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Chapter two hundred and eighty seventh on the ancient wizard

"When creation meets creation, the world may be destroyed; when destruction meets destruction, there is a high probability of creating a new world."

"It's a paradox, but it's interesting, isn't it?"

"The wizard created the forbidden curse, which can destroy the world. But when the forbidden curse meets the forbidden curse, no matter how big the contradiction is, it will become insignificant. For the first time, the many differences in the alliance have truly realized mutual compromise and seeking common ground while reserving differences."

"Under the shadow of destruction, everyone finally learned to coexist."

"The atmosphere of terror enveloped the entire wizarding world, and any wise wizard knew that things could not continue like this. The Great Wizards Conference held a plenary meeting and invited all the legendary wizards and ancient wizards that could be invited to jointly conclude a contract.

——The "Non-Proliferation Treaty of Forbidden Curses" - It is agreed that in order to protect our world, any organization or individual in the alliance is prohibited from conducting dimensional fluctuation experiments and researching new forbidden curses..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold back and interrupted his husband's narration: "...If that's the case, how could I become a forbidden curse, sir?! According to your previous description, even the third generation forbidden curse

It requires the concerted efforts of nine great wizards to release it! And, didn't you sign the contract?"

Mr. Wu listened to the boy's question with a smile. He waited until he shut up and then replied slowly: "Of course I signed the contract... but the highest level that the contract can only reach is 'ancient wizard'..."

...Due to long-term research on forbidden curses - have I told you that three of the four forbidden curses sealed in the school were researched under my leadership?"

Zheng Qing shook his head in confusion.

The husband said 'Oh' and added: "The biggest side effect or effect of the forbidden curse is to 'break the rules'. Being in contact with the forbidden curse for a long time has exposed me to many effects of the forbidden curse... It's hard to say whether this is luck or misfortune.

...Because I still like many rules in this world, such as eating, or living..."

"In short, because of the forbidden curse, more than ten years ago, I was able to break through the restrictions of ancient wizards. I have gone farther on the path of wizards than Merlin, Duke Zhou, and many others."

"So the contract restricting the Moon Council or other organizations does not have that big an impact on me."

The gentleman's tone of reply was rather understated, but when he heard it, it was like thunder in Zheng Qing's ears, making him dizzy and almost forgetting his previous question.

Above the ancient wizards?!

You must know that the deans of the four colleges of First University are the Grand Wizards, and the two vice-presidents of the school are said to be legendary wizards. With the poor imagination of young public-funded students, I could only guess that Mr.

The wizard's rank is that of a legendary wizard. Unexpectedly, the truth is greater than he imagined.

He could no longer connect the gentleman who teased the pretty girl in the bookstore with the top being in the wizarding world.

"Then... what does it feel like?" the young wizard asked subconsciously. Although he did not clearly say the subject of this sentence, the gentleman immediately understood the boy's question.

What does it feel like to transcend the ancient wizards?

This is something that any wizard who is aspiring to go further on the wizarding path will be curious about. Just like a climber standing at the foot of a mountain looking up at the forerunners standing on the top of the mountain, everyone will be curious about what the scenery on the top of the mountain is like.

Perhaps those scenery will always inspire their courage when they climb the mountain in the future.

"Oh, I feel a little empty." The gentleman held his chin and hesitated, as if it was difficult to choose the right words to answer the boy's words: "It's just like the feeling when you look up at the starry sky... infinitely bright and endlessly empty."

"But that's not what you need to know now." The gentleman immediately brought the topic back. After sketching out enough "blank space" for the young wizard, he continued the previous topic:

"...You already know the names of the four forbidden curses sealed in the school. So after hearing the names, combined with the knowledge you have mastered before, what can you imagine?"

Genesis, The Great Desolation, Twilight of the Gods, The Dragon-Han Tribulation.

From just these four names, Zheng Qing had no idea except that he could feel the huge magic power contained in these names.

Just when he was about to shake his head, he suddenly remembered what he had said to his husband before.

"The professor said that different methods of convergence lead to different birth of forbidden spells." The young public-funded student related some Taoist scriptures he had read and some philosophies he had learned when he was a child, and said thoughtfully: "That is,

Say, these four forbidden curses are all created through different methods... do they represent four direct roads to the 'world'?"

The gentleman opened his eyes slightly and seemed a little surprised, but he still nodded encouragingly and motioned for the boy to continue.

Perhaps because the thoughts that had been shattered before had been re-condensed, Zheng Qing felt that his thoughts were becoming more and more fluent, and his speech speed was slightly faster: "'Longhan Tribulation', as the name suggests, represents disaster, or conflict? Use

To understand it from a simple philosophical point of view is that the world is full of contradictions, and contradictions are both universal and particular. Everything in the world can be analyzed as a complex of contradictions, and contradictions constitute the world."

"Similarly, 'Genesis' should represent creation. The world was created. Every grain of dust, every wisp of air, every blade of grass, every person, every thought, and every action is creating history.

Creating the world."

"'Twilight of the Gods' can be roughly understood as 'cycle' or 'nirvana'? The world is a big cycle. Everyone and everything plays their role in this cycle. All cycles have a beginning and an end.

It begins with God and ends with dusk. After Nirvana, there is new life."

"As for 'Prehistoric'," at this point, the young wizard finally got stuck. He scratched his head and then whispered: "Maybe 'Prehistoric' believes that the world is chaos, with no cause and effect, no beginning, and no end..."

After hearing this, Mr. finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

"Interesting insight, so interesting..." He raised his hand and wiped his eyes, as if tears of laughter came out: "Although you are still standing there and not moving, it does not prevent you from traveling eighty thousand miles a day...

…The power of breaking the rules is truly amazing.”

Zheng Qing didn't know what his husband was laughing about.

But he suddenly realized what he had just said.

He actually analyzed the forbidden curse in front of an existence that surpassed ancient wizards - from any point of view, this was something he could not comment on.

"What about yourself?" The gentleman did not let Zheng Qing's embarrassment continue, but asked: "What do you think you represent as a forbidden curse?"

This chapter has been completed!
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