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Chapter 113 The Witch

 At the beginning of school, because of Ms. Pulitzer’s report, Zheng Qing once discussed with Xiao Xiao whether language was objective and whether it could describe something completely neutrally.

The result of the discussion was that Xiao Xiao created a concept of 'mechanical language', which really troubled Zheng Qing for a while. Coupled with the constant verbal conflicts on campus, for a few days, the words would always cross his mind from time to time.

I had all kinds of messy thoughts and was very disappointed with this world full of prejudice.

Fortunately, the heavy schoolwork and 'sufficient' extracurricular work saved Zheng Qing and allowed him to struggle out of those extremely boring thoughts. Originally, he thought that it would all be over, but unexpectedly, in the magic text class on the fourth week of school,

Yesterday, Professor Emma actually covered related content again when teaching.

Like last semester, the Magic Text class is still scheduled on Tuesday afternoon in Classroom 202 in the teaching building.

The teacher is still the stern old lady Emma.

At the beginning of the class, Professor Emma repeated what Lao Yao said in the first spell class of the new semester: "If talismanology is the wizard's analysis of the origin of the world, and divination is the wizard's analysis of dimensions and time, then

Magical literature is the wizard’s analysis of wisdom and consciousness.”

Listening to these familiar arguments, Zheng Qing hesitated with the quill pen in his notebook for a long time before deciding to copy these words again - he felt that since these professors repeated these sentences repeatedly, they must have deep meaning.

.Whether it is useful or not, write it down and memorize it, and you will definitely not go wrong.

When he finished taking notes, Professor Emma still did not finish her quote on the podium:

"...As I told you a long time ago, magic script is essentially a very advanced universal language. Because it is spoken in the sky, it is also called the script of the sky."

"It makes sense to be accepted by many intelligent consciousnesses."

At this point, Professor Emma paused for a moment, turned around and wrote two big words on the blackboard: "Disadvantages."

Then she held the chalk head, looked at the people in the audience with a serious expression, and analyzed: "For many intelligent beings, or for many moments, the greatest advantage of language is that it can express some of our strong feelings and thoughts."

"For example, if you chew a mouthful of Coptis chinensis, your mouth will feel bitter; if you drink a mouthful of vinegar, you will feel the base of your tongue is sour; if you hold a piece of maltose, you will feel that the tip of your tongue has been sweetened."

"To a certain extent, the above description has expressed our thoughts and feelings...but this is also its biggest shortcoming."

"Because language, including most of the words we use daily, has limited expressive power and is full of emotions... In the process of transmitting limited information, wasting precious space to vent emotions means that a lot of information is lost."

"Essentially, they are just a crude communication tool that can only use limited words and pronunciations to describe the infinite world beneath our feet."

"Just like the feeling of being bitten by a mosquito, and the feeling of being caressed by someone, they are generally called 'itch' in language. The feeling of having a broken leg and the feeling of being heartbroken are vaguely described in words as '

Pain. In fact, if we think about it carefully, we will find that these are not the same feeling. But it is difficult to describe them in more subtle and concise terms."

"Similar to elementary mathematics such as one plus one equals two; similar to the truth of this world being simplified into a forbidden spell after infinite convergence...Language is a rudimentary way of communication, our simplified wisdom and

Consciousness helps us understand the world."

"And reality is like there are infinite numbers between one and two... We need to express the conclusion of one plus one with an equation. In a sense, the world described by advanced mathematics is more refined, they are more like one

A sophisticated language to express a more complete and comprehensive world."

Zheng Qing's brows gradually furrowed as he copied his notes. He always felt that Professor Emma's argument seemed familiar to him.

He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Xiao, and then immediately turned his head back - no, Professor Emma's remarks were not completely consistent with Xiao Xiao's. There was a sense of 'plausibility' between the two, but it was not very clear.


On the podium, Professor Emma took a breath, picked up the teacup, and sipped the tea. The students held their breath and concentrated for fear of missing the point, and the only sound in the classroom was the rustling of notes.

Zheng Qing, who had already finished copying his notes, was twirling the bristles of his quill - this was the Sweet Silk Quill he bought at Green's Grocery Store, it was an edible pen - and he looked around distractedly.

Zhang Jixin, who is sitting by the window, has a serious face, and when copying notes, it feels like he is swinging a sledgehammer; Matthew Cullen, in the front row on the left, is much more elegant, sitting upright, like a sculpture; and on the right

Elena in the back row was holding a quill with a distressed expression on her face, which made Zheng Qing feel quite distressed.

Then his eyes glanced at Nicholas, an old student sitting in the corner of the back right row of the classroom not far behind Elena.

Different from the past, Nicholas did not focus on his notes and books today, but looked towards the front row of the classroom with a worried face. Following his gaze, Zheng Qing suddenly realized that Liu Feifei was looking out the window in a daze.

This is something new.

After finishing her tea, Professor Emma glanced at the people in the audience, cleared her throat, and continued: "...For magic, the shortcomings of ordinary language are even more prominent."

"Subtle emotions are difficult to describe with accurate language, let alone more subtle magic...Subtle magic is difficult to express with simple carriers such as ordinary language. And numbers appear difficult and mechanical, lacking the connotation of magic.

The beauty. This is the basis for the development of magic text."

"Just like Bai Ding can express his delicate feelings through colorful paintings and smooth-sounding music, express his indescribable soul, and express various subtle changes."

"Wizards can do it too... the magic text was born out of this need."

Before she finished speaking, Professor Emma suddenly changed the topic and targeted the students in the audience: "Classmate Liu Feifei? Please get up and summarize the difference between magic text and ordinary language."

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the already lazy classroom suddenly became tense. The students perked up and sat upright in unison, holding their breath.

The thin witch sitting in the first row of the classroom stood up in a panic, lowered her head in shame, and looked confused.

Obviously, as Zheng Qing had observed before, Liu Feifei had just been distracted in class.

This is very rare - as Zheng Qing knows, this is the first time he has seen Liu Feifei unable to answer a question, and it is also the first time in his memory that he has seen Liu Feifei distracted in class.


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