.

This shows how strong Su Hao's ability and talent are.

Her nephew Su Ting was also the prime minister during the Xuanzong period and was named Xu Guogong. He was as famous as Yan Guogong Zhang Shuo and was called "Yan Xu's great master".

So her dowry is not bad.

It's a pity that fate played a trick on people. Li Chengqian didn't use any of this dowry, and it all benefited his brother Li Zhi and his descendants.

At this time, this woman was lying on the bed. Although she was very weak, her face showed joy from the bottom of her heart. After giving birth to her legitimate grandson, her position would be as stable as Mount Tai. How could she not be happy?

The eldest grandson Wugou praised her and told his servants to take good care of her before leaving the East Palace and returning to the Li Zheng Hall.

Chen Jingke originally wanted to go back to Zixiao Temple, but Xiao Sizi looked aggrieved, so he surrendered and followed her to the palace, playing with her until the palace door was about to be locked before going back.

On the third day after the meeting, Li Shimin finally made a big move. The first big move was to adjust the deployment of troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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