Turn off the lights
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Chapter Eighteen

 Compared with other corners of Beta Town, the nights in the North District are particularly dark because there are rarely swarms of light bugs staying here. Even if a group of wild light bugs occasionally fly from the Silent Forest, they will quickly disappear.

They were captured by poor magicians and sold to other areas of the town.

It's not bad near the Gini Hut.

Because Kolma is there, Gudiao Street is very lively now. Even though there is a lack of light bugs, many wizards in the North District have volunteered to donate their magic lanterns hidden at home to add a light to the promised land of the North District.


But after leaving Gu Diao Street, the two young wizards suddenly fell into a deep and shallow situation.

Fortunately, they are wizards.

What's worse is that, as a boy, Zheng Qing was unable to take out his Dharma book and show off his skills at such a critical moment. His Dharma book was still tied up with his belt and stuffed in the deepest part of the gray cloth bag.

So it was Jiang Yu who finally cast the lighting spell.

"That moon was not tiny, and this day is not tiny!"

Jiang Yu held the Dharma book and recited the incantation. He saw a group of slender mushrooms lined up in a neat line, jumping out of the witch's Dharma book, and the mushroom heads emitted golden fluorescence.

It was as if the primary school students after class broke up in formation as soon as they left the school gate. They swarmed and filled the entire dark street in the blink of an eye. Sunlight burst out from the heads of these mushroom creatures like bubbles.

, floated swayingly into the air, and then shattered with a bang, scattering a small piece of golden light.

One sunbeam illuminates a square foot, and thousands of sunbeams illuminate an entire street.

The magicians in the North District who were accustomed to the dim environment at night shrank back into the shadows in panic, like hybrid vampires who only encountered sunlight. They stared with bloodshot eyes and looked uneasily at the streets full of sunshine and mushrooms.


Abundant sunlight promotes the growth of these mushroom plants, making them stronger and taller, and the sunlight they emit becomes larger and brighter.

Like the greedy Ouroboros, these mushroom creatures will never be satisfied. As long as there is still enough magic flowing out of the Dharma Book, they dare to break through all the darkness and illuminate the infinite darkness.

The young wizards and witches stepped on the golden fragments of sunlight, with smiles on their faces and brisk steps.

Oleg grabbed a bottle of Kraken Rum and staggered over from the other end of the street.

He was wearing a shabby gray robe. He was tall, with thick hair, and his broad chin was hidden under his fluffy beard. From a distance, he looked like a brown bear walking upright.

This is not a sarcastic remark - on the contrary, Oleg likes it very much when others praise him for looking like a bear - because according to the legend passed down from his grandfather's grandfather, their ancestors lived in the large forest to the west of Xianbelia.

, has a trace of Slavic Ursine blood, and is protected by the great forest.

"The Slavic Ursine is the most powerful warrior in the wizarding world." Every time he was drunk, he always liked to drag his companions and spray them with the smell of alcohol: "Every Slavic Ursine can challenge one person alone.

The entire werewolf tribe! No doubt about it!"

As for why Oleg's branch ended up in Phuket Island, lost his precious Slavic Ursine blood, and ended up in the North District of Beta Town, he didn't know the specific process. But this did not affect his role as the eldest brother among the magicians in the North District.

Yes, brother.

Although without the Ursine bloodline, Oleg's magic talent is very poor, but his strong body and intimidating appearance, as well as the "blessing of the big forest" that may actually exist, allow this young magician to earn a living in the North District.

Enough prestige.

He can carry a thousand kilograms of sacks in one breath and unload a full cargo ship in ten minutes; he can also carry flint and a woodcutter and wander around the silent forest for a whole week; he can also let the wizards run wild.

Sometimes, stand in front of those weak companions so that they will suffer less harm.

But all this - the prestige accumulated over more than ten years - has been put in jeopardy in just two days.

"Gudu, Gudu."

Oleg raised his neck and drank a lot of Siren Rum. The spicy wine stung his eyes red, and the turbid wine dripped down his messy beard, staining his already somewhat worn gray hair.


Siren Rum is one of the favorite drinks of the North District magicians. It is said that this drink is brewed by the Kraken clan deep in the sea using the blood of the Kraken mixed with aged seaweed - of course, this is just

A beautiful lie concocted by those unscrupulous wine merchants in the North District. In fact, the legend is only half right.

There is indeed aged seaweed in Siren Rum. That's all. It is made from seaweed juice squeezed from seaweed, fermented and distilled. But with the addition of the rumor of "Kraken's Blood", it has given this

The wine adds a touch of magic.

People from the North District like things related to magic the most.

This makes Siren Rum a best-seller in this community all year round. The taste of this wine is very similar to Green Bee, which wizards like. Oleg has drank Green Bee, and he feels that the clear green drink is like a baby drinking it.

It was too soft and boring. This feeling gave him some inexplicable courage when facing the wizards outside the North District.

But courage is just courage after all.

Compared to real magic, the effects of courage seem so weak.

Albon, that little French boy with beautiful golden curly hair, actually refused the job arranged by his employer in public today because he received a curse seal given by the great sage Colmar.

"I am already a wizard and cannot do this kind of work." Alban stood in front of his employer, trying to straighten up, holding a frog in his hand, trying to be braver: "Oleg, carry this kind of work."

The hard work should be left to guys like Oleg."

Albon has always been like this.

When doing things, he likes to be sneaky and clever. Every day when he goes to work, he always wears a worn-out Dharma book on his waist to show his difference from other magicians. It is said that the Dharma book has been passed down in their family.

It has been a true family heirloom for many years.

It's just that until now, Albon is the only one left in the family, and has never found a real owner for this book. Albon did try to sell this book to wizards who occasionally passed by the North District.

Book of Dharma. But no wizard was willing to pay more than two silver dimes.

This was a humiliation to the Albon family - the magician whose ancestors came from the Loire River cursed behind his back and put the book of law back into his belt dejectedly.

It's not like he didn't try to copy spells into the book. Every magic he learned in the Gini hut was copied very carefully into the book. But not a single spell could be used.

Until Sister Kolma put a black curse seal on his forehead.


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