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0304 cry poor

"Now the imperial court is vaccinating the country, and a large number of people are needed to participate. The imperial court must provide these people with the most basic health care training."

"It would be a pity if these people were given up after vaccination. All the resources invested by the court in the past would have been wasted."

This time, the imperial court vaccinated all the people against smallpox, and the personnel recruited were divided into two parts. One part was the medical team affiliated with the imperial court, who were the main force in the vaccination.

There are also some people who come from various places. In whichever state or county the imperial medical team goes to vaccinate, some people must be recruited to cooperate.

Otherwise, the imperial medical team alone would not be able to complete the vaccination work even if their legs are broken.

The teams formed at the local level cannot be put on the job casually. After all, this is a matter of life and death, and these people must be trained in some simple nursing knowledge.

In the 21st century, this nursing knowledge is the most basic common sense known to every household, but it was a breakthrough in ancient times.

It would be a big waste to let these people go home after being vaccinated, so Chen Jingke encouraged Changsun Wugao to build a medical system.

Just listen to him talk and describe his overall plan.

"If a hospital is built, these people can immediately become primary care workers. If some of these people are literate and trained, they will become good doctors."

"Wait a minute." Changsun Wuguo interrupted him and said, "You just said that after the new medical division, medical skills are becoming more and more complex, and it is very troublesome to train doctors."

"These people have never been exposed to medical skills. It will be troublesome to train them from scratch, right? And to train so many doctors at one time, the court... where can I get so much money?"

Chen Jingke knew that he was too excited and his words were a little confusing, so he quickly added:

"I didn't make it clear. These people don't need to know too many advanced medical skills, or even medical science. They just need to be able to follow the prescriptions and take medicines to treat some common diseases."

"I have already told the master that he will write a medical book that records the symptoms and treatments of all common diseases."

"When the time comes, we will use this book to train those people, and then let them go to the countryside to be local doctors and treat people's diseases."

"Their medical skills may be very low, but don't forget that there are no doctors at all among the people now. When people get sick, they can only wait to die."

"We must first solve the problem of whether or not, and then solve the problem of quality. To put it too much, only doctors with average medical skills will be willing to stay in the countryside to treat people."

"When people go to higher places, everyone wants to go to county towns or even state towns, where life is more prosperous and comfortable. Anyone with higher medical skills will find a way to go to a big city instead of staying in the countryside."

"Those with mediocre medical skills know that if they are not good at medicine, they will not be able to establish themselves in a big city. They will be more comfortable and respected in the countryside... so they stay in the countryside."

This is a very real problem, and it is even more serious in the 21st century. As long as a qualified doctor comes out of a small place, it will not take long for him to be poached.

The final result is that large hospitals in big cities monopolize most of the medical resources.

When ordinary people get a slightly more troublesome disease, they have to go to a large hospital hundreds or thousands of miles away and spend several times more money to be cured.

The influx of patients to big hospitals has also brought about a negative consequence: beds are tight, and it doesn't matter that they have to queue for half a year to get their turn. However, hospitals in small cities are empty and rely on state subsidies to survive.

Fortunately for China, at least these doctors go to big hospitals instead of going abroad. Generally speaking, the country's educational resources are not completely wasted.

Those countries that are relatively weak and poor are in more trouble, and the talents they spend huge resources to cultivate are directly enriched.

For example, this situation has occurred in some relatively developed countries in Africa. The country has established high-quality medical schools to train doctors with superb medical skills.

After graduation, these doctors go directly to developed countries in Europe and the United States and will not stay in their home countries at all.

After reacting, the solution in these African countries is very simple: lower the quality of medical schools and only teach some relatively common medical skills that can treat common diseases.

Then the overall medical level of the country improved.

It seems ridiculous and sad, but that's the reality.

People go to higher places, this is an irrefutable truth, no one can deny it.

With Datang's current strength, it is unrealistic to train a large number of doctors with superb medical skills. And even if they could be trained, it would not solve the problem of the lack of doctors among the people.

Because these doctors with superb medical skills will only try their best to go to big cities.

Those local doctors who can only take medicine according to prescriptions are more suitable for rural areas, for the reasons mentioned before.

As for whether these native doctors will kill people, that is for sure, but they will only save more people.

After all, their existence itself is a zero breakthrough, and the medical skills among inferior local doctors are better than no doctors at all, right?

His idea of ​​a native doctor was not derived out of thin air, but was based on the experience of his previous life. The barefoot doctor and the barefoot doctor's manual played an important role in the early days of the founding of New China, so I won't go into details here.

Chen Jingke’s idea originated from this.

"We can take a two-step approach. On the one hand, we can train doctors with superb medical skills and let them work in large hospitals in counties or prefectures."

"While cultivating a large number of local doctors, let them go to the countryside to work as rural doctors. For diseases that cannot be cured by local doctors, they will go to big hospitals in the city to receive better treatment."

"In this way, comprehensive coverage of medical care can be achieved, so that everyone can receive medical services, and it can also save resources for the country as much as possible."

"The popularization of medical care can greatly improve people's living environment and make the population grow faster."

"A larger population can cultivate more land, produce more food, and provide more soldiers for the country."

"In this way we can realize the original plan and complete the unification of the world... After all, the land is there, and what we lack is the population."

Changsun Wugou nodded and suddenly asked: "Is this plan made by your family elders?"

Chen Jingke paused and said, "Yes, they made it."

Changsun Wugou showed a genuine expression and said, "Then your elders haven't considered how many resources are needed to realize their plan?"

"It would be difficult even with the power of the imperial court, let alone me. Although the profits from the few things you gave us are huge, the expenses of the imperial court are also huge."

"Foreign campaigns, the academic and political system, naval construction...each one is a gold-swallowing beast, and there is also the planned Yellow River management plan..."

"The national treasury is almost empty, and there is not much internal money left. How can we carry out the construction of the medical system you mentioned?"

At this point, she sighed and said, "Hey, I can barely get together the dowry for Xiao Sizi now."

Chen Jingke has a black line on his forehead, can he talk about business without mentioning Xiao Sizi?

"The elders have really thought about this issue. Whether it is the academic system or the medical system, a lot of resources need to be invested, and it will take decades to see benefits."

"If the court invests desperately, the country may collapse before seeing the benefits, and good governance will turn into bad governance. This is not our purpose."

"Hmm." Changsun Wujia nodded repeatedly, holding back his smile and asked, "Then how are your elders going to solve this problem?"

Chen Jingke said: "They have many methods, some are long-term and some are short-term. In addition to glass, sugar and other things, there are several huge profit-making industries that can see profits in the short term."

Changsun Wugou could no longer control the joy in his heart, and urged with a smile: "Quickly tell me, is there anything else?"

Can we put away the smile on our faces first? Chen Jingke complained in his heart, but he still said seriously: "There are two most profitable things, salt and tea."

Changsun Wugao was a little disappointed and said: "Although the tea trade is very prosperous, the court cannot directly benefit from it. Salt... do you want to say that salt and iron are exclusive?"

"But have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? After the salt and iron monopoly, the price of salt soared and the people were miserable. Even Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who was so cruel, did not implement this policy. How can we be inferior to him?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "You underestimate the profits of the tea trade. Let me put it this way, its overall profits are no less than that of sugar."

Changsun Wugou said in disbelief: "How is that possible? Do you know how much income sugar can bring every year?"

Chen Jingke asked back: "Have you ever thought that the world's demand for tea and sugar are the same?"

"Because the Tang Dynasty produced tea, people don't think tea is very important. But tea is unique to the Tang Dynasty and is not available in other countries."

"Don't those countries that don't produce tea just drink tea? No, they have a huge demand for tea. People in many places can do without sugar, but they can't do without tea."

"For example, the herdsmen on the northern grasslands eat more meat and less vegetables. They need tea to relieve fatigue and supplement a variety of trace elements."

"Not only the herdsmen in the north, but also Arabia, Sassanid, Rome and even the whole world like to drink tea. Tea is more valuable than gold to them..."

"The reason why you think its profits are small is because the tea trade has only been developed by less than 1%. That's why I say that tea is as important as sugar."

Changsun Wugao said in surprise: "Tea is really so important?"

Chen Jingke said with certainty: "Yes, as long as the imperial court controls the outflow of tea and increases foreign trade, it will be able to gain immediate and huge benefits."

"If it is not convenient for the court to come forward to do it, you can unite with the big tea merchants in the name of trading houses to establish a unified tea industry federation to regulate the tea trade."

Changsun Wugou couldn't help but nodded and said: "This method is good, so that no one will say that the court is competing with the people for profit. What about salt? Your elders have also come up with other good ideas, right?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, there is no doubt that the salt and iron franchise is bad government. My elders would not do this."

"Their method is actually very simple, which is to increase the production of salt, and it is refined salt."

Changsun Wugou immediately became interested and said: "Oh, how to increase it? Do you know where salt is produced?"

Chen Jingke said: "There is no need to look for other places. The salt in the sea is inexhaustible."

Changsun Wugou frowned at first. Everyone knows that there is salt in the sea, but it is difficult to extract and all the salt obtained is poisonous and inferior...

No... She suddenly realized that Chen Jingke's elders must also know about this problem. Since they dared to bring up Haiyan, there must be a better way.

Thinking of new technologies such as sugar, cans, glass, artillery, new steel-making techniques, etc., she further confirmed this guess and said:

"Do you have a better way to make salt?"

Chen Jingke praised: "My aunt is smart, just like that."

So he explained the salt-drying method.

The sun-salting method was formed during the Song Dynasty. Before that, the sea was boiled to make salt. Not only did it require a large amount of wood, but the resulting salt was still bitter. If you eat too much, you will be poisoned.

There are many ways to purify salt. Chen Jingke mentioned the simplest one, the saturated salt washing method.

It is to dissolve coarse salt in water and use the different saturations of water for different elements to obtain relatively pure refined salt.

When he heard that refined salt could be obtained so easily and in such large quantities, Zhangsun Wujiu, as expected, couldn't even close his mouth with laughter.

"Okay, okay, as expected of the Chen family, they have never disappointed anyone. Please write down this method in detail, and I will immediately send people to build the salt field."

Chen Jingke took out a few pages from his sleeve and said: "It's already written. Not only the method of drying salt, but also several places that are more suitable for drying salt."

In previous lives, China had three major salt fields, four major salt fields, seven major salt fields, etc. There are different opinions, but there are three places that are most suitable for drying salt.

One is Laizhou, Shandong, which is the largest industrial salt production base in China. The other is the Butai Salt Field on Taiwan Island, which is the largest salt production base in China. The other is the Yinggehai Salt Field on Hainan Island.

Speaking of Hainan Island, Chen Jingke remembered another thing and said: "There is a large-scale open-pit iron mine on this island, with iron ore reserves of more than 300 million tons."

There was no unit ton in the Tang Dynasty, but Chen Jingke often used the word ton, and people familiar with him basically knew what it meant.

One ton is two thousand kilograms, three hundred million tons is six hundred billion kilograms of iron ore... Changsun Wugu was tempted just by hearing this number.

Before the Tang Dynasty, the steel production was only about 500 tons. New steelmaking technology was obtained from Chen Jingke, and the trial results in several iron mines were remarkable.

According to estimates from the Ministry of Industry, Datang's iron production this year will exceed about 2,000 tons.

Nowadays, steel production is completely limited by ore mining. If there is an open-pit iron mine and new steel-making technology, Datang's steel production can be doubled several times.

With more iron, more weapons and armor can be made, which improves the combat effectiveness of the army. More agricultural tools can be made, and with enough agricultural tools, more land can be cultivated and more people can be fed.

In short, iron is too important, it is a symbol of strength.

Chen Jingke continued: "The grade of this iron ore is very high, generally exceeding 50%, with the highest being 70%. It is easy to mine and refine."

"Moreover, this iron mine is also accompanied by a large copper mine and a gold mine. As long as they are mined, many problems of the imperial court can be solved."

"As for the miners...there are many native people on the Nanyang Islands, and those who don't accept the king's rule are all taken over to mine."

"Wait, wait." Changsun Wugou stroked his forehead and said, "You talk too much and I'm a little confused."

"You just said that there is a place called Yinggehai in Yazhou that is suitable for drying salt, and there is also a large open-pit iron mine with associated copper and gold mines, right?"


"At the beginning of the civil fort, the Ming God of War was a little panicked" Recommended words: The counterattack of the Ming God of War Zhu Qizhen!

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