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0320 so retro

Wang Xiuqi shouted: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and expose their conspiracy."

However, no one responded to him.

After a while, Lu Xiucai sighed: "We didn't talk to the moon."

Wang Xiuqi was speechless for a moment, but he still said: "We can't sit back and wait for death. We can leave other places alone. We must at least expose them in Chang'an City."

Lu Xiu shook her head and did not answer.

Zheng Song replied: "This is Chang'an City, and that man won't give us a chance."

Of course, Li Shimin would not give them a chance, and neither would the nobles. They had finally completed the layout and were just short of finishing it. How could they destroy it?

The power of the noble clan in the capital is already weak, and the few that are there are all under surveillance. If there is any abnormal movement, they will disappear immediately.

At this time, no one talks about the law, let alone kindness and morality.

Through the propaganda of Mochizuki Tan and the subtle inducements deliberately spread throughout the city, most people were dominated by their emotions.

At first, everyone just used "sealing them overseas" as an excuse to fight back, but soon it turned into "driving the nobles to the islands" to save them from causing harm to the country and the people.

Then everyone presented memorials one after another and took the initiative to request that the nobles be given enfeoffments.

The reason is what Li Shimin said before. The nobles have worked hard and made great achievements. They have a deep friendship with the emperor and his ministers, so they should be given titles.

Moreover, these people also brought out the etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty. You see, the Zhou Dynasty divided the princes and kings into the newly occupied Siyi lands.

It can not only guard the borders and defend the center, but also develop the newly occupied lands. Within a few decades, these barbaric lands will all become fertile soil.

We must respect the past and restore ancient times. The mainland is the central location and cannot be used for enfeoffment. Those islands, the grasslands in the north, and the deserts in the west are all fine.

Your Majesty, please respect the ancient law and comply with public opinion, and banish all the nobles.

The nobles were naturally unwilling, accusing the bureaucrats of being jealous of others who could squeeze them out, and asked the emperor to uphold justice.

Every morning the two sides would start a big fight over this matter.

The nobles hold high positions and the ordinary bureaucrats are numerous and have the support of the people. It can be said that the two sides are in a close fight and no one can defeat the other.

Just when there was a stalemate, a new force joined in, that is, local bureaucrats.

Mochizuki Tan covers most parts of the country. As it is distributed in various places, the method of "sending nobles overseas" also spreads quickly and is regarded by most people as a good solution.

Then the local clans and local officials wrote letters in favor of the motion.

Their number was so huge that they instantly overwhelmed the nobles, and the voice of "send these nobles overseas" completely gained the upper hand.

In this process, Weng Yingqing, the imperial censor in the palace, performed particularly well, rising from an official position below the seventh rank to become the backbone of the opposition.

Many people gathered around him, including many with higher official positions than him.

Weng Yingqing was so high-spirited that he walked with wind, and the life of the servants at home became easier.

But he was still not satisfied and felt that it was not enough. He wrote an article citing scriptures and took it with him to Zixiao Temple to see Chen Jingke.

Chen Jingke was puzzled. What did this person mean by coming to him? If he wanted to submit articles, he should go through special channels.

However, he went to meet him when he had nothing to do. After reading the article, he understood this person's plan and came to seek fame.

But one thing to say, this article is really well written.

In order to build momentum for enfeoffment, Mochizuki Tan is preparing to issue an additional issue. The theme is to rebel against the world and advocate for overseas enfeoffment, and the articles have almost been selected.

But there is still a need for a hard-core article that highlights topics and highlights, and this article by Weng Yingqing is just right.

So Chen Jingke immediately said: "Weng Yushi is a great talent, this article should be the beginning of the supplement."

"Thank you, Captain, for your kindness." Weng Yingqing was so excited that he almost jumped up.

I thought it would be good if it passed the review, but I didn't expect it to be placed at the beginning. The surprise came too quickly and suddenly.

But one thing he was sure of was that he was going to be popular.

While the officials were still thinking about how to fight, the palace was already thinking about how to end this incident.

Li Shimin asked: "Prince Bin, how do you think the heat is now?"

Ma Zhou replied: "The momentum is great, but I thought the fire was still a little short of the final word."

Li Shimin took out a book and handed it to him: "Is this enough to make the final decision?"

Ma Zhou took it with both hands. Just by looking at the cover, he knew it was "Wang Yue Tan". He couldn't help but wonder, isn't it a monthly issue? Why is there another issue?

And it says issue 10.5 on the cover, could it be...

At this time, Li Shimin's words rang out: "This is a supplement, published specifically for this matter."

Sure enough... Ma Zhou nodded and started to look through it.

The first article is "On Enfeoffment", and the author is signed by Weng Yingqing. He knows this person and is the vanguard of the anti-enfeoffment movement.

He was still very curious that this article could serve as the beginning.

After reading it once, it became clear immediately.

The first half introduces the history of enfeoffment, starting from Shang and Zhou dynasties to the present.

The second half talks about why the Shang and Zhou Dynasties prospered because of the feudalism, but the Han and Jin Dynasties fell into chaos and even destroyed the country because of the feudalism.

The answer given is that during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the princes and kings were enfeoffed in the newly occupied lands. These lands were relatively desolate and inhabited by a large number of barbarians.

If the imperial court directly establishes state and county governance, it can only be used as a prefecture. It will need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to transform. Often, the imperial court cannot support the local area before it is fully transformed.

If abandoned, these places will soon be occupied by barbarians and become hidden dangers at the border.

Enfeoffing the princes and kings here can not only play a role in guarding the border, but also use the power of the princes and kings to develop the border areas and educate the barbarians, slowly turning the barbaric wilderness into fertile soil.

Therefore, the Shang and Zhou Dynasties prospered due to enfeoffment. The Shang Dynasty reigned for six hundred years, and the Zhou Dynasty lasted for more than eight hundred years.

This was not the case in the Han and Jin dynasties. They enfeoffed the fertile lands that were already well-governed to the princes and kings. As a result, they enriched the princes and kings and weakened the power of the court.

Moreover, the princes and kings do not need to undertake any border defense tasks. It is the responsibility of the country to resist foreign invaders. The court is getting weaker and weaker, and the princes and kings are getting stronger and stronger.

It's okay if the princes and kings are respectful, but not being respectful is the source of trouble. The Seven Kingdoms Rebellion occurred in the Western Han Dynasty, and the emperor almost changed. The Eight Kings Rebellion occurred in the Western Jin Dynasty, which directly led to the Yongjia Rebellion.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with enfeoffment, but the fault was that the enfeoffment of Han and Jin Dynasties did not respect the ancient times.

Now the Tang Dynasty is facing the same choice. It must not imitate the Han and Jin Dynasties. It should respect the past and return to ancient times, and enfeoff nobles to overseas islands and northwest deserts to guard the frontiers.

In this way, I dare not say that the Tang Dynasty will never be easy, at least it will not be worse than the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

Even Li Shimin was moved by this rhetoric. He wanted to enfeoff the country simply because the world was too big to rule, and he also needed the support of nobles to suppress the gentry.

However, after Weng Yingqing's analysis, it actually coincided with the Shang and Zhou Dynasty's policy of enfeoffment.

The rule of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties was the perfect world advocated by Confucianism. Although Li Shimin didn't really believe in this thing, he inevitably had some expectations in his heart.

What if.

In addition, this article is indeed well-founded and provides a realistic basis for the enfeoffment overseas, which indeed has the final word.

Ma Zhou just finished reading this article, closed the book, and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the enfeoffment has been completed as soon as this article is published."

Li Shimin pointedly asked: "What do you think of this article?"

As a close minister, Ma Zhou naturally knew what he was referring to. He thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about the enfeoffment of Shang and Zhou, but the vassal states at that time were indeed all around."

Li Shimin nodded, this was the answer he wanted.

Ma Zhou waited for a while, but when he saw that the emperor had no intention of discussing it in depth, he changed the subject and said, "Right now, I am more worried about the Moon Talk than about enfeoffment."

Li Shimin said: "Oh, what happened to it?"

Ma Zhou said seriously: "Its influence is too great. Just one article can sway the world's public opinion. It is too dangerous to have it in the hands of an individual. Of course, Zixiaoguan is trustworthy, but what about others?"

"In the past, everyone thought it was just a literary journal, but after this time everyone knew how scary it was, and someone would inevitably imitate it... This matter must be guarded against."

Li Shimin praised: "King Bin can foresee this matter, he is really talented... You see this strategy may be able to deal with this matter."

As he spoke, he pulled out a folded book from the table. Judging from the color of the paper, it should be a few days old.

Ma Zhou took it doubtfully and saw that the title was: Press and Publication Management Measures.

He couldn't help but be surprised. Someone had already foreseen this matter and had come up with countermeasures. Who could have such long-term foresight?

I couldn't wait to open the memorial and read it quickly.

A special agency has been established to manage this matter, and it is illegal to establish and publish journals without permission.

This organization also has a supervisory role and is responsible for reviewing the content of the journal. If there are articles that are sensitive and inappropriate for publication, you can request to delete them, otherwise they will not be allowed to be published.

In addition, there are many clauses. The method formulated in this memorial is quite mature, and it targets not only journals, but also published books.

It can be said that this memorial included all publications in the world.

The last signature was Chen Jingke, and he couldn't help but secretly thought that it was no wonder. Looking at the date, it was last year, which meant that the memorial was written just after the publication of Wang Yue Tan.

At this time Li Shimin asked: "How?"

Ma Zhou said with admiration: "Chen Duwei is really a great talent in the world, I am not as good as him."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "I'm not asking you to praise him, but to talk about the methods he said."

Ma Zhou hesitated for a while and then said: "It is too comprehensive and perfect, but it is not suitable for implementation because of this."

Li Shimin was not surprised by this answer and asked: "Tell me your reasons."

Ma Zhou replied: "If you want to achieve the supervision he said, you need to re-establish a team system and add at least thousands of officials... This move will increase the financial burden of the imperial court."


"It is also easy to create corruption, which is detrimental to cultural development and will offend scholars all over the world. There will always be deficiencies in supervision. Once there are loopholes, it will be too late to remedy them."

He spoke eloquently, and soon he mentioned a lot of things that looked good but were simply not possible to implement.

Li Shimin couldn't help but nodded and said: "What King Bin said is true. This is why I have not implemented this strategy. Do you have any ideas?"

In fact, he was trying to flatter himself because he did not implement this method. At first, he did not expect that the influence of Mochizuki Tan would be so huge.

When he first saw this memorial, he laughed in his heart that Chen Jingke was too confident and even thought of setting up an institution and creating a set of laws for a mere journal.

It wasn't until Chen Jingke published an article against the gentry in Wangyue Tan that he realized the horror of the journal. He quickly dug out the memorial again and pondered it for a long time.

The impact of the article advocating overseas enfeoffment half a month ago finally made him determined to restrain this industry.

But he hasn't figured out how to restrict it specifically. After all, this is a brand new problem. There are no previous examples to learn from. The only thing he can refer to is Chen Jingke's memorial.

This also made him admire Chen Jingke's elders even more. They could foresee this problem and come up with a solution just by relying on their imagination.

How intelligent he is, almost like a demon.

Then I was deeply grateful. Fortunately, they were all dead, leaving only Chen Jingke, a mediocre guy.

Ma Zhou did not answer this question directly. He carefully considered the influence of the Moon Talk, considered the current reality of the Tang Dynasty, and combined with the content of the memorial, gradually came up with an idea:

"Your Majesty, I believe that for the time being, the journal can only be in the hands of the imperial court, and private establishment is not allowed."

Li Shimin perked up and said, "Elaborate."

Ma Zhou explained: "The Tang Dynasty is a vast territory and the situation is complex. It is impossible to supervise all aspects of journals. The best way is to ban them."

"But because of the precedent of Mochizuki Tan, it is no longer possible to completely ban it. Forcibly banning it will only arouse opposition from scholars. Since it cannot be banned and it cannot be relaxed, the best way is to have the imperial court come forward to establish it."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Yes, King Bin is a mature and prudent person. Then which yamen do you think is better to manage this matter? Or should we establish a separate yamen?"

Ma Zhou replied: "It is not appropriate to establish a separate yamen. It will increase the burden on the court. It is better to let the Imperial College take charge of this matter. They are all literati and relatively leisurely, so it is most suitable."

"In addition, academic officials are located all over the world. It is a bit wasteful to only manage the schools. They can just be responsible for supervising the distribution of journals in various places."

Li Shimin laughed and said: "As expected of King Bin, he never disappoints me. Okay, you can write a note and submit it later."

Ma Zhou said: "Here."

Li Shimin added: "Go to Zixiao Temple to see Chen Jingke and see if he has anything to add. Your diabetes is getting worse day by day, so I just wanted to see Zhenren Sun for a look."

Ma Zhou said gratefully: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I will go to Zixiao Temple to pay homage to these two real people."

After coming out of the palace, Ma Zhou didn't care that it was getting late and went straight to Zixiao Temple.

At that time, Chen Jingke was already ready to rest. After his wedding, he spent the night at Wu Shu's house several times. The two maids looked at him with resentment.

Wu Shu also knew that doing so was not conducive to family harmony, so he sent him back to accompany the two maids on this meat-free day.

It's a good thing that Yu Zhu is young, but Yi Nu's hungry eyes turned green and she started to circle around him early on.

He had been holding back for half a month, so he was ready to take a rest early, and then he received the news of Ma Zhou's visit.

Chen Jingke naturally knew about this famous person who was born as a commoner, and was curious as to why he came to visit at this time.

Is there something important?

He rearranged his clothes, slapped the angry Yi Nu on the butt, and said, "Just wait, I will be back soon."

Then he went to meet the future prime minister out of curiosity.

This chapter has been completed!
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