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0026 Sports bracelet

Princess Li Lizhi of Changle? She is sick and is looking for a royal doctor. What’s the point of coming here to call someone? Of course, Chen Jingke only dared to think about this in his heart and did not dare to say it out loud.

Sun Simiao said calmly: "Just a moment, let us bring the medicine box."

Sun Fucai said: "I'm waiting for two real people here."

Chen Jingke interjected: "You can come with us and tell us about the princess's symptoms."

Sun Fucai first saluted him, and then said respectfully: "Here."

The three of them immediately set off to the backyard. On the way, Sun Fucai told him what he knew about the situation. After listening, master Chen Jingke and his apprentice looked at each other. This was obviously a symptom of asthma. Did she also suffer from this disease?

Chen Jingke thought more. Asthma is indeed a hereditary disease. If both parents have asthma, the chance of their children suffering from asthma can be as high as 60%.

If one parent has asthma, the probability of a child developing asthma is 20%; if neither parent has asthma, the probability of a child developing asthma is only about 6%.

This thing can also be passed down from generation to generation. If one person gets the disease, several generations will have to worry about it. Judging from Changsun Wugu's condition, it is normal for it to be passed on to children.

Thinking of this, he already had a clue in his mind that Princess Changle might have hereditary asthma. If that was the case, he would not be so worried.

Although this thing sounds troublesome, it is not life-threatening as long as it is taken care of well. Princess Changle's condition is not likely to be serious, and she will just pay attention to her care in the future.

However, for safety reasons, he still took his medical kit with him and rushed out to the Rinzheng Palace.

Li Shimin, Changsun Wugou, Changsun Wuji, Changsun Chong and others were all there. When they saw Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke coming in, they hurriedly came to greet them.

Before they could salute, Changsun Chong bowed first and said: "Please two real people, please save my wife."

The two of them first saluted Li Shimin and eldest grandson Wugao, and then Sun Simiao said: "There is no need for this, eldest grandson. It is our duty to treat illnesses and save people."

Li Shimin also said: "Master Sun, please."

But when he spoke, his eyes were looking at Chen Jingke.

Changsun Wuji also bowed and said, "Please."

Sun Simiao quickly returned the gift and said: "I don't dare to accept it. Where is the princess now?"

Changsun Wugou said: "Inside, Master, please come in."

Chen Jingke saw her eyes were red and knew that she had just cried. He couldn't help but comforted: "Auntie, there is no need to worry. Master and I are here, and the lady will be fine."

Changsun Wugou touched his head and said, "Jing Ke, I know you are a capable person, and you must help your aunt."

Chen Jingke said: "I will, let's see the lady first and then talk."

Under the guidance of Chang Sun Wugu, Chen Jingke and Sun Simiao came inside together, while the man was left outside.

When he saw Li Lizhi in the inner room, Chen Jingke was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that she was seriously ill, on the contrary, she was sitting there intact and seemed completely fine. She even got up to say hello to them.

He said doubtfully: "Aunt, Madam, this is..."

Li Lizhi said: "I fell ill at home an hour ago. Because the symptoms were similar to those of my mother, I used the methods taught by Sun Zhenren to relieve the symptoms. It worked, so I came to the palace to seek treatment from Zhenren."

Chen Jingke smiled bitterly: "So that's it, I thought... it'll be fine if it's okay, it'll be fine if it's okay."

Sun Simiao was also helpless. Just now Sun Fucai hurriedly called them over. When he saw Chang Sun Chong, he cried and asked for help. He thought it was serious.

Changsun Wugou guessed why they were like this, and said apologetically: "We are also concerned about chaos, please forgive me, Master."

Sun Simiao said: "Your Majesty, you're welcome. This is human nature. Let's see the princess first."

So everyone sat down. Sun Simiao first felt Princess Changle's pulse, then asked about the situation in detail, and finally came to the conclusion:

"The symptoms are the same as those of the empress. I think they are the same disease... Disciple, please come and have a look."

In fact, Chen Jingke was already sure that he had asthma, but in order to reassure the two of them, he still sat down and took Li Lizhi's pulse, and began to silently count the number of pulse beats in his heart.

But as he counted, the relaxed expression on his face disappeared, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

Naturally, the change in his expression could not be concealed from others. Changsun Wugou and Li Lizhi were both worried. Sun Simiao also fell into thinking. Did he make an oversight when taking his pulse?

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon. Relying on the pulse to judge whether a person is sick and what kind of disease it is, the possibility of misjudgment is too great, even if he is a miracle doctor, there is no exception.

Chen Jingke's pulse check took a little long this time, and it took him a full five or six minutes before he let go.

The eldest grandson Wugou asked quickly: "Jing Ke, is your sister okay?"

Chen Jingke said: "I'm not sure yet... Do you occasionally have headaches, bloating, fatigue, or numbness in your limbs? Think about it carefully before you answer."

Changsun Wugou urged: "Think about it carefully."

Li Lizhi frowned and thought, and after a while she said: "Sometimes I get a slight headache when I feel particularly irritable. This should be no problem."

Changsun Wugou said: "This shouldn't be an illness, saints sometimes behave like this."

Chen Jingke: "..."

He took a deep breath and said, "I'm going to use a strange tool to make a final diagnosis on Madam. Don't be surprised by what you see later."

Changsun Wugou said: "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Chen Jingke opened the medical kit and took out a black sports bracelet.

As an adventure enthusiast, I have sports bracelets, sports watches, mobile phones, micro solar charging panels, and a full set of equipment.

After traveling through time, these things were put away, and this time he took out the bracelet after careful consideration.

By checking his pulse, he discovered that Li Lizhi had symptoms of high blood pressure. Just now, Changsun Wugao said that Li Shimin had the same symptoms. After thinking about Li Zhi's rheumatism syndrome in his previous life...

He was 90% sure that the Li family had high blood pressure in their ancestors, and coupled with the eldest grandson Wugou's asthma, there would be no one left in the family.

He didn't believe that Li Shimin would dare to attack him under such circumstances? Not only would he not do it, but he would do everything possible to protect him and win over him.

Therefore, the advantages of properly exposing some things from the past life outweigh the disadvantages.

In front of the three people, he turned on the bracelet and adjusted it to measure blood pressure, and then put it on Li Lizhi's wrist.

The three people next to me were stunned. What kind of treasure is this? Why is it so beautiful? Why does it light up? Why does it ring? What are the words and strange patterns that appear on it?

Could this be an immortal weapon?

When the bracelet was placed on her wrist, Li Lizhi's nervous breathing became rapid.

This chapter has been completed!
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