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0435 Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Seeing the other party directly naming Hua Wu was shocked, and he already knew in his heart that their plan had been exposed.

But which link went wrong? How did Tumozhi know about their plan?

Zhang Bin swallowed and said nervously: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Hua Wu's face was uncertain. After a while, he took a deep breath and said, "Send someone to report to the school captain, saying that our plan has been exposed."

"You lead a team of people and wait here while I go to see Tumozhi to see what his plans are."

"If I have nothing to say, everything will be easy for me to say. If unfortunately I am murdered, you will immediately take someone back and tell the captain the information."

Zhang Bin was shocked and said: "Absolutely not, they must not have good intentions..."

Hua Wu interrupted him and said, "Have you ever thought about why we didn't encounter any siege when we got here?"

Zhang Bin was also puzzled: "Why...why?"

Hua Wu said: "Because Tumo Zhi probably does not have the same heart as Yi Nan, and he did not tell others about our plan."

After all, Zhang Bin had read books and learned the art of war, so he immediately said: "He wants to borrow a knife to kill Yi Nan?"

Hua Wu nodded and said: "Duo Mozhi is Yi Nan's nephew. According to the customs of the grassland, he is also qualified to inherit the position of Khan."

"I heard from Captain Wang that last year Yi Nan asked a saint to consecrate his eldest son and his eldest son as small Khans, which means he established two heirs at once."

"The purpose is self-evident, which is to divide Xue Yantuo into two parts after his death and hand them over to his two sons to command respectively."

After all, Zhang Bin has a relatively low status and does not know much about this matter. He said in surprise: "What do Yi Nan think? Isn't this a way to bring disaster?"

Hua Wu said: "No one knows what he thinks, but that's the fact."

"But the prairie people implement a tribal chieftaincy system, and each tribe is a small independent country."

"Yi Nan did not pay attention to these chiefs at all. If you were these chiefs, what would you do?"

Zhang Bin blurted out: "Of course, I will listen to whoever gives me the most benefits, and I will do whatever I want."

Hua Wu glared at him and said angrily: "You have only achieved this in your life, and you have never thought about being independent?"

Zhang Bin was a little dumbfounded and said: "Ah? Self-reliance? They won't listen to me."

Hua Wu patiently explained: "Of course it's not possible in the Central Plains, but in the grasslands, the strong are respected, and their royal families are all related by blood. Anyone who is strong can become a khan."

"I just said that Tumo Zhi is Yi Nan's nephew, and he is also qualified."

"And his succession order is only slightly lower than Yi Nan's eldest son and eldest son. As long as these three people are killed..."

"As long as Yi Nan is killed, he will have a chance to become a khan."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized it and said: "That's it. Captain, you are so smart. You guessed the person's thoughts before even meeting him."

A flash of complacency flashed in Hua Wu's eyes, but he still remained awake and said:

"Everything is just speculation, but if it is true, a great achievement is just around the corner. Tell me, would you take the gamble?"

Zhang Bin said without hesitation: "Bet, I will die in one fell swoop. If I can really make this first contribution, I will be a glorious lintel for my descendants."

Hua Wu said: "So I have to go, you stay here and wait for the opportunity."

Zhang Bin stopped and said, "Okay, captain, you have to be careful."

Dumozhi shouted several times over there, but when no one came out, he said with some displeasure:

"What? Do you think I am unworthy of talking to you?"

Hua Wu knew that he could not delay any longer, and since the matter had been settled with Zhang Bin, there was nothing to delay.

So he laughed deliberately and said: "Haha... Anyone who achieves great things is always cautious. Qi Jin is too calm."

After saying that, he walked out of the shadows and stopped ten feet away from Tumozhi.

Although the moonlight is bright, only hazy figures can be seen from such a distance.

However, this was enough for Mozhi to see that the other party's clothes were indeed those of the Tang Army.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "General, why don't you come over and talk about it?"

Hua Wu, however, stood motionless and asked, "I wonder how the general knew we were back and why he was still waiting here?"

Tumozhi did not force him, but he also did not answer his question, but said:

"I wonder if you can tell your general to come and talk to me? I have something important to discuss with him."

Hua Wu said seriously: "Put yourself in his shoes, would Qi Jin come with me to see our general?"

Du Mozhi looked angry. He was one of the top five people in Xue Yantuo's ranking, yet he was questioned like this by a pawn.

However, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. He suppressed his anger and said: "Everyone knows the purpose of your coming here. You just want to imitate the old deeds of Duke Wei."

"Now that your whereabouts are known to me, is there any other way besides cooperating with me?"

Hua Wu said: "Threats are useless to us. At worst, we won't suffer any losses if we withdraw."

Tumo Zhi is a little short of words and really doesn’t know how to answer.

For Datang, whether the raid was successful or not was not critical, but it was different for him.

Without the external force of Datang, it would be impossible for him to become Khan.

Thinking of this, he had to compromise: "The craftsman you bribed is the biological brother of a woman of mine."

Hua Wu: "..."

I really don’t have wet shoes when I walk by the river all the time. I found my brother-in-law to be a briber, which is no one else.

Being stuck here is really not a loss at all.

Having said that, there wasn't much that Huawu could do, so he said hello to Dumozhi and then went back to find Zhang Bin.

He paraphrased what he had just said and said: "Dumo Zhi asked the captain to meet here. You can bring the news back and ask the captain to make a decision."

Zhang Bin didn't say much, and immediately led people to find the main force and told Wang Fangyi and Li Xiaoyi the information.

Wang Fangyi was also speechless for a long time.

Li Xiaoyi's face was full of shame and he said: "It's my fault for this. I've caught too many fishermen, but I didn't expect that someone would catch me back."

This is indeed a huge mistake. If Tumozhi had not had ulterior motives, I am afraid that a dragnet would have been waiting for them now.

But it would be useless to blame him now. Wang Fangyi sighed and comforted:

"No one thought it would be like this...be careful in the future."

Li Xiaoyi suddenly pulled out his horizontal knife and cut his arm directly, and blood started to flow down in a steady stream.

The guard next to him said hurriedly: "Captain, why are you doing this... where is the doctor? Please call the doctor over to bandage it."

The medical staff provided by Qianqi came over immediately and bandaged him.

The two of them had been cooperating for so long, and Wang Fangyi naturally knew why he did what he did, so he said:

"Just keep it in mind, why bother hurting yourself like this?"

Li Xiaoyi held back the severe pain and said in a low voice: "No, this mistake is too fatal."

"Before I had some achievements, I was complacent and thought that the heroes in the world were just like this. Now I realize how ridiculous I am."

"Zhenren Chen is so erudite and knowledgeable, yet he admits his own inadequacies. He never dares to say that he knows military skills."

"I've only been studying for a few days, and I'm so arrogant... We can't expect to meet people like Tumo Chi every time."

"Next time we make such a mistake, we will most likely be wiped out... This cut must be made."

"When I see this wound in the future, I will be able to think of today's mistake and always remind myself not to be complacent..."

Wang Fangyi didn't try to persuade him anymore. To be honest, he was a little dissatisfied with Li Xiaoyi just now.

When two people eat from the same pot, the most important thing is division of labor and cooperation.

Li Xiaoyi likes logistics and does things behind the scenes, and he even prefers to lead troops to fight.

The two usually have a clear division of labor and cooperate with each other, which can be said to be extremely perfect.

Of course, there are differences.

But both of them knew very well that their futures were bright, and they would undoubtedly be one of the pillars of the next generation of the Tang Dynasty.

It would be foolish not to fight for such a good ally.

So there is no need to argue over a short period of time and sour the relationship between the two.

With this kind of actual situation, the two of them can put aside their disputes and compromise with each other to handle things well without harming their principles.

But Li Xiaoyi's mistake was so big that it could ruin the entire Qianqi.

How is it possible that he is not angry?

But at this moment, looking at the deep wound on Li Xiaoyi's arm, which was seven to eight centimeters long, all the grudges in his heart disappeared.

After the military doctor sutured Li Xiaoyi's wound, he said, "Do you think we should believe Tumo Zhi?"

Li Xiaoyi muttered: "You can contact him and give it a try. You know the habits of the prairie people. He may just want to borrow a knife to kill someone."

Wang Fangyi nodded and said: "I think so too, I should go see him no matter what."

"Even if the negotiation fails in the end, the worst we can do is turn around and leave, but if the negotiation is successful..."

"Okay, it's settled." Li Xiaoyi stood up and said, "I'm going to see Tumo Zhi."

Wang Fangyi stood up and said: "I'd better go, I..."

Li Xiaoyi interrupted him and said seriously: "I must make up for the mistakes I made. Don't compete with me on this matter."

Seeing this, Wang Fangyi didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "Okay, be careful, and run away if something goes wrong."

Li Xiaoyi nodded and said: "Don't worry, I still have a bright future, how can I fail in this small pit?"

After saying that, he asked someone to fetch the horses and headed towards the agreed place with a pair of horses. Soon he saw Tumozhi.

Tuo Mozhi couldn't help but frown as Datang sent such a young person over.

He was asked on the spot: "How can you take charge of such a big thing?"

Li Xiaoyi said calmly: "My surname is Li."

Tuo Mozhi was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and asked tentatively: "But Duke Liang?"

Li Xiaoyi didn't know that this was because someone had figured out his situation, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to guess who he was so easily.

When he thought about being caught instead of fishing, he felt angry and regretful, and the wound on his arm started to hurt.

His face remained calm, but he said: "Since Qi Jin already knows, why bother to ask more questions."

Du Mozhi didn't dare to show off in front of Li Xiaoyi. He was from the royal family of Xue Yantuo, but Li Xiaoyi was from the royal family of Tang Dynasty.

And he is the most prominent one, the son of Huainan King Li Shentong.

His identity is completely useless in front of the other party.

So his attitude immediately became friendly and he said: "It turns out that it was Duke Liang who was in front of me. I have offended him a lot, so I hope Haihan can do it."

Li Xiaoyi's expression improved slightly and he said, "I don't dare to take it seriously. It's Qi Jin that's really surprising."

Tumozhi knew that he was talking about Xizuo, so he explained: "Gong Liang misunderstood, and this fact was not intentional on my part..."

It is true that he did not deliberately send spies to gather information.

Materials in the grasslands and deserts are expensive and scarce, and even the royal chiefs' living standards are just like that.

They urgently need various materials from the Central Plains to satisfy their material enjoyment.

When they heard that the Tang Dynasty had opened a business in the buffer zone, many people in Xue Yantuo were moved and sent their cronies to exchange supplies.

It's just that this kind of thing should not be made public. Although Xue Yantuo did not prohibit the nobles from enjoying themselves, he did not support it very much.

Just do it a little bit for your own enjoyment. If you go too far, Yi Nan will stop you or even punish you.

So at this time, those noble people will find some people who are related but not very close to come forward to do this.

It gets things done without attracting attention. If something goes wrong, it doesn't hurt to just give up.

Tumo Zhi was no exception. He found the younger brother of a concubine who was not very favored to do this.

This brother-in-law is usually idle, but he has a flexible mind and knows how to get into trouble.

It can be said that I did this job crookedly, but I did a pretty good job.

However, such people often suffer from the habit of telling lies, as is the case with this brother-in-law.

In his words, he was a down-and-out noble of Xue Yantuo or something like that, but the network of connections was still there and he could get a lot of confidential information.

He also brought out some small things that he heard from his sister that were not secrets within Xue Yantuo.

To put it in layman's terms, it's some gossip about Xue Yantuo's senior executives.

But the more news like this, the more interested everyone became, and it didn't take long for most people in the entire market to know that he was a famous figure.

I happened to come across Li Xiaoyi's colorless and meticulous work, so...

There is no need to say more about what follows.

When he thought that he had jumped into the trap, Li Xiaoyi felt ashamed, and his wound ached again.

However, this was not over yet. In order to show his sincerity, Dumozhi said one more thing.

But the truth of this matter made Li Xiaoyi want to dig out a Yong'an Palace on the ground with his feet.

"Does Duke Liang still remember a man named Ji Yunduo?"

Li Xiaoyi thought about it and knew who he was talking about. He was a man from Xue Yantuo. After being bribed by him, he went back to inquire about information, but he never heard from him again.

"Is he also yours?"

Dumozhi shook his head and said, "No, he is from Ba Zhuo."

Li Xiaoyi felt cold all over, even though he was fishing, he was caught twice.

But more than these embarrassments, he was more worried about where that person had gone.

"In that case, why didn't he show up again? They just let go of such a good opportunity to spy on the Tang Dynasty's intelligence?"

Tumoji showed a faint smile and said: "It's not that they missed this opportunity, it's that they didn't have such an opportunity."

"After learning about this, I promptly sent people dressed as horse bandits to kill Jiyunduo and his men."

This chapter has been completed!
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