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0412 Lin'er

The birth of an heir is a top priority, and everyone in Zixiaoguan is very concerned about it.

In ancient times, everything followed a system of inheritance. The throne was inherited, officials and titles could be inherited, and the jobs of slaves were also inherited.

The son of a coachman is most likely still a coachman.

The same goes for Zixiao Temple. There are many people who want to join Zixiao Temple, and it is very difficult for outsiders to get in.

But once you join, your children and grandchildren will all be part of Zixiaoguan.

There is a high probability that the children of ordinary Taoist priests will be ordinary Taoist priests, and the sons of stewards will also be highly likely to be stewards.

But the premise of all this is that the position of the Guanzhu can be passed on smoothly, and don't change people midway.

As the saying goes, once the emperor has one courtier, if he changes his surname, he will definitely use his own person.

Their wealth, honor and disgrace are all tied to Zixiao Temple and the child in Wu Shu's belly.

It can be said that they value this child more than Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke.

So when the news ship sailed, everyone with some status came over, and those who couldn't get through also kept asking for information.

Although Chen Jingke felt that everyone was making a fuss, it was hard to say anything.

Wu Shu, on the other hand, liked this scene very much. It was so proud that he seemed to feel that the contractions were not that painful.

Not long after, a group of children also ran over. Ling'er ran over in a hurry, stared at Wu Shu's belly and said:

"Mother, is my brother about to be born?"

Empress can be used to address the queen, concubines, and one's own mother.

Ling'er is Chen Jingke's adopted daughter, and her name as Empress Wu Shu was given with permission.

A more superstitious saying is that children can sense the gender of the child in a pregnant woman's belly.

If a child accidentally talks about brother or sister, then there is a high probability that it is.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but many people believe this.

Wu Shu naturally believed it too, and this was actually the reason why she allowed Ling'er to call her empress.

When she first showed her pregnancy, Ling'er ran over and asked when her brother would come out to play with her.

She was so happy at that time that she recognized this adopted daughter from then on.

Hearing Ling'er come over to call his brother again, he was very happy and said, "Yes, my brother is about to be born. Ling'er will protect his brother from now on."

Ling'er nodded sharply and said, "Well, I will play with my brother every day from now on."

Two hours passed quickly, and Wu Shu's cervix was finally dilated to a suitable size, and she entered the delivery room at the request of Mrs. Wen and obstetrician Liu Xiang.

Chen Jingke also put on a medical uniform and followed in, accompanying him throughout the process.

According to the normal production process, outsiders are not allowed to enter the operating room.

In the past, it was due to feudal superstition that it was not good for men to enter the delivery room.

Zixiaoguan naturally did not have this idea, but they were afraid that the mother's family members would make trouble out of ignorance.

In line with the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, the rules and regulations of the delivery room also state that family members are not allowed to enter.

But Chen Jingke is not an outsider, so naturally no one will kick him out.

Wu Shu was originally very nervous, but when he saw him following him, he felt relieved.

Chen Jingke moved a chair and sat in front of her, held her hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Wu Shu forced out a smile and said, "Yeah."

Then her face froze, a look of pain appeared on her forehead, sweat stains appeared on her forehead, and she held Chen Jingke's hand tightly.

Chen Jingke wanted to speak out to comfort her, but the ward needed to be quiet, so he could only give her strength by holding his hands.

The process is omitted. Forty minutes later, while Wu Shu was shouting at the top of his lungs, a baby fell to the ground.

The moment the child came out, Wu Shu collapsed on the bed and stared blankly at the roof, without any focus in his eyes.

Chen Jingke's heart was full of love and he gently wiped the sweat from her forehead.

After a while, she slowly came back to her senses, and the first thing she said when she opened her mouth was: "Where is the child?"

Chen Jingke turned his head and glanced at Mrs. Wen who was cleaning the baby's afterbirth, and said, "The baby is fine, don't worry."

Liu Xiang also said: "My wife gave birth surprisingly smoothly. There was no difficulty at all, and there was a lot less pain... Oh, by the way, I haven't congratulated you yet. You are a good husband."

It took about two hours from contractions to when the cervix was fully dilated, and then the delivery was smooth in 40 minutes. It was indeed so smooth that it was hard to believe.

It is understandable that the second child is like this, but the problem is that she is the first child. It can only be said that people and human systems cannot be compared.

Chen Jingke was also sincerely happy.

Wu Shu's focus was not on this aspect at all. When she heard that it was a son, her pale face showed a hint of joy and said: "Master, I won."

Chen Jingke helplessly reached out and tapped her forehead, saying: "You, who made a bet with you?"

Wu Shu smiled and said: "It's my son, I won anyway."

Chen Jingke said dotingly: "Okay, okay, you win, our sister Wu is the most powerful."

Of course he knew what she meant.

She was making a bet with herself and God that she would definitely be pregnant with a son.

Although neither Chen Jingke nor Sun Simiao forced her to have a son, they really didn't care about men and women, and Chen Jingke even preferred daughters.

But others don't think so. The entire era has favored sons over daughters, and even she herself favors sons over daughters.

From the day she got pregnant, she had only one idea: to have a son.

Now that she finally got her wish, she was naturally very happy, so she said she had won.

Immediately, Wen Po went outside to announce the good news, and everyone cheered excitedly when they found out it was a baby boy.

From this, Chen Jingke understood better why she was like this. After all, humans are social animals, and most of the time they actually live for others to see.

After Liu Xiang had treated Wu Shu's wound and cleaned it, Po Wen also packed up the child, wrapped it in a cloth and placed it on the bedside.

Chen Jingke took a look, his gray and wrinkled skin looked like a big mouse.

He naturally knew that children are like this when they are born, but he pretended to be disgusted and said:

"It's so ugly. It doesn't look like us at all. I won't be able to get a wife in the future."

"Pfft." Wu Shu laughed, and then said angrily: "Are you so serious about it? Newborn babies are like this. They will be fine in a few days."

Liu Xiang also smiled and said: "Yes, children change the most, and they are the same every day. After three to five days, his skin will stretch out, and it will become white and fat in half a month or in a month."

Chen Jingke suddenly realized something and said: "So that's what I'm saying. Although he is of average height, his mother-in-law is as beautiful as a flower, so he can't be any worse."

Wu Shu smiled so happily that he really knew how to praise others in different ways.

After cleaning up, she was pushed from the delivery room to the ward to rest. Mrs. Wu, Yihe, and Qingju came in to chat with her and take care of her.

Others just showed their appearance in front of Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke and left in a sensible manner.

Chen Jingke took a long breath and said, "Master, you have a grandson, have you chosen a name?"

Sun Simiao also smiled from ear to ear and said: "How can we choose a name now? You give him a baby name first, and I will name him when he is one year old."

If you don't name the person, you won't be able to find him. It's an alternative way of praying.

There are also deliberately giving bad names, such as baskets, dung forks and the like.

I just hope to give him a bad name so that fate can show some mercy.

The rate of premature death among ancient people was high, and there was no way around it.

Although with Zixiaoguan's medical skills and living conditions, there is no need to worry too much about this matter, but out of habit, it is better to wait until he is one year old before naming him.

Sun Simiao added: "The next few days will be very busy, so don't run around."

Chen Jingke said with a headache: "This kind of human exchange is the most annoying. It's okay for acquaintances to come. Why do you think those unfamiliar people come to join in the fun?"

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "Stop complaining and get ready. I'm also going to prepare to welcome some old friends."

The birth of Zixiaoguan's heir is naturally a matter of great concern.

The hostesses of the Cheng, Qin, and Yuchi families who were close to each other came over that afternoon, bringing large and small packages of gifts.

Because he was so familiar, there was no need to deliberately receive him. Chen Jingke just showed up and left the rest to Mrs. Wu, Wu Shu and the others.

Besides, female guests are usually greeted by the hostess.

Sun Simiao's wife is no longer here, so Mrs. Wu, the mother-in-law, plays a guest role as hostess.

The next day the Queen and the Crown Princess all came to visit and were rewarded with many supplies.

Wu Shu was even more proud. The queen would come to visit her whenever she gave birth to a child. How many people could enjoy this honor?

The arrival of the queen was like releasing some kind of signal, and the dignitaries in the capital sent people to the door one after another.

Sun Simiao's old acquaintances and Taoist sects also sent gifts one after another.

Believers knew that the grandson of the living god Sun Yisheng was born, so they came to offer incense and pray for blessings. Many people sent baby products they made.

Chen Jingke is also very busy and receives endless guests every day.

Sun Simiao couldn't be lazy anymore. When the older generation came over, he had to come out to receive them.

What's more, this child's surname is Sun, and he is inheriting his mantle, so he must show up.

The powerful are naturally not stingy when it comes to taking action, and Zixiaoguan has also been merciless in accepting gifts in the past few days.

The warehouse is filled with gifts from various families, especially maternity and baby products, which will not be used up for a hundred years.

But I don’t have to worry about running out of them. With so many people in Zixiao Temple, anyone who has a baby can use it.

I have been busy for half a month and this matter is finally over.

Chen Jingke breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I am really not the kind of person who is good at dancing. It's really tiring. I would rather go to the battlefield and fight with the enemy than be polite to these people."

Wu Shu held a small bell and shook it from time to time to attract the attention of the baby in the cradle.

But the child didn't give her any face, so she chirped and fell asleep.

Hearing Chen Jingke's complaint, she put down the bell and said with a smile: "In this position, some things are inevitable. You will get used to it gradually."

Chen Jingke said: "Actually, I'm used to it. I just don't like this kind of hypocrisy. I still like to do practical things."

Wu Shu naturally understood him and said: "Fortunately, the matter is almost over. You can go about doing your favorite things. Next time you have a baby, there won't be such a big noise."

After all, the eldest son is different. If there is a subsequent child, others will at most send a family member to send a congratulatory gift.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, paused and said, "But you will have to experience this kind of thing at least twice in the future."

Marry Li Mingda once and give birth to a child once.

Chen Jingke sighed: "Not twice, but countless times. There are still more things to come. Forget it, have you thought of his nickname?"

Wu Shu thought for a moment and said, "After much thought, I'd better call it Eleven."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "Eleven is fine, anyway, as long as the nickname is smooth and not unpleasant to the ears."

Wu Shu rolled his eyes and said, "Is this how you praise others?"

Chen Jingke laughed and said: "It is, but Eleven is really good, so let's call it this."

In fact, this is also a way for the ancients to keep their children. If the first line is called eleven, the second line is called twelve, etc., so that the seducer can't find him or her.

Wu Shuke regarded this child as an eyeball. He thought about the baby name for half a month, and finally decided to call it a name that was neither unpleasant nor pleasant.

Chen Jingke naturally wouldn't object. It doesn't really matter what it's called, as long as it doesn't sound unpleasant.

So everyone in the temple soon knew that the future heir's name was Eleven.

Naturally, no one said anything, and the name was just decided.

After finishing his own affairs, Chen Jingke was free to do other things.

I first went around the slums, but in terms of the overall environment, there was not much improvement.

The houses are still dilapidated, the streets are still bumpy, and everyone is still wearing shabby patches.

The difference is the smile on the face and the rice in the pot.

Bai Lifu introduced: "The workshop comes to collect thread balls every seven days, and they just collected them for the second time yesterday."

"When people have money in their hands, the first thing they do is buy food. Now at least we don't have to be as hungry as before."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "You can only have the strength to work when you are full...I heard that you have been keeping an eye on this place? Yes, you are indispensable for the transformation of the slums."

This meant that he would no longer be held accountable for his previous responsibilities. Bai Lifu said excitedly: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness. I will never forget it."

Chen Jingke nodded and continued: "Continue to pay attention to this place from now on and don't let anyone come in to cause trouble."

After that he went to the academy again.

On the way, I went to see the railway laying situation. The bridge was still being erected, and the progress of hardening the road surface was good, but it was only less than five miles.

The main reason is that there were few people recruited at the beginning, but now there are more talents, and the speed is slowly increasing.

There are even fewer paved roads, less than one mile.

The rails and sleepers have not been laid yet. They are relatively expensive and I am worried that they will be stolen if they are laid in advance.

Chen Jingke's plan was to wait until the gravel was almost paved before concentrating on erecting the railway tracks.

As soon as he entered the school, Cheng Huailiang grabbed him and said, "Are you done? Let's talk about the railway inspector."

Chen Jingke said in confusion: "What's wrong? Aren't the rails not laid yet? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Cheng Huailiang said angrily: "But someone stole the stones."




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