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0091 Married and Beaten

In just this month, Chen Jingke came up with more than a dozen technologies, many of which were related to military and national affairs.

He understands medical skills, machine manufacturing, and cooking skills, has unique ideas, and has a unique vision... What kind of education has he received?

What kind of person can teach such a versatile person? How knowledgeable must be the person who teaches him? Where are those people now?

In the past, he thought that he could control everything and that no matter who was behind Chen Jingke, he could conquer him.

But as his understanding deepened, his confidence began to waver. This force has too many and profound things, and every piece of it can cause huge changes in the Tang Dynasty.

So will they have more powerful technology?

The only thing that made him happy was that he finally caught the clues.

A descendant of Emperor Shun, after Duke Guiman, he lived in Jiyang County for generations. During the Jin Dynasty, he lived in seclusion to avoid the chaos in Yongjia.

Although more information is still hidden in the fog, at least we know that he is a serious descendant of Yan and Huang, one of our own.

This reassured him a lot.

And if you follow this line of inquiry, you can always find something.

But no matter what kind of secrets he hides behind his back, the Tang Dynasty needs him, and the royal family needs him even more. They must find a way to keep him.

So how to keep him?

Prosperity and wealth? Let’s forget it. After thinking about it, the most reliable way is to get married.

Do you really want to promise him a princess?

Li Shimin felt breathless when he thought of the little Sizi. That was his little Sizi.

He thought bitterly: Boy, it's not that easy to marry Xiao Sizi. From now on... hum.

The Ministry of Industry was very sensible, and it was natural that they had to show off that they had obtained so much advanced technology for nothing. They sent a minister to visit and brought 500 kilograms of iron, 500 kilograms of lead each, ten carts of paper, and various kinds of precious wood.

Compared with new technologies, these things are not worth mentioning, but the important thing is attitude, and Chen Jingke accepted it happily.

As for how the Ministry of Industry will apply these technologies in the future, he is not worried at all.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. What modern people are better than the ancients is the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. They have no advantage in wisdom.

The elites of this era will naturally slowly discover more uses for these machines.

What's more, these technologies are watched by Li Shimin personally, and no one dares to hide them secretly or destroy them.

After sending these craftsmen away, he turned around and got back to work.

Running back and forth between the printing house and the dictionary editing team, and learning Taoist knowledge from Sun Simiao, my life was extremely fulfilling.

The end of the year is here before you know it, and there are more and more holidays.

First of all, on the winter solstice, Li Shimin and his ministers first went to Yuanqiu to worship heaven and earth, and then went to the ancestral temple to worship their ancestors.

He reported the year's work to the ancestors of heaven and earth and prayed for good weather in the coming year.

In previous years, these had little to do with ordinary people, and they were not qualified to participate in this level of sacrifice.

But this year is different. To be precise, Chang'an City is different because there is a statue of Haotian in Zixiao Temple.

Countless people from Chang'an City come here to worship God and pray for the health and safety of their families, success in the exam, making a lot of money, and a good harvest in the coming year.

In three days, Zixiao Temple received more than 100,000 pilgrims, which was an unprecedented achievement in ancient times.

The flow of people has increased, and the temple fair in the square at the entrance has become more lively and prosperous. Even Tiantianju is always full.

In just these few days, Zixiaoguan's income has been higher than in the past two months. Chen Jingke finally understood why Zixiaoguan likes to celebrate festivals.

During periods when there are relatively few festivals, some temples will celebrate strange festivals with clever names. This is all business.

Just after the winter solstice, it was the day when Qin Yandao married girl Yuchi. Naturally, the wedding was very lively, and almost all the dignitaries came.

As a good brother, Chen Jingke naturally wanted to go, and he and Cheng Hualiang also became the wedding reception staff. At this time, the groom could not go, but waited at home, and sent his close friends to welcome the bride.

This was the first time for Chen Jingke to attend such a wedding and he was very excited.

On the way to welcome the bride, he found Cheng Huailiang looking worried. He was very puzzled and said: "Brother Hongliang, what's wrong with you? You look unhappy."

Cheng Huailiang was about to answer, but he suddenly stopped as if he thought of something. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Nothing, I just suddenly felt emotional that another brother got married."

The excited Chen Jingke didn't notice anything unusual about him, and joked: "Haha... you are the first to get married, and you are talking about someone else."

Cheng Huailiang changed his worried look just now, his eyes were full of smiles, and he pretended to be helpless and said: "Hey, Your Majesty gave me a marriage to the princess, so I am helpless."

Chen Jingke rolled his eyes and said, "Hey."

Arriving at Yuchi's house soon, Chen Jingke said: "Brother Hongliang, should you call the door or should I?"

The corners of Cheng Huailiang's mouth could not help but turn up, and he said: "I have helped others get married, but this is your first time with a real person, so I won't compete with you."

"Then thank you, brother Hongliang, for giving in." Chen Jingke was not polite and immediately dismounted and prepared to call the door.

Looking at his back, Cheng Huailiang finally couldn't help but smile evilly as if his conspiracy had succeeded. Then he dismounted and followed him, but always kept a distance of three to five steps from Chen Jingke.

When Chen Jingke came to the door, the escort guard at the door stopped him and asked him to write poems.

The makeup poems were prepared in advance, and Chen Jingke memorized one immediately.

The person seeing off the relatives didn't feel embarrassed, and after hearing the poem urging them to make up, they shouted and opened the door.

Chen Jingke took the lead and walked inside.

Then he cried. Why didn't anyone tell him that he would be beaten when he got married?

On the way back, he glared at Cheng Hualiang angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, it's going to be the end for us."

Cheng Huailiang smiled happily and winked: "Isn't this just to let you experience the whole process of welcoming a bride? How can you blame me?"

Chen Jingke was so angry that if the situation wasn't inappropriate, he would have caught Cheng Huailiang and beaten him up.

When I was welcoming the bride just now, I was surrounded by a group of young girls and young wives as soon as I entered the door after reciting a poem to encourage my bride to be married. They hit me on the head and face with sticks.

Although the sticks were wrapped in thick red cloth, and the women saw that he was young, they withdrew their strength, but it was a stick after all, and the beating he received was so miserable.

The most irritating thing was that when Cheng Hualiang saw something was wrong, he turned around and ran away, leaving him alone to be beaten.

He was not stupid, how could he not know that he was being plotted. Even though no one told him the reason, he could guess what was going on.

To give the groom a blow, he was reluctant to hit the groom and let his friends suffer for him.

If I had known this rule, I would kill him for not even coming to welcome the bride.

No wonder why other people's expressions were so weird when he said he wanted to help with the wedding. Where could he find such a fool who volunteered?

But no matter what, the bride was finally welcomed back and the wedding went smoothly.

During the wedding, Ren Feng arrived and sent a congratulatory gift on behalf of Li Shimin, pushing the wedding to a climax.

After this episode passed, Chen Jingke's life returned to its normal rhythm. He traveled back and forth between the printing shop and the phonetic notation studio, and his days were busy and fulfilling.

But in a few days another major holiday will come, New Year's Day (Spring Festival).

This chapter has been completed!
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