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0296 Naval battle

At the same time that Li Daoyan put down the rebellion, a small-scale naval battle that could be recorded in history also took place near Fuso Zhuzi Island.

One of the two warring parties was the Datang Navy and the other was the Fusang Navy.

Comparing the strength of the two sides, the Tang Navy had a total of seventeen warships, while the Fuso Navy had more than a hundred warships.

As a result of the battle, all 25 large ships of Fuso were destroyed, more than 60 small and medium-sized warships were lost, and only more than 30 small ships escaped.

On the other hand, the Tang Dynasty won a complete victory without any loss.

The cause and process are really lackluster. Tang Dynasty frequently visited Zhuzi Island and hooked up with the descendants of Zhuzi Kingdom. Such a big move cannot be hidden from others.

Fuso got the news quickly.

At this time, Emperor Shumei was in power in Fuso Kingdom, but he was just a puppet. The real person in power was Minister Soga Ezo.

Soga Ezo reacted very quickly and sent his son Soga Rika to deal with the matter, and warned:

"You need to be careful on this trip. If the Tang Dynasty really wants to build the Purple Island, it can keep all those people as hostages depending on the situation."

However, he still underestimated his son's violence. Suga Rulu ignored the previous words and only remembered the last sentence.

When he learned that the Tang Dynasty had only seventeen ships, he directly ordered his navy to launch an attack.

The commander of the Tang Dynasty's fleet was none other than Liu Rengui, who came into the sight of high-level officials by relying on the cannon range formula.

Facing Fuso's fleet, the distinguished representatives who came for on-site inspection were terrified, but they did not show it because they were afraid of losing face.

Feng Ang's son Feng Zhidai was also in the crowd, and he secretly regretted that he would have let others come if he had known about it.

Takeuchi Miyake, the prince of Chikushi Kingdom, was not only trembling with fear, but also restless. He said: "Angel, what should we do? How about we escape by boat first. When the Chinese army arrives, we will fight back."

Liu Rengui nodded and said, "Everyone, please get aboard."

Everyone thought he was going to escape, so they felt relieved and quickly boarded the ship. Unfortunately, those who defected to Takeuchi Miyake were abandoned directly.

However, everyone soon discovered that the warships were traveling in the wrong direction. Those that were not heading towards the Tang Dynasty actually rushed towards the Fuso fleet.

Everyone was shocked. Do you want to surrender to the enemy?

They quickly found the captain to ask about the situation. The captain told them to listen to Colonel Liu and conveyed Liu Rengui's words:

"Everyone, please watch the performance."

Everyone was furious. What performance? How to surrender?

But Liu Rengui was on another ship and they had no choice but to jump on the same spot.

Then they watched a gorgeous performance.

The warships of the Tang Dynasty were specialized sea-going ships and were more stable on the sea. The disadvantage was that they were slower than flat-bottomed ships. However, the new sails made up for this shortcoming.

During the Song Dynasty, sea trade flourished and navigation technology made great progress, and sail technology was one of them.

The earliest sailboats could only borrow wind from the front, not side winds. When going to sea, they would calculate the season and set off when the wind was favorable.

If you really can't borrow the wind, you can only row the boat by hand.

The new type of sail can adjust the direction of the sail according to the wind direction. In addition to the headwind, it can take advantage of the wind in seven other directions.

So the Fuso fleet was surprised to find that the Tang warship, which was about to die, drew a beautiful arc and came to their side when it was only three or five miles away from them.

It’s just people who don’t understand navigation, but everyone who knows a little bit about navigation opened their eyes in surprise. How did the other party borrow wind from the side?

Although the commander of the Fuso Navy was surprised, he responded immediately. He lowered the sail, turned around, and gave chase.

However, with the level of communication in ancient times, it was too difficult for hundreds of ships to make a temporary U-turn.

Some of the ships had already turned around and pursued the Tang warship, while others had not yet received the order.

Just a simple operation caused Fuso Navy's formation to fall into chaos.

"Okay, it's really wonderful. Lieutenant Liu's future achievements will be limitless." Feng Zhidai, who knows the most about water warfare, couldn't help but high-five him.

Even if the others didn't understand water warfare, anyone who knew a little bit about military affairs would know what happened and couldn't help but cheer.

However, at this moment, "Boom, boom, boom..." a thunderous sound sounded, and clouds of smoke rose from several warships nearby.

The next moment, 'Bang, bang, bang...dong, dong, dong...' Fuso's dozen or so ships at the front were crushed and sunk.

More cannonballs fell into the water, causing huge splashes.

Takeuchi Miyake was paralyzed to the ground in fear, pointing at the gunboat as if he saw a ghost.

This group of honorable representatives were startled at first, but they soon realized that it must be the legendary cannon.

Feng Zhidai controlled the panic in his heart and praised: "It is indeed a weapon that can change the war. Cannons and warships are a perfect match."

The representative of the Yuwen family is Yu Wennuo, the grandson of Yuwen Shiji. He also exclaimed: "I have long heard that artillery is extremely powerful, but now I see that the rumors are true."

Others also praised him one after another, and they also confirmed one thing in their hearts. The Tang Dynasty's power to dominate the world was unstoppable.

The Fuso Navy was also frightened, and its morale dropped drastically. But after all, they were elite soldiers who had been trained for a long time, so they still rushed forward.

However, while they were rowing, the warships of the Tang Dynasty could use their sails to take advantage of the wind from the side to move forward. The power of the wind was obviously better than human power.

The Tang warship once again drew an arc, aiming its side muzzles at the Fuso warship, and a new round of bombardment began.

Only five warships were sunk this time, but three of them were large ships.

The big ship with three thousand materials was destroyed and sunk, which brought a huge visual impact to people.

Coupled with the mysterious and unknown weapons, the morale of the Fuso Navy completely collapsed. Many soldiers shouted for heaven's punishment, and some warships began to retreat and escape.

However, this is the characteristic of the boat. It accelerates slowly and stops very slowly.

When Datang's gunboats launched the third round of bombardment, they were able to take control of the ship, and seven more ships were sunk.

The general of Fuso Navy was very brave and ordered the attack to continue.

But when others retreated and he launched an attack, his flagship became the leader.

Liu Rengui did not know that the enemy commander was on board this ship, but he knew that the ship was very large and was a main battleship.

He immediately said: "Destroy this ship."

At least twenty cannons were aimed at the ship, sending it to the bottom of the sea in one shot.

After losing the flagship, the morale of the Fuso Navy completely collapsed, and the remaining ships fled in all directions.

Seeing this, Liu Rengui also realized that he had caught a big fish, and immediately ordered the pursuit to disperse.

This pursuit battle lasted for more than two hours and finally ended with Datang's victory.

After leading the crowd back to the shore, Liu Rengui said with a smile: "Are you satisfied with this performance?"

Takeuchi Miyake couldn't wait to say: "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful. It is indeed worthy of being a heavenly army. I, Zhuzi Kingdom, am willing to submit to the Tang Dynasty for the rest of my life."

This chapter has been completed!
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