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Chapter 43 Mr.'s Teaching Goals

 Mr. Wu took Zheng Qing and fell from the sky, slowly falling towards the north area of ​​the town.

The direction is clear.

There is a street where he fell, called Gudiao Street.

There is a small pub on the street called Sakura Tavern.

The closer he got to the tavern, the more uneasy Zheng Qing felt - he didn't think that his husband didn't know about his relationship with senior Kolma, but his husband still brought him to come from a different perspective. Is there anything wrong with this?

What is the profound meaning?

The boy couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only stuff this doubt into his stomach.

During the process of falling, the husband did not remain silent, but started chatting with Zheng Qing like a chat:

"What do you think a wizard is?"

Zheng Qing recalled the definitions in textbooks and dictionaries, and tentatively answered: "...a pioneer in pursuit of truth? Or a person who can do magic?"

The gentleman smiled.

"These statements are correct, but they are not profound enough." He raised his hand and drew an arc in front of him, as if caressing the entire university, his voice seemed a little ethereal: "...In fact, most wizards are just a group of chasers.

Poor thing of time."

"The wizard is obsessed with time, just like Bai Ding is obsessed with money."

"Just like money is never too much for white men, time is never enough for wizards. So few wizards are willing to stay in white time. On the one hand, it is because of the wizard code and the silence effect.

On the other hand, the limitations of the world are also because Baiding's world is too barren and lacks longevity substances... On the contrary, the new world has a large number of substances that can sublimate life. This is why young people with ideals like to work outside."

The North District is called the concave area, not only because there are a large number of magicians gathered here, but also because there are not enough clever ideas here? Zheng Qing immediately combined his husband's words with the situation in front of him.

Then he offered his own opinion - like a good student trying to be diligent and inquisitive in class: "I remember the book said that time is the most precise measurement?"

"Indeed, many people insist on this view." The gentleman nodded, but didn't take it seriously:

"But it is better to believe in books than to have no books... Wizards' preference for time makes them believe that time is the most accurate measurement. Just like many white people regard money as a symbol of success. In fact, every dimension should have its own

Unique and precise weights and measures. Time is just a slightly broader coverage."

What he says always makes sense.

Zheng Qing nodded secretly, his expression becoming more sincere.

The gentleman glanced at him:

"I originally thought that natural growth would bring natural fruits, and the seeds of 'order' could affect everything. I considered all aspects and many details. But I ignored the most basic parts."

"Philippine, you have it; philistine, you too; good student, you have always done this."

"The only thing I didn't expect was that you would read too many books and that, growing up in a world where pragmatism prevails, your mind would be filled with romantic thoughts - for those elves and for your friends.

Yes, it’s the same for myself.”

"The question and answer just now further confirmed my view."

"Alfa people often say that Jiuyou is a group of nerds. You have the bookishness and the dullness. But this is not what I hope for you. Your structure should be bigger."

"If quality is better than literature, then you will be wild; if literature is better than quality, you will be history; if literature is better than quality, you will be a gentleman."

"Starting today, I will take you to walk around and look around, so that you can re-understand the world and re-examine your own nature. Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are wise... The content of the first lesson, Born as a Human,

What is human (benevolence)?”

As soon as the words fell, the two figures also landed on the second floor of the Sakura Tavern.

Entering through the wall, you land directly in the center of the hall on the second floor.

The hall was very busy with people coming and going, but no one was making any noise. It seemed quiet and solemn. As Zheng Qing expected, everyone turned a blind eye to the two figures that suddenly appeared in the center of the hall. They were the students of Kolma School.

Sister, the same is true.

We haven't seen each other for a few days. Senior Sister Kolma - or to use the more formal title of 'Great Sage' - has a more majestic aura about her, sitting like a queen on the 'throne' at the end of the hall.

Above. It was a simple but heavy black high-backed chair, sitting on a stone platform, nearly half a meter higher than all the surrounding chairs.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing felt that Senior Kolma's figure looked particularly tall in this hall.

The original round table in the hall had been removed at some point, and what was left was a long table covered with red velvet tablecloths on both sides, like two rows of honor guards being inspected, neat and quiet.

Also neat and quiet were the "Northern District Wizards" sitting behind the long table.

They were the first batch of young magicians to obtain the curse seal. Following in the footsteps of the great sage Korma, many of them dyed their hair white. Even those who did not dye all their hair would leave a lock of hair dyed white.

To show respect.

There are two things on the table in front of every North District wizard. On the right is a Dharma book and on the left is a frog. The frogs are all alive. I don’t know if they have been fed medicine. They all have their eyes closed and are quiet.

Lying quietly on the plate, motionless. Only when they occasionally bulge their bellies can they prove that they are still alive.

A thin, middle-aged magician, wearing a slightly gorgeous plain robe, was crawling between the long tables and under the black chairs, mumbling something.

Zheng Qing listened for a long time before he understood that he was bragging about his contribution to the magicians.

The middle-aged magician was the steward of a chamber of commerce in the northern district of Beta Town, and was responsible for purchasing herbs and other magic materials collected by magicians from the Silent Forest. He also occasionally worked as a broker, providing suitable materials for alchemy workshops that lacked labor.


According to this magician, during the years he worked, he provided jobs for thousands of magicians and maintained the lives of hundreds of magician families. He was a meritorious service to the North District and worthy of a reward from the Great Sage.

A curse seal.

Of course, the magician's words were much more tactful than Zheng Qing understood. He didn't even explicitly mention that he deserved a curse seal as a reward, and most of his words were complimenting the great sage Kolma for his outstanding performance in the North District.


It's just that Zheng Qing sounded like he meant what he said.

The young wizard felt a little bored.

Colma-senpai seems to have the same feeling.


The great sage waved his hand and signaled the middle-aged magician to step back, without expressing his opinion.

The juggler did not retreat immediately, but knelt even lower.

"Thank you for your mercy." He said respectfully, but raised his voice slightly: "For the prosperity and stability of the North District, I brought a thousand fat live frogs to the Gini Mage Group... And every month

They have brought so much. If I get your approval, I will work hard to increase this number to five thousand."

This chapter has been completed!
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