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0037 Depressed Sun Voga

Can it be cured? Everyone was happy. The eldest grandson Wujiu kept saying Haotian God’s blessing, and the Su family was almost the same.

Chen Jingke also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he thought the problem was not big before, after all, he was not a medical student. When Sun Simiao said it could be cured, it would be no problem.

The countercurrent of history was finally suppressed.

Li Shimin cupped his hands and said, "Please show Master Sun's skill."

Sun Simiao said: "Sage, don't worry, the old Taoist will do his best."

Then he began to tell everyone about Li Chengqian's situation: "His Royal Highness has two broken arch bones. This is not a problem. The broken arch bones can grow back slowly."

"The real problem is that I found at least three bone fragments in the seams of His Highness's foot bones."

"With the bone fragments present, His Highness's foot will not be able to return to normal. Even if the injury heals, it will become lame."

"Now we need to remove these three fragments. This level of surgery is not difficult for Zixiaoguan."

The place with the highest level of medical skills in the Tang Dynasty is Zixiaoguan. The medical skills here are completely different from those of the outside world.

This is the common understanding of everyone who knows Zixiao Temple. Sun Simiao, the medical sage, has said that there is really no problem.

Everyone's hearts were completely in their stomachs.

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided to send Li Chengqian to Zixiaoguan for treatment. After all, the medical conditions there were better.

He did as he was told, and after cleaning up, Li Chengqian was sent to the carriage and headed to Zixiao Temple under the escort of the imperial guards.

Changsun Wugou left with a group of little ones, but Li Shimin did not go. He had to stay in the palace to deal with such a big thing.

The solar eclipse and the astronomical phenomenon were all seen by the people. At first, everyone was worried about whether a disaster would happen, but the news came out that the prince was attacked and injured at the same time.

The prince was attacked and injured? A vision came from heaven?

These two things are easily connected, and the result is known without asking: the prince is the master of destiny, so the heaven will send a vision to warn him when he is injured.

In addition, Li Chengqian had a relatively high reputation before, so this statement was quickly accepted by everyone.

His position as prince was as stable as Mount Tai for a time.

Those with evil intentions were so angry that they vomited blood. They thought it would be an opportunity, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a big advantage for the royal family.

Then everyone began to care about who attacked the prince and how injured the prince was.

It's just that the prince is a prince after all, so everyone can only know that he was attacked, and it is difficult to find out the specific process.

As for the prince's injury, naturally no specific information could be found.

All I knew was that the injury was relatively serious, and even the old god Sun Simiao was alarmed.

Everyone began to worry about his injuries again, but they must not let anything go wrong.

The people also hoped that Li Chengqian, who was known as a virtuous man, could successfully inherit the throne and that everyone would live a good life for a few more years.

Many people began to burn incense and pray for the prince's safety.

Taoism and Buddhism were also very discerning, and they immediately held huge dharma meetings to pray for the prince.

Unlike the common people, the courtiers were more concerned about who attacked the prince.

Just a few days after Sun Fujia took office as Minister of Dali Temple, he encountered such a big case. He almost hated the two gangsters to death and conducted the interrogation himself.

The two gangsters knew that they were hurting the prince, and they were so frightened that they urinated and pooped, and they did everything they could before even being interrogated.

They are not an independent gang, but an organized gang of kidnappers. Recently, the superiors gave them a task to rob a pretty little girl around ten years old.

They knew that there was a lonely garden in the south of the city, where many lonely old people and orphans were adopted, and there should be girls who met the standards.

In their view, the people in Lonely Garden have no fathers or mothers, so even if they are kidnapped, almost no one will pursue them.

As for the benevolent person who founded Loneliness Garden, there is a high probability that he will not take it too seriously.

So they stayed outside for a day and found the target.

There are basically people in the Lonely Garden who are old, young, sick, and disabled. They usually rely on taking care of each other, and there are very few management personnel.

They rushed in boldly and easily kidnapped the little girl.

Just when I went out, I met Li Chengqian and his party. One of them subconsciously kicked them, which resulted in this catastrophe.

After getting the confession, the Dali Temple officials, who hated the two men so much, let them experience the torture instruments one by one.

Sun Fujia had no time to watch the torture of prisoners, so he immediately entered the palace with his confession.

After Li Shimin saw it, he only said one word: "Catch."

So an operation to capture the kidnappers was launched secretly, and naturally it was Dali Temple that was responsible for the capture.

The reason why the police in Chang'an and Wannian counties were not contacted was because based on the confessions of the two prisoners, they organized to submit confessions to the Yamen every month.

If you ask the Yamen to help, there is a high probability that the information will be leaked, and no one will be caught in the end.

"These kidnappers go out to look for targets during the day, and will return to their lair to meet at night... Therefore, our arrest operation is carried out at night, and we must catch them all at once."

After Sun Fuga arranged the tasks, he applied for several approval slips for night operations.

If there is no approval note, he will definitely be arrested as a traitor by Wu Hou who is keeping watch at night.

That night, Sun Fujia personally led the team to Qunxianfang next to the West Market. He first found the spies sent in advance and asked: "How is it? Has the thief returned to his nest?"

The spy replied: "A total of thirteen people returned to this house, eleven fewer than the criminals told them."

Sun Fuga said: "The rest of the people are not important. Is Cai Binglan, the leader of the thieves, here?"

The secret agent shook his head and said, "I've been watching for a whole day, but I haven't seen anyone similar coming in or out."

Sun Fujia gritted his teeth and said: "No matter, let's arrest him first and then... take action."

The dozens of Dali Temple police officers who came with him quickly took action and sealed the house tightly.

In a certain room in the courtyard, seven or eight people gathered together for a meeting.

These people come in all shapes and sizes, including old ladies in their fifties and sixties with kind faces, strong men with strong bodies, and sick-looking patients.

They are sitting or standing, seemingly irregularly. But if you look closely, you can see that they are vaguely centered on a person who looks like a fat official.

This 'fat member' was none other than Cai Binglan, whom Sun Fujia wanted to arrest.

He looks harmless on the outside, but the people around him are very afraid of him.

Because only those who know him well know how vicious and vicious he is.

It can be said that this gang of kidnappers was established by him, and it is unknown how many lives were contaminated by his hands.

Just listen to him say slowly: "Scar, what's going on with the mad dog and the rotten snake? Didn't you say they would be back tonight?"

The middle-aged man with a scar on his face quickly replied: "That's what they told me when they left. They also said that they have found a young sheep that meets your requirements and can deliver it today."

Cai Binglan said: "Really? What about them?"

Scar apologized and said with a smile: "I don't know about that. I usually don't work with them and rarely act together."

Cai Binglan looked at the others and said, "Does any of you know what they did?"

The others quickly shook their heads to express their ignorance.

Scar said cautiously: "Shopkeeper, don't you suspect that something happened to them?"

Cai Binglan paused and said: "Although the possibility is unlikely, we have to guard against it."

"I won't punish you today. If anything similar happens in the future, you must report it to me in time."

"If they accidentally get in, we can escape in time to avoid being picked up by them all."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

A thin young man said disapprovingly: "Shopkeeper, you must be too careful. We have already fed the yamen, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Scar sneered and said: "Hey...Shouhou, you are too young. The hearts of people in the yamen are bottomless pits that will never be filled. If they could, they would definitely sell us for credit."

Thin Monkey's face stiffened and he wanted to refute.

Cai Binglan stopped with a dry cough and said: "Scar is right, the most unruly people in the world are the people in the yamen. If they abide by the rules, there will be no room for us to survive."

"Those who work in our industry must be careful at all times. You must be careful to sail a ship that lasts forever."

"I know about the shopkeeper." Shouhou didn't dare to disobey his words. He glared at Scar and sat down reluctantly.

Seeing that he had suppressed everyone and provoked a relationship between two people, Cai Binglan felt very proud and said: "This job was assigned by a noble person, and it was not easy for me to get into his position."

"If we can satisfy the noble man, we will have endless money in the future, and we don't have to worry about anything going wrong. So we all cheer up and get the people together as soon as possible."

"Remember, don't fool me with crooked melons and cracked dates. You want a pretty young sheep."

"It doesn't matter if you fool me. If you offend the nobles, you are all old men. I won't tell you what will happen."

Everyone quickly said: "Yes."

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. Let's all go and have a rest."

As Cai Binglan fell down, everyone stood up and walked out.

At this time, the thin monkey's ears moved strangely, his face changed, and he raised his fingers and said to everyone: "Shh."

Everyone knew that he had good ears, so their hearts tightened, and they subconsciously held their breath.

When the room became quiet, the thin monkey put a hand on his ear and listened carefully.

"Thump, thump..." A series of landing sounds came from outside.

The skinny monkey's face became even more ugly, and he quickly made a gesture to everyone, which would have many people jumping over the wall and entering the courtyard.

Everyone was also panicking. Many people broke in in the middle of the night. There was no doubt that they must be people from the imperial court.

Scar couldn't help but said: "Isn't it true that the mad dog and the rotten snake were caught?"

"Shh." Cai Binglan glared at him fiercely: "You speak so loudly, do you want to die?"

Scar quickly covered his mouth.

The thin monkey asked: "Shopkeeper, what should we do now?"

However, Cai Binglan did not panic and said: "I have been prepared for this day for a long time, so I will retreat with you."

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, he rolled up the covers on his bed and carefully opened the bed board, revealing a dark hole.

Everyone looked happy, and the old woman complimented her and said, "I knew the shopkeeper was the most reliable."

Cai Binglan urged: "Stop talking nonsense, time is urgent and leave quickly."

After saying that, he got in first, and the others followed closely. The thin monkey who walked at the end even put the board back in place, and didn't care about the bedding.

As soon as they got in with their front feet, someone shouted from outside their back feet: "Who...ah!"

Seeing that their whereabouts were exposed, the people in Dali Temple stopped covering up and took action freely.

After a while, everyone in each room was arrested, but there were only nine people, which was much less than what was reported.

Sun Fujia looked ugly, pointed at a criminal and said, "Tell me, where is he?"

The criminal said: "Bah, you want to take it from me..."

"Bump." The rest of his words were punched in the stomach by the person next to him.

Sun Fujia said indifferently: "Since I don't want to say anything, it's useless to leave his mouth open. I'll cut off his tongue and the flesh on his mouth, and then chop off his fingers one by one."

People in Dali Temple don't think their boss is vicious. The one who was injured is the prince. If the main culprit escapes, everyone will be unlucky.

As long as they can catch someone, they are willing to use any cruel means.

Immediately, several people imprisoned the man, pulled out his tongue and cut it off in front of everyone, and cut off the flesh on his lips and cheeks.

The fingers were also cut off one by one and exposed in front of other prisoners.

Those criminals did not expect that the work they came to do today would be so cruel. They were so frightened that they trembled all over, and two of them even urinated.

Sun Fuga pointed at the two people and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

The two prisoners rushed to say: "There are five fat sheep in the backyard cellar... The shopkeeper and his friends are having a meeting in that room..."

Sun Fuga immediately took people to the room and found that it was empty.

However, he noticed the abnormality of the bed at a glance: "Lift up the bed board."

Several officials rushed over and groped for a while, found the movable wooden board and saw the hole underneath.

Everyone was a little panicked. Could it be that the prisoner really escaped?

But Sun Fujia said calmly: "There is a curfew at night, and the prisoners can't escape. Send a few people down to take a look... It's a safe idea."

Immediately, several people jumped into the tunnel one after another.

At this time, the people who went to search the cellar would also come, bringing five children aged four or five.

Sun Fujia looked at it and said, "Take it back...send it to Zixiao Temple. Let them help take care of it first."

He thought more. If the parents of these children could not be found, they would be adopted by Zi Xiaoguan.

Soon a subordinate came running back from outside and said: "Sun Zhengqing, we found the tunnel exit. It's under the cattle trough of the house next door."

Sun Fugama immediately said: "Let's go over and have a look."

The group of people came to the backyard next door and saw the tunnel exit.

There were five or six men, women, and children nearby, squatting on the ground fearfully. They were obviously members of this family.

Sun Fuga asked: "Have you been interrogated?"

One of his subordinates replied: "I asked, but they don't know there is a tunnel here. I also searched the yard and found no criminals."

Sun Fujia looked around, then walked to the back door and said, "Check this wall carefully to see if there are any traces of climbing."

Immediately, several people holding torches came over, and after some inspection, they found half a gray footprint on the side of the back door.

Sun Fuga said: "The thief should have used the key to open the back door and go out. The last person locked the door from the inside and climbed over the wall to leave."

One of his subordinates asked: "Zhengqing, what should we do now?"

Sun Fujia smiled and said: "It's the curfew period now, where would you run if it were you?"

The subordinate said hesitantly: "There... there are so many Wuhou patrolling outside, I will find a place to hide."

Sun Fujia asked again: "Where is it hidden?"

The subordinate said: "This subordinate is stupid."

Sun Fujia smiled and said: "The most dangerous place is the safest place. Surround this alley, search it inch by inch, and dig three feet into the ground to find the person."




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