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Chapter 205: Adjustment

 The divination on Monday afternoon had a very obvious impact on Zheng Qing.

Although he pretended to be open-minded in front of Elena and lied to her that he had changed the question, this was not the case. What he asked was indeed 'Will he be expelled from school', and Tarot Cards had a pessimistic attitude towards this


This makes young public-funded students even more nervous in school.

So much so that he just quietly remained a bystander to what Nicholas was going through now, not daring to step in and defend Nicholas, for fear of losing his few 'prestige' among the students of Jiuyou College.

Accordingly, the atmosphere in dormitory 403 also became a little tense.

For several days in a row, Fatty Xin kept mumbling that he was infected by Zheng Qing and that a nightmare was tormenting him at night, making him unable to sleep well.

Zheng Qing originally thought he was just describing insomnia and nightmares at night. Until he got up on Wednesday morning, he saw the fat man getting up early for the first time in a long time. He was holding a small glass bottle in one hand and a dropper in the other hand. He was facing the morning light.

There is an unknown liquid dripping from the bottle.

"What are you doing?" the public-funded student wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and asked in confusion.

One of the two elves held a toothbrush and the other held toothpaste, and handed them to Zheng Qing, urging him to brush his teeth. Because they had just gotten up, the elves were also a little confused and flew awkwardly.

"I caught a little nightmare, and I'm cooking it now." The fat man lowered his voice and said in a somewhat proud tone: "In order to catch it, I stuffed a few ant eggs into my ears before going to bed last night..."

Zheng Qing covered his mouth about to yawn, opened his eyes wide, and moved closer. He even forgot to take the toiletries handed over by the elves.

"Nightmare?" He asked in surprise: "Are you serious? I thought that was just another name for nightmare."

"How fresh!" The fat man glanced at his roommate and snorted loudly: "Is it possible that your hands and feet were temporarily paralyzed when the ghost pressed down on the bed?"

"From a scientific point of view, it is indeed a temporary paralysis." Zheng Qing put his eyes in front of the glass vial and looked at it carefully, with deep interest in his tone: "But from a magic point of view... this is really a paralysis."

Just a nightmare? How do you want to mess with it? Well, are you sure there isn't a spider in the bottle?"

At the end of the sentence, Zheng Qing's voice was full of suspicion.

He didn't see any nightmare in the glass bottle in the fat man's hand. He only saw a colorful little spider the size of a fingernail, crawling around the bottom of the bottle.

"Scorpions, spiders, toads, these are the favorite incarnations of nightmares." On the other side of the desk, Xiao Xiao also got up. After hearing Zheng Qing's question, he explained smoothly:

"Of course, there are also some nightmares that like to turn into bedbugs or mosquitoes. Only when they come into contact with dreams, nightmares will turn into nothingness. On weekdays, they will always crawl around the house in the form of various ugly little bugs... Yes

For wizards who are not good at killing insects, they are worthy of the name nightmare."

"Since it can transform into nothingness, how did you catch it?"

"As I said, I used ant eggs. You also need two baits for fishing." The fat man was a little impatient, opened his arms, pushed Zheng Qing away, and dismissed: "Aren't you going to do your morning classes? Hurry up.

Go, go, don't get in trouble with me... Wait until I finish cooking it, so you can enjoy it."

Zheng Qing looked at the little spider in the bottle, shrugged, stopped joining in the fun, took the toiletries handed by the elves, and entered the bathroom.

If it were really a terrifying nightmare that transformed into nothingness, maybe he would be able to gain some interest in seeing it as a curiosity. But a colorful little spider would not be that interesting. He has been tired of seeing this kind of little bug this spring.

In comparison, Zheng Qing has more important things to do.

Because he and Kolma agreed that the time to explore the secret realm was Saturday morning.

But on Saturday afternoon, he had to go to Professor Monteria's office part-time; on Saturday night, he also had the night patrol duty at Linzhong Lake - although he had an accident during patrol last week, the school working committee did not cancel it.

his job.

Considering that there are many uncertain factors during exploration and there may not be enough time, this brings about a minor trouble. If there is a deviation in the time in the secret realm, and he does not get back to school in time by noon or until evening,

So in order to prevent Professor Monteria or the school working committee from finding him maliciously absent from work, he needs to ask for leave in advance.

Professor Monteria is very nice to talk to.

After all, it was a formal laboratory with a very sufficient staff. As a temporary supernumerary laboratory assistant, Zheng Qing only needed a good reason to get a leave note from the professor.

Asking for leave from the school working committee is a bit cumbersome.

He needs to first provide a formal leave application to the school working committee. After receiving a permission reply, he needs to find the old man Hemingway who is in charge of his night patrol tasks, and the old school worker will adjust his patrol time.

Because the patrol mission of the school working committee is originally a punitive mission, there is no such thing as "asking for leave". There are only options of "transfer leave" or "change of position".

Zheng Qing didn't want to completely change his mission, but only wanted to temporarily adjust it for one night, so he chose to take a rest.

This also meant that he needed to adjust his Saturday night patrol duties to other time periods and use other tasks to make up for the shortfall. The entire application process lasted intermittently for several days, and it was not until Tuesday night that he received the Hemingway message before resting.

The old man flew the note to him with a paper crane.

The note asked Zheng Qing to find him on the lawn on the east side of the lake after class at noon on Wednesday, and the old man would assign him temporary tasks.

Wednesday morning is a magic history lesson.

Mr. Sima is talking about the magical world after the First Lich War, including the establishment of the "wizard-demon coexistence system", the main magical organizations in the 1920s, and the source of events that affected the entire magical world from 1929 to 1933.

Blood Contamination Incident'.

Because large-scale source blood contamination caused many wizards to degenerate into lichs and was an important factor in triggering the second war between wizards and demons, the content of this class was repeatedly emphasized by Mr. Sima as the focus of the semester.

During this history class, there still seemed to be some gap between Xiao Xiao and Mr. Sima. Both of them had serious faces and ignored each other.

"As a boy, you should be more generous." Zheng Qing advised the doctor after class.

Of course, he didn't intend to get involved in the affairs between the two of them. He had quite a lot of troubles of his own.

After class, Zheng Qing separated from his companions, put on his hood, leaned against the shadow of the courtyard wall, and hurried to the place designated by the old school administrator.

When he got there, Zheng Qing saw Hemingway, the old school worker who was mowing the lawn. He was waving his head and tapping the dirt bags left by the earthworms in a rhythmic manner. The gray-white soil pillars were broken amidst the whirring of the hoe.

Leaving pits in the dirt.

Looking from a distance, the green lawn looks like it has scabies, with spots and spots, which is very ugly.

This chapter has been completed!
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