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Chapter 80: On Fairness

 Generally speaking, Charms class is the most suitable class for small talk.

Because a large part of the course is practical, students need to hold Dharma books and recite the mantras copied on them loudly; or sometimes the professor will bring some small animals - such as mice, sparrows, etc. -

As a test subject, it increased the chaos in the classroom.

If you gossip in such a class, others generally won't hear it, and even if they hear it, they won't care.

But today's Charms lesson is not suitable for small talk.

After Lao Yao stood on the podium, he spent half of the class reviewing the key points of the magic spells learned last semester; then he spent the remaining half of the class reviewing the final exam papers of the previous semester.

His slightly hoarse and tired voice could almost be heard in the entire classroom. Even if he asked a few questions and the students responded in a swarm of confusion, the chaos would only last for more than ten seconds, and order would soon be restored.

Therefore, the low-pitched chat between Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao easily attracted Lao Yao's attention - the field of view when standing on the podium is completely different from sitting behind the desk. Many times, the students' self-righteous little actions are not visible to the teacher standing on the podium.

It's very clear. But most of the time the teachers are busy teaching, so as long as those small actions are not excessive, they will not pursue them.

But today is different.

As a publicly funded student of Jiuyou College, with many honors such as the Medal of Merlin winner and the title of Major Arcana, Zheng Qing's test scores were only average, which made Professor Yao, the dean of Jiuyou College, very embarrassed.

make life difficult for.

What made the professor even more annoyed was that Zheng Qing showed no remorse in class. Instead, he chatted with Xiao Xiao next to him from time to time, and even discussed topics such as transferring to another hospital.

This is unacceptable.

Therefore, before starting to review the Chaos Spell, Professor Yao directly pointed out a certain wizard sitting in the back row of the classroom who was whispering, and asked him unceremoniously to explain the key points and difficulties of the relevant spells, and what went wrong in his final exam.


Zheng Qing stood up with a frown and followed the professor's request to analyze the Chaos Curse.

After he finished answering, Professor Yao did not ask him to sit down immediately, but took advantage of the situation to teach him a lesson: "See, you know it too. Do you know why you got the wrong answer? For such a simple spell, the error rate for the entire first grade is only 5%.

Point one, you belong to the five points one!"

Zheng Qing felt a little hot on his face and his head hung low.

Perhaps it was because the end of class was approaching and the paper was almost finished. After scolding Zheng Qing for his spells class paper, Professor Yao expanded the battlefield and began to criticize his other subjects: "And your divination, your grades.

The points are only 3.3! The paper was deducted a full 17 points! Why was it deducted? Have you analyzed it?"

"Last semester, in the first class, what did I tell you?"

"Fu, Yi, and Wen, these are the most important things you study in the three years of college, and they are the foundation of all high-level magic! If you learn these three well, you will be able to learn no matter how difficult the spell is; if you don't learn these three, you will be able to learn them easily.

Door, you can’t even understand the wizard’s scroll from a hundred years ago!”

"How could you get such a score in Divination?"

"Your grades are so low, have you ever thought about it?"

When Zheng Qing just stood up, he did feel a little blushing. But as Old Yao's voice became louder and his words became more and more fierce, the young wizard became more and more unconvinced - Reasonable, Divination 87

Even in Jiuyou College, his score was not considered a low score. What's more, he also made up for some grade points from other places, so his overall score was not low.

Just as he was thinking about how to answer Lao Yao's roar, an unexpected voice spoke.

"Professor, you are biased!" The gypsy witch sitting on the other side of the classroom raised her hand and protested loudly: "Zheng Qing's test scores are very high... If he scores like this, he must reflect on it.

If we write exams, those of us with grade points of a little over or over two will have no shame in living in this world!"

Upon hearing her protest, the classroom suddenly burst into chaos.

Both wizards and witches looked at Zheng Qing and Elena with ambiguous and teasing eyes. Even the professor standing on the podium felt the tightness in the atmosphere.

The heat that surged on Zheng Qing's face due to embarrassment had already subsided a lot. But after Elena spoke, it bottomed out and a big positive line came out, which made him feel like his head was on fire.

"That's right, that's right!" Li Meng, who was sitting in the first row of the classroom, raised her little arms and shouted as if she was afraid that the world would be in chaos: "Zheng Qing ranked third overall in the finals this time! Even my sister thinks he is

His grades are very good..."

Jiang Yu, who was sitting next to the little witch, had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed Li Meng who was talking nonsense, and put his other hand firmly on her mouth. At the same time, he denied in a panic: "It's not me, I didn't say,

She is talking nonsense..."

Seeing that the noise in the classroom was getting louder and louder, Professor Yao, who was standing on the podium, finally couldn't hold himself back and coughed heavily.

The loud coughing sound was like thunder and rumble, echoing in the closed classroom.

The students covered their ears with their hands, shut their mouths obediently, and became quiet again.

After a long time, when the classroom was completely quiet, Lao Yao took out his pipe from his arms, knocked it on the desk, and said in a serious tone: "Do you think I am making a fuss out of a molehill or being biased?"

He looked steadily at the young wizards in the audience and shook his head: "No, it's not like that."

"We are Jiuyou College. Our school philosophy is fairness and equality...and the practice that best embodies this philosophy is examinations. In-class examinations, midterm examinations, final examinations, promotion examinations, etc."

"We are not Starry Sky Academy. You don't need to go to school with a bruised nose and face every day, and you don't need to go to the school hospital every now and then to lie down for several days."

"We are not Atlas. You don't need to delve into the meaning of scriptures under the ancient Buddha with green lanterns, nor do you need to chant words to the idols carved from clay and wood."

"We are not an Alpha School! There is no need to waste too much energy on hunting grounds, on campus activities outside of study, on interpersonal interactions...even if those activities can bring you a lot of credits!"

"For a true Jiuyou student, these are all partial schools!"

"You can take side paths for the sake of honor, pride, or even for entrance exams. It doesn't matter. The college doesn't prohibit it, and it won't block these paths."

"But these are not the right path for the students of Jiuyou Academy."

"Similar to the assessment method of Alpha Academy, there are all kinds of tricks and endless means. I only ask one question, is it fair and equal?"

Following the professor's last rhetorical question, the bell rang at the right time.

Lao Yao grabbed his pipe, knocked on the desk for the last time, glanced around, said "get out of class is over", gathered up the lecture notes, and strode out of the classroom.

This chapter has been completed!
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