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Chapter 251 The Wandering Wizard's Warning

 The same time period.

Pedestrian Street, Wandering Bar, the first trading room on the second floor.

The bidding time for the 'wreck' has long since ended, and the Wandering Wizard has just announced the identity of the winning bidder, which is the number plate held by Kolma.

This result did not exceed the expectations of most wizards, but it also made a certain wizard unbelievable.

"It's impossible for anyone to bid higher than me!" The hunchbacked wizard suddenly stood up and shouted angrily in a hoarse voice: "The number of jade coins I quoted you is enough to buy a dragon!"

This is of course an exaggeration. For wizards, most words related to dragons are exaggerated adjectives. But from another perspective, it does mean that the price quoted by the hunchback wizard is very high.

The wandering wizard didn't take it seriously and smiled kindly at the strange wizard: "For wizards, jade coins don't mean everything. Magic is the most reliable hard currency in this world."

After sending away the dissatisfied guests, the wandering wizard returned to the room. Korma had not left yet. However, she had already taken off the white mask on her face, revealing her delicate face.

"You are the boldest young witch I have ever seen." The wandering wizard praised, his tone full of admiration: "Even among the boys in the First University, there are very few wizards who dare to take off their masks in this room.

look into my eyes."

"That's because their level is too low." Korma lost all his previous aggressiveness, and his tone revealed a bit of laziness: "If they had completed the ritual of registering a wizard before the third grade, they wouldn't be so cautious.


"Registered wizards and great wizards are two different levels." The wandering wizard reminded him kindly.

"A twenty-year-old registered wizard is on the same level as a hundred-year-old great wizard." The witch's answer showed a hint of edge. A smile appeared on the face of the bar owner.

"It's great to be young, always so fearless." He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose, as if he was moved by the witch's words: "You remind me of many of my former friends... they were all very young.

During that time, I have traveled far and wide on the path of wizards, and their fearless figures will always remind me."

The wandering wizard used the past tense when giving examples. The smart witch easily understood the meaning behind the old wizard's words. Being overconfident is not necessarily a good thing. Only by being low-key can you live longer.

This is a very controversial topic. It is difficult to say which attitude, aggressiveness or maturity, can support wizards to go further on the road of magic. People can always find their own arguments from the vast history.

The witch is not here to argue with the wandering wizard on this topic.

Rather than wasting time pointlessly, she cares more about real interests.

"Reminder is always necessary," the witch said, changing the topic and her tone became a bit sharper: "If you could remind me in advance that these 'wrecks' are completely decayed, I think I will be more cautious in my quotation."

She was talking about the remains of the descendants of Tsathogua that had just been delivered.

Based on the reputation of the wandering wizard and the preciousness of the wreckage, no guest has the opportunity to directly touch and confirm the status of the 'wreck' before the transaction is completed, which leads to slight deviations between facts and expectations.

The witch knew the dire situation the moment she encountered the 'wreck'.

For some unknown reason, the remains of the descendant of Sathogaya had lost all their blood, and not many of the meridians connecting the remains survived. The witch just poked lightly with her fingertips, and the remains became like a piece of rotten wood.

Poke a big hole.

This made her shocked and angry.

"You are committing fraud!" Colma touched her ponytail and pursed her lips tightly.

"If it is an intact wreckage, how could the Alliance or the school allow it to wander outside?" The wandering wizard's answer was also very reasonable: "It is because it has lost many of its terrifying characteristics that it appears in this private room...

But for you, this remains is enough. That’s why I chose you in the end instead of the dragon’s wealth.”

While he was talking, the old wizard had already walked back to the bar, took out a rag and started cleaning and wiping the wine glasses and tableware he had just used.

"You know what I'm going to do?" Korma's pupils narrowed.

"The Mouse Fairy and I often sit together and drink tea." The wandering wizard tugged on the brim of his hat, appearing very polite. This answer made the witch feel a little more at ease.

She didn't believe in the wandering wizard, but she was willing to believe in the big rat.

"Listen to what you just said...do you know what the hunchback wizard wants to do with this remains?" Kolma was very keenly aware of the hidden meaning of the wandering wizard's words.

The old wizard wiped the cup slowly and curled his lips: "So, I hate dealing with smart young people like you... I always like to get to the bottom of things, and my mind is spinning very fast. But because this matter is related to your Mouse Fairy

, I don’t mind telling you that the hunchback wizard wants to use the remains to refine the Philosopher’s Stone... This can save many, many lives."

The witch gasped, regretting her curiosity.

"You don't need to feel guilty," the wandering wizard seemed to understand every bit of the witch's psychological fluctuations at the moment, and explained very kindly: "Refining the Philosopher's Stone requires highly active flesh and blood, and the activity on this piece of debris is almost

It has been completely lost...it is just okay to complete your magic circle...I don't want to sell inappropriate products to the wrong customers, and then be attacked by a group of ruthless people. This is very good for the reputation of Wandering Bar.


"My magic circle also needs highly active debris." The witch reminded in a stiff tone.

"Just soak it in the spiritual blood. Using the full version of the wreckage is really a waste." The wandering wizard waved his hand casually: "I believe that with your prudence, when buying this wreckage, you must also be prepared.

Come up with a backup plan... No matter what kind of blood you prepare, it will be enough to soak this wreckage."

The witch sighed slightly.

Every word spoken by the old wizard in front of her brought tremendous pressure to her. He seemed to know everything. This made the witch feel a little frustrated.

But her thoughts changed, and her eyes became more alert.

"Do you think what I want to do will succeed?" she asked tentatively.

The wandering wizard finally put down the wine glass he was wiping and looked directly at the witch. After a long while, he replied softly: "I can't have a more say in this matter than you. But my long wizard career tells me that any exchange will

They are equivalent. Without sacrifice, the revolution will not succeed."

There was no fluctuation in the witch's eyes.

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