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0351 The eldest grandson Wugou who protects the cubs

Sun Simiao said happily: "There is no longer any fear for her life. The knife is only one minute away from her heart. If it were any further away, it would be difficult for the gods to save her."

In ancient times, millet was used to determine the unit of length. Take the largest millet and place it horizontally to get one minute. Multiply by one hundred to get one foot. One minute is about three millimeters.

Hearing this, Chen Jingke was both happy and frightened, and said, "Thank you, Master, how is she now? Can I go see her?"

Sun Simiao shook his head and said: "The operation is not over yet. I just took out the knife. There are still more wounds that have not been treated in time."

Chen Jingke knew that this was because he was old and lacked energy. He did the most dangerous parts himself, and could only let his assistants do the rest of the simpler ones.

Sun Simiao added: "By the way, she lost a lot of blood. It's best to have some blood transfusion. Let's call a few people over to do blood type matching."

Chen Jingke immediately said: "I will do the matching."

Sun Simiao stopped him and said: "It will take a few days to recover after the blood transfusion. You have more important things to do and don't have time to rest. Let others do it."

Chen Jingke also knew that what he said was right, so he could only give up the idea.

I asked people to ask, and many people volunteered to come over for matching. Taking into account their physical condition, I selected a few young people, and after some operations, I selected one of them named Ye Guang.

Chen Jingke promised to use him again in the future.

Ye Guang seemed to be insulted and said: "What are you talking about, Zhenren? It is the two Zhenren and Zixiaoguan who gave us everything we have now."

"Someone assassinated you just to take away everything we have now. Miss Yi Nu was injured to protect you. She is our great benefactor."

"I am willing to give blood to my benefactor, but not for any reward."

Chen Jingke was very moved and said: "Okay, you are our good son in Zixiaoguan. I will take note of your words and I will definitely make everyone live a better life in the future."

Afterwards, the medical staff took Ye Guang into the isolation room, where they disinfected him with alcohol, then put on a steamed and sterilized hospital gown and entered the operating room.

The requirements for sterile wards are very high. In the previous life, the standards for sterile wards were not officially determined until 1966. In China, it was not until 1995 that the military chief physician came up with construction standards.

It took more than ten years for it to become popular in most parts of the country.

Before that, surgery didn't matter whether it was sterile or not. If there was an infection, antibiotics were used. To do surgery in an era without antibiotics was to gamble on not dying from infection.

Zixiaoguan has allicin, and post-operative infections are all treated with allicin. Later, as we continued to sum up experience, we have the current operating room.

Everything in the operating room is cooked at high temperatures, and alcohol is regularly sprayed for sterilization.

There is also an isolation room outside the operating room. Before entering the operating room, clothes are changed, cleaned and sterilized here.

All we can say is to create a surgical environment with fewer bacteria as much as possible.

When the door of the operating room closed again, Sun Simiao said: "You two, follow me."

Chen Jingke and Wu Shu followed obediently and entered the office next to them, closing the door behind them.

After everyone sat down, Sun Simiao asked: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Jingke gritted his teeth and said, "I want them to pay with blood."

Sun Simiao nodded and said: "Remember not to act rashly, and don't forget to go to the palace to cry before taking action."

Chen Jingke said with some surprise: "Don't you object?"

Sun Simiao said angrily: "My disciples have been assassinated in the street, why should I object? Do you really think that I can live for so many years just because of my stubbornness?"

Chen Jingke said happily: "It's great that you are willing to take action."

Sun Simiao shook his head and said: "Who said I was going to take action? It's already so big. If you suffer a loss, don't always think about looking for your parents. You must learn to take revenge on your own. Whether you can take revenge is a matter for the two of you."

Chen Jingke said sadly: "Okay, Shu'er and I will find a way."

Sun Simiao said seriously: "I hope you will remember this lesson and don't take chances when doing big things. You have to dig into other people's foundations. It's ridiculous to think that others will ignore you."

Chen Jingke said ashamedly: "Yes, I will never make such a mistake again in the future."

Wu Shu also reflected: "It was my fault. I thought that since we were hiding behind the scenes and using pseudonyms in Journey to the West, Buddhism would not notice us."

Sun Simiao said: "We are hiding our ears and stealing our bells. Zixiaoguan is the leader of Taoism, and only we can use the power of Taoism. Others are not fools, how can they not know who is behind the scenes?"

Wu Shu was even more ashamed and said: "Master taught us that we are too naive."

Sun Simiao asked again: "What other lessons have you learned?"

Wu Shu thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. He could only shake his head and said: "Master, please give me some advice."

Sun Simiao said earnestly: "Don't place your own life and death on your trust in your allies. It is very likely that you yourself are a part of the allies' calculations."

Chen Jingke was confused, allies? Tian Shiwen, Li Chunfeng and others? What does it have to do with them?

Wu Shu suddenly realized it and said: "I understand. Master Tian and the others must have noticed this, but they didn't remind us out loud. They just want us to bear the greatest responsibility without knowing it."

"Even this assassination is part of their plan. Regardless of whether something happens to the real person or not, they can use this to launch a more violent attack on Buddhism."

Only then did Chen Jingke understand, but he was so surprised that he was speechless for a long time.

Sun Simiao said happily: "That's right, that's all. I saw you right. After a few more years of training, you can truly grow into Ke'er's think tank."

Wu Shu was not happy at all, but said guiltily: "This time I was too young and failed to warn the real person in time, which almost caused a catastrophe today."

Chen Jingke grabbed her hand and said: "I don't blame you, the main responsibility still lies with me. I don't know anything, but I still have to do some dangerous things."

Seeing that their husband and wife were harmonious, Sun Simiao was also very happy and said: "Okay, it won't be too late for you two to go back and get intimate. Let's talk about business first."

Wu Shu's face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Chen Jingke also blushed, but he pretended to be nonchalant.

Sun Simiao was not making fun of them, but continued: "This matter must be caused by Buddhism. If I guess correctly, the assassin must be a Samana protector."

Monks will choose some people with special abilities and give them the status of ascetics and protectors.

For example, a high-ranking official, a rich man, or a person with special skills.

The Samana Dharma protector is not just a name, but also enjoys corresponding benefits.

If you are a high-ranking official, you can use the Buddhist relationship network to get some information, make friends with your boss, etc. Wealthy businessmen can obtain business intelligence and enjoy services such as lending.

The benefits you can enjoy are related to your status. The long-lasting prosperity of Buddhism also has something to do with the Dharma protectors of Samana.

Seeing Sun Simiao reveal the assassin's identity with one word, Chen Jingke couldn't help but admire Jiang for being so cool, and quickly told Yang Tianlu's guess.

Sun Simiao nodded and said: "That's right. This assassin was probably born in the military. Later, he was protected by Buddhism because he committed certain things."

"You just said that he was able to fight with Wang Busi and three others for a long time even though he had lost one of his hands. Wang Busi and the others are all good soldiers in the army, which shows that this man is very skilled in martial arts."

"The person who protected him took a fancy to his martial arts and made him a Samana protector. This time he was sent to assassinate you."

"But this also makes it easier for us to trace his identity. The Samana protector is not a dead soldier, and he lives like a normal person. If you ask more people, you can always find clues, and then follow the clues to find out the mastermind behind the scenes."

Chen Jingke said bitterly: "There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor, and I will definitely find out the mastermind... By the way, Fang Ming should know something."

Sun Simiao nodded, then shook his head and said: "He must know something, but it is difficult to get any useful information from him, so there is no need to waste too much time on him."

Chen Jingke thought of some special torture methods he had seen in his previous life and said, "I'll try it. I won't believe that I can't open his mouth."

Sun Simiao thought of his identity and did not object. Instead, he said: "It's okay to give it a try, but we need to prevent him from being unable to bear the punishment and committing suicide..."

While he was talking, there was a sudden knock on the door: "Master, I have something important to report."

Sun Simiao frowned and said, "Come in, what's the matter?"

A Taoist boy pushed open the door and said in a panic: "Master, it turns out he is dead."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "Dead? How did you die?"

The Taoist boy replied: "When he learned that the real person was assassinated and that Miss Yi Nu was seriously injured and her life or death was uncertain, he said, 'Who will go to hell if I don't go to hell?', and then he hit a pillar and died."

"Hiss." Chen Jingke took a breath and said, "This..."

Sun Simiao also looked heavy and said: "I understand, let the Yangdu Guan dispose of his body, and then hand it over to the Yamen together."

"Here." The Taoist boy responded and turned around to leave.

Sun Simiao said seriously: "Now you know how dangerous the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is, right?"

Wu Shu couldn't hide his shock and said: "I understand, thank you Master for your teaching."

Chen Jingke took a deep breath and said: "Sure enough, the battle of faith is the most brutal, and there is no room for any kindness or innocence."

Sun Simiao said: "It's good if you can understand this, and you won't make such mistakes in the future."

Chen Jingke asked: "Fang Ming is from Longtian Temple after all. Will his death here become a basis for Buddhism to attack us?"

Sun Simiao nodded and said: "It is indeed possible, so you must quickly enter the palace and tell the empress about this, and then hand over the assassin and Fang Ming's body to the Yamen people."

Chen Jingke said: "Okay, I will enter the palace when Yi Nu wakes up."

Sun Simiao scolded: "How long has it been since we still loved each other? Go to the palace to see the empress, and seize the opportunity to stabilize the overall situation before Buddhism reacts."

Chen Jingke also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he had to say: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Sun Simiao gave him a few more words of advice and emphasized that he must meet Changsun Wugu before letting him set off.

Chen Jingke did not dare to delay, and immediately asked a few skilled Taoist priests appointed by Cong Qi to escort him into the palace. Seeing this, Xu Shanying and the other five all turned pale.

Let's say that Chen Jingke came all the way to the palace, and the guard guarding the palace gate was shocked when he saw that he was stained with blood. If he didn't know him, he wouldn't have dared to let him in.

But just because they knew him, they all knew that something serious was going on, so they didn't dare to stop him and let him in.

After arriving at the Li Zheng Palace on a familiar road, Changsun Wugu was shocked when he saw his appearance, and quickly asked: "Jing Ke, what's wrong with you?"

"Aunt...wuwuwuwu..." Chen Jingke came straight to her side, knelt down and hugged her legs and sobbed.

This time he didn't rub his eyes with garlic, he really cried from the bottom of his heart. Even now, when he thinks of the bright sharp knife, he can't help but feel fear in his heart.

The eldest grandson Wugao was both a sister and a mother to him, and he always exposed his most vulnerable side in front of her.

Changsun Wugou patted his head distressedly and said, "Don't cry, don't cry. My aunt is here. Who bullied you? Tell me. My aunt will help you get revenge."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Chen Jingke initially meant to gain sympathy, but when he cried, he really just wanted to vent his fear, which was so heart-breaking.

Changsun Wugao was very smart. She knew that Chen Jingke usually pretended to cry. But similarly, this time she could also see that he was really crying, which made her feel distressed and angry at the same time.

Who bullied him? Thinking of the blood stains on his body, she immediately began to speculate. Could it be that he had been assassinated? Thinking of this, she was shocked and angry.

Chen Jingke cried for a long time while having a cup of tea, and his voice became hoarse before he finally stopped.

Changsun Wugou reached out to help him and said: "Okay, okay, don't cry. Get up first and tell your aunt what happened."

Chen Jingke knelt on the ground motionless and said, "If I don't get up, aunt, you must seek justice for me."

Changsun Wugou said quickly: "Okay, okay, my aunt will help you get justice, but you must tell me the matter."

"I was assassinated just now. If Yi Nu hadn't blocked the stab for me, you would never see me again... Poor Yi Nu, he is still lying in the operating room with his life or death uncertain."

As he spoke, Chen Jingke's tears fell again: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yi Nu, why are you so stupid? Don't you know that you will die if you do this?"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wugu's willow eyebrows stood up, and he said angrily like a hen guarding her young: "It's really unreasonable to assassinate you. Is there any royal method... Do you know who did it?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "I have some suspicions, but I'm not sure yet."

He told the whole story in detail, including what the assassin said before his death, Fang Ming's warning and suicide, Sun Simiao's analysis of Yang Tianlu, etc.

Changsun Wugou is a woman who can help her husband rebel. Her IQ and scheming are definitely higher than most people. Just after hearing what he said, she said categorically:

"It must be Buddhism. How brave. I dare to use this method to deal with you. Do you really think I can't do anything to them?"

Then he shouted outside the house: "Sun Fucai, go and ask the saint to come to me right away and tell him that it is urgent and all government affairs, no matter how important they are, must be temporarily put aside."

This chapter has been completed!
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