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0389 Large Borrowing Event (End)

It was said to be a negotiation, but in fact it was mainly because the Japanese country was unilaterally blackmailed.

I, the Tang Dynasty Navy, traveled thousands of miles to come here to teach you a lesson. You must compensate for military expenses, etc., totaling one hundred thousand taels of gold.

Upon hearing this number, the envoy of the Wonoku Kingdom was so frightened that he hurriedly returned to ask Soga Ezo for instructions.

Soga Ezo naturally cannot agree.

At this time, Japan was still very poor, and the more famous gold and silver mines in history, such as the Iwami Silver Mine and the Sado Island Gold Mine, had not yet been discovered.

There are also very few copper mines. The most widely circulated in China is the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, which is mostly used in private transactions through barter.

They couldn't afford the compensation of 100,000 taels of gold even if they sold themselves.

The Japanese were unwilling to give, and Liu Rengui was unwilling to compromise, so the matter was left here again.

Liu Rengui is not in a hurry, but the Japanese are in a hurry.

If the Tang Dynasty did not lift the blockade, the Japanese fishermen would not be able to go fishing for a day, and they would not be able to afford it.

The key is that Soga Ezo can't afford to delay him. He wants to send Tang Jun away before others discover that there is something wrong with Emperor Shumei's health.

Then concentrate on suppressing the dissatisfied people and support an obedient puppet emperor again.

Soga Ezo found Kuromaro and asked him to think of a solution.

Kuromaro had no choice but to find Gao Biaoren again, looking back on his past feelings and promising benefits, and finally persuaded him.

Finally, under Gao Biaoren's persuasion, Liu Rengui agreed to change the conditions.

Aren’t you unable to pay? Then cede the land.

With Mount Hiei (near Osaka) as the boundary, a large area of ​​territory to the south, including Shikoku Island, was all placed under the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty.

We in the Tang Dynasty do not want these lands ourselves, but are prepared to help those ancient countries that were destroyed to recover.

Soga Ezo naturally refused to agree. If such a large piece of land was given away, he could commit hara-kiri.

Of course he also knew that Datang was deliberately opening his mouth and was waiting for him to pay back the money.

He was willing to cut off some land to be exempted from compensation. After all, the Wonu Kingdom and even Honshu Island had large areas of undeveloped land.

The northern part of Honshu Island was still occupied by the Ezo people, and Ezo Island, later Hokkaido, was also the territory of the Ezo people, not to mention the surrounding islands, large and small.

In fact, they don't consider those islands to be their territory.

Soga Ezo's idea was to find a random island and pretend it was his home, and then cede it to Datang. It was perfect.

And the opposition forces within the Japanese slaves had no reason to oppose.

Then Kuromaro was moved out again and bribed Gao Biaoren again.

Under Gao Biaoren's "dealing with", Liu Rengui "reluctantly" gave in another step, I want Shikoku Island.

At this time, even the Osaka area of ​​the Wonu Kingdom had not yet been developed, let alone the Shikoku Island area, which was a desolate land.

But after all, the land was too big. Soga Ezo felt a little distressed and asked Kuromaro to come over again to discuss it.

But this time Liu Rengui was determined. If you don’t give it to me, you will get it yourself.

Anyway, our Tang Dynasty navy is invincible. Once we stop the ship in the strait, Shikoku Island will still be ours.

And when the time comes, you will also compensate us for our war expenses.

Seeing Liu Rengui's firm attitude, Soga Ezo had no choice but to hold his nose and admit it.

He quickly signed an armistice agreement in the name of Emperor Shumei, recognizing the Wonu Kingdom as a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, and restoring the destroyed countries on Shikoku Island.

However, the royal families of these countries could not be found for a while, and the island was temporarily managed by the Tang Dynasty.

Liu Rengui then led his troops back in triumph, accompanied by the Japanese envoys.

The fleet did not return directly, but first went to Chikushi Island and received a warm welcome from the natives on the island.

Again, the Wonu Kingdom was divided into more than a hundred countries. The area of ​​Zhuzi Island was about the same as a state in the Tang Dynasty, and it was also divided into four or five countries.

These countries have existed for hundreds of years and have a strong sense of self-identity.

The country was destroyed by the Japanese slave country before. You can imagine how difficult their life was as slaves of the subjugated country.

I finally gained independence with the help of Datang, and my life was better than before. Naturally, I didn't want to go back to the past.

It's just that the Japanese slave country is so powerful that they have never been able to feel at ease.

Now the Tang army defeated the Japanese slaves again and forced them to cede territory for peace. They could finally feel at ease.

And because of the promotion of the book "Chinese Civilization" and the fact that the Tang Dynasty was going to establish a feudal state here, people here had already announced in advance that they were Tang people.

In their view, the army led by Liu Rengui was one of their own, so they greeted them with enthusiasm.

As we all know, the Japanese slaves were relatively short and admired the power of the Tang Dynasty, so they often sent women to the Tang Dynasty to borrow seeds.

It's just that in the past, those who were qualified to borrow seeds were high-ranking officials, and ordinary people were not qualified or able.

Things are different now, the Chinese army is right in front of us.

If you can borrow seeds from the warriors, you will definitely make your own seeds even better.

So these natives showed their talents and sent their women to the edge of the harbor one after another.

Some people send their daughters, some send their sisters, and some send their daughters-in-law directly.

Liu Rengui was very disciplined in his military training and did not allow his soldiers to mess around at the beginning.

But Gao Biaoren found him and said, "If you want this place to become a land of the Tang Dynasty, it is a good way to repopulate the native people."

"For the sake of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the long-term peace and stability of the vassal states, please forgive our soldiers."

Liu Rengui was not the kind of general who only knew how to fight. He could dismount and become prime minister, so he naturally knew that the method Gao Biaoren said was indeed effective.

So he ordered the whole army to go ashore in batches.

In order to save seeds conveniently, he also divided the fleet into several groups and stayed in different ports.

So when the army set out to leave, the legs of these Tang soldiers were weak, and the boats were deformed.

When the fleet passed by Silla and Baekje, it stopped at the two countries for a few days on the pretext of rest.

The result of the break was a quarrel between the two countries' top leaders, especially the King of Baekje who had ulterior motives and was almost scared to death.

In the name of rewarding the king's master, the King of Baekje gave Liu Rengui countless gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin.

Not only that, Liu Rengui also formally determined the ownership of certain territories with the two countries.

One is Tsushima Island, and the other is Tamna Island.

These two islands are located between Silla Baekje and the Japanese Kingdom, and they are also the only way for the Tang Dynasty to go to the Japanese Kingdom.

Whoever occupies this place can take the strategic initiative in the game.

The Japanese invaded Silla and Baekje several times, always using Tsushima Island as a springboard. Naturally, the Tang Dynasty wanted to firmly hold it in its hands in this generation.

As for Tamna Island, it is actually Jeju Island of the Bangja Kingdom in the previous life. At this time, there was a Tamna Kingdom on Tamna Island.

Although it is said to be a country, it is actually a force composed of a group of indigenous people. The palace of their king is not as luxurious as the compound of the rich man of the Tang Dynasty.

The weak ones were sometimes attached to Silla, sometimes to Baekje, and in their original history they were once attached to the Tang Dynasty.

But in this life, he can only rely on Datang.

When Liu Ingui's fleet left, there were more pilgrim envoys from Silla, Baekje, Tamra and even Goguryeo on board.




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