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0377 Excluded from the High Gate


Chen Jingke said nonchalantly: "What do I want with that thing? Could it be that if I do this, master will be expelled from the school? Will my aunt cut off relations with me? Don't you want me to marry you?"

Li Chengqian quickly shook his head and said: "How is it possible? Our friendship can be shaken by such a trivial matter."

Chen Jingke spread his hands and said, "Then let's get married. This is what I value most. Nothing else matters. What others think of me will not affect my enjoyment of glory, wealth, and family happiness."

Li Chengqian said helplessly: "Okay, your fallacy makes some sense, but don't do it again in the future. The powerful and powerful should still leave a trace of a bottom line for each other, so that they can meet each other easily in the future."

Chen Jingke sneered and said: "What's the bottom line? There have been countless high-profile families that have perished over the years. It was not ordinary people who stepped down on them, but other high-profile families."

Li Chengqian said sincerely: "Killing can only be done with a nod of the head. Those people will leave a bottom line even if they take action. Those who don't leave a bottom line will die without a burial place in the end."

"Back then, Sima Yi deceived Cao Shuang and others, saying that as long as they surrendered military power and gave up resistance, the family could be saved. He also asked Jiang Ji, Chen Tai and other Cao Wei veterans to act as guarantees."

"A few days later, he went back on his word and executed thousands of members of Cao Shuang and his entire clan. The whole world was shocked, and Jiang Ji was even angered to death."

"Later on, the Sima family was ridiculed by everyone in the world for this matter, and was never able to truly win the hearts of the great clan."

"When Liu Yu raised his army to kill all the Sima clan, no one in the world felt sorry for him. It was because of this old incident."

"But even so, the wealthy families were extremely dismayed by Liu Yu's act of killing the Sima family... Later Liu killed everyone for Xiao Daocheng, but no one spoke up for him."

"And Xiao Daocheng's fate was not much better than the first two. It didn't take long for him to seize power for Emperor Qi Ming, and his own son was almost slaughtered."

Of course, Chen Jingke had heard about this period of history. In the previous life, some people used this to ridicule Liu Yu, saying that he was the first to punish the royal family of the previous dynasty, so all his descendants were killed later.

I didn't expect that there was such a deep connection.

I couldn't help but ask: "Is there still such a thing? Tell me carefully."

Li Chengqian was very happy to see that he had listened. He took a sip of water and continued: "It is always the rich and powerful who can call the shots in this world..."

"To use your words, we are all decent people and cannot do things too far. We must pay attention to the minimum bottom line."

"If you can deal with one person regardless of the bottom line today, you can deal with everyone in the future regardless of the bottom line. Everyone is afraid that one day something like this will happen to them."

"...So once you do something, you will be feared and ostracized by everyone."

"Just like this time, if you want to retaliate and punish Wang Xiuqi, you can kill him, castrate him, or even cut him into pieces. Everyone will praise you for your strong temperament."

"But you...this approach really goes beyond the bottom line. If word spreads, high-ranking officials will definitely reject you. This is the most serious thing."

Chen Jingke said thoughtfully: "In other words, high-ranking families have to give each other face, and the person carrying the sedan chair will carry the person, and everyone will be a high-ranking and decent person."

"If anyone takes off this layer of skin, they will be feared and ostracized, right?"

Li Chengqian explained: "It's not that you peeled off this layer of skin, but that you did something beyond everyone's ability to accept. Everyone is afraid that this kind of thing will happen to them."

Chen Jingke showed an expression of sudden realization, and then asked: "Besides being ostracized by the high school, are there any consequences?"

Li Shimin asked: "Aren't the consequences serious?"

Chen Jingke said seriously: "It's really not serious at all."

Li Chengqian was furious and said: "You... are so stubborn."

Chen Jingke said: "You don't understand, Gewu will change the whole world. Nowadays, high-ranking people will either join Gewu or be eliminated, and the key to Gewu is in my hand. Do you think I will be afraid of them?"

Li Chengqian said helplessly: "I don't know what studying things is, but I only know that you are too childish, so childish."

Seeing that Chen Jingke still wanted to explain, he waved his hand and said: "Shut up, I will be pissed off if I hear more from you. Do whatever you want. Anyway, you have no contact with the high school. At most, you will have less contact in the future.


Chen Jingke muttered angrily: "Then why are you still saying so much? Isn't that what I always meant?"

Li Chengqian was so angry that he lay on the bed and said, "Stay away from me, I'm afraid you will infect me with your stupidity."

Chen Jingke came out of the ward angrily. When he walked to the door, he was so angry that he kicked the ward door and said, "Don't come to my house in the future."

Then I suddenly felt relaxed and walked away with my head held high.

Li Chengqian was left dumbfounded. He thought he would become more mature after this incident, but he turned out to be even more childish than before. Could this be a sign of not forgetting his original intention?

After taking a few steps, Chen Jingke sighed heavily, his expression very complicated.

How could he not know that Li Chengqian was doing it for his own good, but if he didn't do this, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

As for being squeezed out by high-ranking officials, he no longer cares about it.

Anyway, what he got to where he is today is not the high family but the royal family. As long as the royal family has no objections, that's fine.

As for the future...do you really think that what he said about Gewu being able to reshape the Gaomen was false?

You will know in the future.

Anyone who does not accept change will be buried in the ground.

And I will go down in history forever as the founder of science.

Revenge against Wang Xiuqi is a trivial matter, huh.

Thinking of this, the gloom on his face cleared away and he walked to Sun Simiao's office.

I saw him checking the body of the little girl...well, Xing'er, mainly her waist.

Chen Jingke didn't bother him and found a chair to sit down and wait.

After about ten minutes, the inspection was finally over.

Qingju asked with concern: "Master, how is Xing'er?"

Sun Simiao said: "There are two main problems. One is severe malnutrition. This is easy to deal with. Eat more good food and you will slowly adjust."

"The trouble is her waist. The severe strain has damaged the foundation and the spine is also twisted. It will take at least half a year to recover and she will not be able to do heavy work for the rest of her life."

Qingju hugged her distressedly and said, "Poor child, what kind of cruel mother-in-law have you met?"

Xing'er looked panicked and said: "I... I will be fine soon, I can work."

Hearing this, Qingju couldn't hold back the tears anymore, Chen Jingke was also heartbroken, and even Sun Simiao, who was used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Jingke said: "Don't worry, you will live in Qingju's house, and she will take good care of you. You will not need to do heavy work in the future. Study hard and we will become a great scholar with a pen in the future."

It's a pity that Xing'er couldn't fully understand what he said. She couldn't understand what it meant to hold a pen and what a great scholar was.

But in her little mind, she knew that she had to work. If she didn't work, she wouldn't have food to eat. If she couldn't work, her waste would be thrown away.

It was Sun Simiao who understood people's hearts better and said: "Live here well. The children here don't have to work. You can take good care of yourself and work again when you grow up and have strength."

This time she finally understood, and the panic on her face disappeared.

I am happy to think that the children here do not have to work, they only work when they grow up. It is really a place where gods live.

She was polite and did not forget to say thank you: "Thank you, the old medical sage, I will grow up quickly and work early."

Then he said timidly to Chen Jingke: "Thank you, the real little... little fairy."

This title was too awkward, so Chen Jingke reminded him: "What a real person or little fairy, just call it real person."

Xing'er was startled and said quickly: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master..."

Chen Jingke was speechless. After so many years, he was hated by a child for the first time. Going back to his previous life, few children seemed to be afraid of him.

After that, Sun Simiao personally treated her, first acupuncture, then moxa fumigation, and finally a back massage.

It is mainly used to activate meridians and blood circulation and correct curved and deformed vertebrae.

You can imagine how painful it was. Xing'er was in pain and screamed all over his body, but he gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

Qingjue sat next to her, holding her hand with a look of love on her face.

After half an hour, Sun Simiao stopped and let out a breath, and Chen Jingke quickly gave him a towel to wipe his sweat.

Sun Simiao took it happily and said while wiping his sweat: "Okay, from now on, come here for a treatment every day. Look for me when I'm here, and look for someone else when I'm not here."

"Now her body is too weak and her spleen and stomach are not good. Taking medicine will harm her body."

"In the past few days, I will first feed her medicated porridge that can replenish qi and maintain health, and then eat meat with meat and fish flavor after she gets used to it..."

"Wait until her body recovers a little before giving her medicine."

Qingju said gratefully: "Thank you, Master."

Xing'er also said very sensibly: "Thank you, the old medical sage."

Chen Jingke said subconsciously: "Don't you want to thank me?"

Xing'er's body trembled and he quickly said: "Thank you, Master."

Qing Jue said angrily and funny: "Stop teasing her, she is too timid."

Then he said with surprise: "It's strange to say, Master, why did you hit her and scare her like this?"

Chen Jingke roughly guessed what was going on, but he couldn't tell her clearly, so he could only say perfunctorily:

"Her mother still wanted to sell her for money, so I asked Xu Shanying to draw a knife and scare her mother away. Maybe it also scared her."

Qingju believed it to be true and said, "That's no wonder. This child is just timid. It's normal to be scared."

"But after staying in the temple for a long time, she knows who you are and is no longer afraid of you."

She could tell that Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke had something to talk about, so she said a few words and left with Xing'er in her arms.

Sun Simiao did not talk about business directly, but went to wash the liquid on his hands first. Chen Jingke stood aside with a towel.

Neither master nor disciple spoke, there was only the sound of rushing water.

After washing his hands and sitting back on the chair, Sun Simiao said, "Has the anger subsided?"

Chen Jingke thought for a moment and said, "It's not completely gone yet."

Sun Simiao said: "That's fine, just do it with confidence and boldness, I will take care of everything."

Chen Jingke was very moved, but he said with some confusion: "If I do this, I will offend many people and even cause rejection by high-ranking officials. Do you really not want to advise me?"

Sun Simiao smiled and said, "You don't care, so will I care about them?"

Chen Jingke grinned and said, "Sure enough, we father and son should be father and mother."

Sun Simiao also smiled and said: "Okay, stop flattering me. It's getting late and go back to rest... By the way, don't go see Shu'er, lest the evil spirit will hit the child."

Chen Jingke wanted to say it was feudal superstition, but people like Sun Simiao who did not believe in God suddenly became superstitious. From this, it can be seen that he valued this child.

So I said honestly: "Okay, I'll have someone send a message to Shu'er, and I'll go find her after I take a shower and change my clothes to let Zi Xiaoguan's energy wash away overnight."

Sun Simiao said with satisfaction: "I think you are sensible, go ahead."

Chen Jingke stood up and said, "Okay, I won't greet you tonight. You should go to bed early."

When he walked away, Sun Simiao murmured: "That's good, no matter who becomes emperor in the future, they will not doubt you."

Naturally, what Chen Jingke did during the day could not be hidden from Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou. It can be said that as soon as he left, the relevant news was already on the way to the palace.

Li Shimin said with a strange expression: "I thought the most he could do was castrate Wang Xiuqi, or humiliate him and then kill him, so as to comfort the souls of the murdered women in heaven."

"I didn't expect that he would actually use this method... I really don't know what the elders in his family have taught him. Why did he even teach him these things?"

Changsun Wugou smiled bitterly and said: "Who knows... But what makes me happy is that after learning so many things, this child has not become bad and still maintains such innocence. He is really kind."

Li Shimin subconsciously looked at the information in his hand and found that he really couldn't associate him with kindness. He was obviously a devil.

But thinking about Chen Jingke's character all the time, I have to admit that this child can only be described as simple in nature.

"However, this incident also let everyone know his bottom line and the consequences of touching his bottom line. I believe no one will dare to mess with him in the future."

The eldest grandson Wugou sighed: "But from now on, he will not be tolerated in the high school."

Li Shimin said: "He and Gao Men are not the same people, so what difference does it make if they tolerate each other."

"And there is also a benefit for him to do this. Chengqian will feel at ease with him, and their brothers will be able to live in harmony."

I'm afraid Cheng Qian isn't the only one who is completely relieved about him, Changsun Wugu thought to himself.

Of course she wouldn't say this, and there was no need to say it.

Everyone knows the truth, so why not say it to hurt feelings.

"Yes, he has made himself isolated from a wealthy family and will never have the possibility of rebellion. He is also Xiao Sizi's consort, no one can doubt him anymore."

Li Shimin changed the subject and said: "Yang Tianlu said that he has follow-up plans. Do you think we should persuade him? It's enough to do this, but it's really too much to continue."

Changsun Wugou shook his head and said murderously: "Since he has done it, let him do it to an end. What can he do if he renounces himself? I am not dead yet, but I want to see who dares to bully him."

This chapter has been completed!
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