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0087 'Journey to the West'

"After defeating Luo Hu, the three masters and disciples of me and the White Dragon Niu continued on the road... However, what they didn't know was that Luo Hu was the biological son of Demon Zufan..."

"Brahma is the boundless magical power of all demons, and all the demons in the world regard him as their ancestor... He is so arrogant that he actually calls himself the God of Creation and calls himself Brahma..."

Chen Jingke spat at the mouth and talked loudly and emotionally about the finale of his magically modified version of Journey to the West.

Hearing the series of prefixes of the Demon of Ten Thousand Demons, the Demon Ancestor, the Creator God, and Brahma, the little Loli Princess Chengyang's little face turned red with excitement, and her little hands clenched tightly into fists.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, as if he was very unhappy with this demon named Brahma.

Changsun Wujia was calm and gentle, slowly knocking pine nuts - this was also Chen Jingke's suggestion. Pine nuts have the functions of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, improving beauty and longevity, etc.

After hearing these two functions, Li Shimin immediately asked people to list pine nuts as tribute.

Princess Jinyang was sitting on a chair, eating pine nuts that her mother handed to her from time to time. She didn't know if she understood, but she looked at Chen Jingke with admiration with her big eyes.

Chen Jingke drank some water to moisten his throat and continued: "The Brahma built the Pantheon on the sacred mountain in the western world... Of course, it is generally called the Demon Mountain and the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons in private."

"There are many demons gathered in the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and powerful magicians are like crucian carp crossing the river... Many demons that were defeated by me and his party have also fled here..."

"Brahma was very angry when he learned that his only son was killed, so he wanted to command his demons to kill me and his party..."

"I arrived in the Western Realm and found that the demonic flames here are indeed monstrous, and the blood-evil aura is so strong that it is suffocating. People with unstable minds will lose their minds and become walking zombies within a short time of staying here."

"In order to enslave all sentient beings, Brahma also established the most stringent caste system...all sentient beings are suffering unspeakably..."

"On the way, they rescued a young man who was being chased by a demon. After a conversation, they learned that he was the prince of a small country in India, named Gautama Siddhartha..."

Hearing this, Princess Chengyang jumped up and said: "I know, I know, he is Sakyamuni Buddha." After saying this, she put on a look of "praise me quickly".

Chen Jingke said casually: "That's right, the second lady is really smart."

Princess Chengyang's little chin raised proudly.

Then he was pushed back to the chair with a slap from Changsun Wugou: "Sit tight, don't you want to listen to the story anymore."

Princess Chengyang immediately shrank on the chair and turned into a trembling little chicken.

Chen Jingke almost laughed out loud, but suppressed his laughter and continued: "Gautama had good intentions and was unwilling to act as a coward, so he was not tolerated by Brahma. Fortunately, I and his party came to rescue him, otherwise he would have died at the hands of the devil."

"Gotama was very surprised to learn that they came from China. After some exchanges, he was impressed by me and wanted to become a disciple and learn how to save all sentient beings."

"I also discovered that Gautama was a talented person, but the Dharma was not taught lightly, so I could not accept him as a disciple so easily, so I set up three tests..."

"On the way to complete the test, Gautama was captured by Brahma's minions, who threatened me to go to the battlefield of Tongtian River."

"I also knew that this was the final battle, so in order to complete my victory in one battle, I sent Sun Wukong to heaven to invite the gods and gods to come and destroy the demon."

"The Heavenly Court sent out the Universal Heavenly Lord, the Three Officials Great Emperor, the Four Heavenly Masters, the Six Ding Liujia, the Fourth Level Gongcao, the Twenty-Eight Stars, the Erlang God Yang Jian, and the Three Altar Sea Meeting Great God Nezha..."

"The two sides launched an unprecedented battle at Tongtian River... In the end, Brahma was defeated by Sun Wukong, and the demons were either killed on the spot, or captured and killed on the Immortal Platform..."

"But there are still many great demons who have slipped through the net, either fleeing to the wilderness of the far west, fleeing to the cold lands of the north, or fleeing to the black states of the south to lie dormant, waiting for the opportunity to bring trouble to the world again."

"The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons has been destroyed, and the biggest hidden danger has been eliminated... However, the demonic energy and blood evil energy are filling the western world. If it cannot be resolved, sooner or later this place will become a desperate situation."

"Furthermore, Brahma is almost immortal, and no one can kill it except God. The gods can only suppress it and seal it under the magic mountain, and slowly use Taoism to influence it."

Princess Chengyang asked in confusion: "Then why didn't God kill him?"

Chen Jingke asked rhetorically: "If God has to do everything, what do we need heaven and the gods to do?"

The little girl scratched her head, she simply could not understand such a complicated problem.

Chen Jingke further explained: "To the gods in heaven, Brahma is like a sharp sword hanging above their heads that can fall down at any time, warning them not to act arbitrarily."

The little girl still didn't understand, while Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou next to her showed thoughtful expressions.

"I decided to stay here to promote Taoism in order to resolve the evil spirit and blood evil spirit. At the same time, I also accepted Gautama, who passed the test, as my disciple."

"After seventy-seven forty-nine years of preaching, 90% of the evil spirit and demonic energy in the Western World have been resolved, and the original Demonic Mountain has become the Spiritual Mountain in the minds of people in the Western World..."

"I resolved a calamity crisis, gained a lot of merit, restored my original memory and mana, and returned to heaven with my three disciples and little white dragon."

"The remaining evil spirits were left to Gautama to resolve as the final test. At the same time, he was also given the important task of suppressing and influencing Brahma."

"Decades later, Gautama formally founded Buddhism and used Lingjiu Mountain as his monastery..."

"God once again preached in the Zixiao Palace, commending the achievements of the Moral God. But at the same time, he also warned the gods that although this calamity has been resolved, the next calamity is already brewing."

"If the gods do not want to perish in immeasurable calamities, they must preach Taoism and enlightenment to all living beings so that they can live and work in peace and contentment...thus dispelling the calamity and delaying the arrival of immeasurable calamities."

"As for how long the immeasurable calamity can be postponed, it depends on what step the gods can take. If it is done well, it can be postponed indefinitely. If it is not done well, the next calamity may be the beginning of the reopening of the world..."

"This is the story of my journey to the west." After telling the story, Chen Jingke let out a long sigh.

Princess Chengyang said with unfinished content: "Is this the end? Just ignore the escaped demons?"

Chen Jingke glared at her angrily and said, "If I have done everything, what will future generations do?"

Li Shimin clapped his hands and said: "That's right. The unfinished work of our ancestors must naturally be completed by our descendants."

Then he said: "Now, has the Western world turned into the Buddhist kingdom mentioned in Buddhism?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "No, the country of Sakyamuni Buddha has been destroyed, and the Buddha's country has been reduced to ruins."

"The remnant power of Brahma gradually rose up to rule Tianzhu again, and it also absorbed Buddhist ideas to make itself more powerful."

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment. He naturally knew that the story of Journey to the West was false, but he did not expect that the legendary Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu would look like this.

"In this case, why doesn't Buddhism concentrate its efforts to defeat the Brahma Sect? Instead, it travels thousands of miles to China to preach?"

Chen Jingke said: "Because those in power prefer the caste system, they chose the Brahma Sect, just like how countries in the past liked the nine-grade Zhongzheng system."

"And only a few Buddhists came to China to preach. They brought Buddhist scriptures with them, and the inspired scholars in China began to interpret it using Taoist and Confucian ideas."

"Nowadays, the ideological differences between Chinese Buddhism and Tianzhu Buddhism are very big. Even if they are regarded as two religions, there is no problem."

Princess Chengyang knew that the story was over, and was not interested in the rest of it at all. She lay on the table and played with her hair out of boredom.

Princess Jinyang climbed down from the chair, ran to Chen Jingke, stretched out her little hand and said, "Brother, here, eat."

Chen Jingke lowered his head and saw that the little girl had four pine nuts in her hand, which were soaked with sweat and stuck to her palm. Apparently she had been grabbing these four nuts for a while.

He felt so relieved that he squatted down, lowered his head and sucked the nuts directly into his mouth.

The little girl must have thought it was funny and giggled.

This chapter has been completed!
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