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0032 Purple Sky Temple

After the Zixiao Temple was built, Sun Simiao and his disciples would naturally leave. No matter how good the Sanqing Temple was, it was not his home, and he felt uncomfortable being restricted here.

In order to make their stay comfortable, Li Shimin rewarded them with thousands of coins, thousands of pieces of cloth and silk, thousands of stones of grain, and countless other gold, silver and jewels. This wave of rewards was enough to save Zixiaoguan for several lifetimes.

Regarding the Taoist priests, disciples, and followers inside, Li Shimin previously thought of sending only a few spies there, and letting Sun Simiao and the others recruit them themselves.

Ever since he found out that his whole family had high blood pressure, he changed his mind and personally recruited dozens of boys and girls from all over the world to serve as his disciples, and gave them twelve slaves to do some physical work.

Of course, the dead men still have to be sent, and they can do things better if they work openly and secretly.

At the same time, a battalion of the Forbidden Army was stationed in Changlefang, nominally to defend the capital, but in fact it was to protect the Taoist temple and prevent accidents.

It can be said that Li Shimin took all the protective measures he could. The defense of Zixiao Temple was as tight as that of the imperial palace. Only after taking these measures did he allow Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke to move.

At this time, Chen Jingke didn't know this yet. Looking at the list of items that Li Shimin had rewarded, he was so excited. Not only did we have a house in the capital, we also became rich.

There are so many subordinates... It is said that there are more than 20 virgins, hehe... From now on, we will also live a life of extravagance and wealth. When we eat a grape, a beautiful woman will peel it off and feed it to our mouth.

To Chen Jingke's surprise, the person who hated him the most was Princess Li Xiuying of Chengyang. When she heard that he was leaving, she immediately ran over and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Chen Jingke was very pleased that the stories he had told for so many days were not in vain. Although this girl was a bit stubborn, she still had a conscience.

However, Princess Chengyang's next words made him tremble with anger: "Don't leave. Who will tell me stories when you leave?"

Chen Jingke felt dizzy, held on to the table and asked with difficulty: "You...just want me to tell you a story? Is there no other reason?"

Princess Chengyang blinked her eyes and said, "Yes, otherwise."

Chen Jingke's vision went dark and he collapsed on the table. Princess Chengyang ran over and poked him carefully, saying, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Can you finish telling today's story before passing out?"

All joking aside, the day before they officially left the palace, Changsun Wugou held a family banquet, attended only by Li Shimin and a few direct princes and princesses.

At the banquet, Li Chengqian stood up and held up a cup of tea: "Jing Ke, I would like to offer tea instead of wine to thank you for saving my life. I also want to thank you for saving my mother and younger brothers and sisters."

Li Tai also quickly put down the chicken drumstick in his hand, raised his tea cup and said, "Me too, I won't say so many polite words to our own brothers, they are all in the wine...tea."

Li Zhi followed the two brothers and raised his tea cup.

If nothing else goes wrong, the future emperor will definitely be one of the three brothers. This is the future emperor toasting himself, and Chen Jingke is very useful.

He stood up and raised his tea cup and said: "Three brothers are so polite. I have no other relatives in this world except Master. You have made me feel family affection again. I should also thank you."

Changsun Wugou said happily: "We are all brothers, so don't thank me. I have nothing else to ask for from you. I just hope that you brothers and sisters can help each other in a friendly manner."

Li Lizhi stood up and said, "Then we, brothers and sisters, wish Ye Ye, mother and Sun Zhenren good health and longevity together."

Changsun Chong and Princess Chengyang also picked up their teacups and stood up. Even the three-year-old Princess Jinyang stood up decently.

A group of juniors saluted and blessed the three elders with tea instead of wine. Li Shimin and eldest grandson Wugao couldn't close their mouths with joy, and Sun Simiao also had an unconcealable smile on his face.

This is a ceremony, which is particularly important to Chen Jingke. After toasting this cup of tea, he is the queen's nephew in the true sense.

The eighth day of September is a good day to travel, break ground, open the market, and move into a house. Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke chose this day to move.

For this reason, Li Shimin deliberately stopped working for a day and led all the civil and military officials to send the two people to Zixiao Temple in his own royal chariot.

Regarding this unethical behavior, even the most staunch Wei Zheng chose to remain silent, and others would not say anything. People in the capital also flocked to Changlefang, preparing to pay homage to the true god and imbibe the immortal energy.

It was his first time to experience such a big battle. Chen Jingke was quite nervous and a little restless. Especially when the civil and military officials from all over the court looked at him, his legs became a little weak.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was mainly on Sun Simiao, and his mental quality was not bad, so he did not make a fool of himself on the spot.

It was here that he met with the bigwigs of the early Tang Dynasty as if on a whim.

Li Xiaogong, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Li Jing, Zhang Shigui... The two people who impressed him most deeply were Yu Chigong and Cheng Yaojin.

What impressed me deeply about Yu Chigong was that he had a strange appearance, with a bit of a barbarian outline, and a big beard on his face that was very eye-catching.

On the contrary, Cheng Yaojin was deeply impressed. According to history, Cheng Yaojin had a long back and a bearded face, and was good at wielding a pair of big axes.

However, the Cheng Yaojin he saw with his own eyes was tall and handsome, and also had a goatee. Such a huge contrast, he couldn't remember it.

There was another person he couldn't help but look at a few more times, and that was another one of the door gods, Qin Qiong.

This hero who was both loyal and righteous in the novel was now thin and sallow, and although he tried hard to straighten the joystick, it was obvious that he was unable to do so.

Daxing Palace is not far from Changlefang, and we reached our destination quickly.

A square covering an area of ​​fifty acres has been set aside at the entrance according to Chen Jingke's design. In the future, activities can be held here, such as allowing medical students to hold free clinics and so on.

Such a large venue is also suitable for holding temple fairs... In his previous life, Chen Jingke was very envious of the temple fairs held in Daxiangguo Temple.

Once this kind of temple fair is formed, it will become an attraction and attract people from all over the city to participate, which is a good thing for Zixiao Temple and Taoism.

At this time, except for the Imperial Guards on guard, there was no ordinary citizen in the square.

After getting off the imperial chariot, Li Shimin and Sun Simiao walked at the front to lead the way, while eldest Sun Wugou led Li Chengqian, Chen Jingke and other juniors followed, and behind them were the civil and military ministers of the DPRK and China.

The gatehouse is very tall and grand, and the three large gilt characters "Zixiao Temple" on the plaque were written by Li Shimin himself.

When they came to the door, Li Shimin and Sun Simiao pushed a door together, and the door opened with a "squeak" sound.

The Taoist boy, who had already been prepared, entered through the side door, ran all the way and arrived in front of Zixiao Palace one step ahead, preparing incense and candles.

The first person to step into the Zixiao Palace to worship God Haotian was Li Shimin. Even though Sun Simiao had an extraordinary status, he did not dare to worship God with the emperor.

After Li Shimin finished offering the first incense, he followed closely and offered the second incense. The eldest grandson Wugou led Li Chengqian, Chen Jingke and other juniors to offer the third incense.

The other ministers also offered incense according to their title and rank.

At this point, the relocation and the opening of Zixiao Temple were officially completed.

Chen Jingke finally gained relative freedom and could show off his talents.

This chapter has been completed!
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