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Chapter 65 The so-called Yuanchen guardian

 Finally, welcome Nicholas back to my class."

"The homework you missed is not much, and with the help of classmate Liu Feifei, you can definitely make up for it. Of course, taking this opportunity, I also want everyone to understand one thing - the path of magic is like the stars, and it is not all the same. There is only one right path.

.But different roads lead to the same destination, and all roads need to be walked by yourself."

"The path that belongs to you is the most appropriate and best 'Tao'."

There was silence in the classroom for a moment, and then there was a round of warm applause.

The silence was for thinking about the meaning of Professor Yao's best words, and the applause was for Nicholas who climbed out of the abyss again. Everyone could finally unabashedly look at the wizard sitting in the back row of the classroom and look at Nicholas sitting next to him.

Liu Feifei looked at the two people blushing together and raising their heads bravely. Many people whistled, and some used magic to scatter petals all over the sky and summon a pink elf playing the harp.

Professor Yao had to strictly stop the following behaviors.

When the class got back on track, it was already five minutes later - the elves in gray uniforms spent a lot of time picking up the petals that fell on the ground.

"Today is a magic theory class. As I mentioned before, today's main topic is the 'Yuanchen Guardian Curse'." Professor Yao looked at the focused eyes in the audience, nodded with satisfaction, and raised the pipe in his hand.


"First of all, let me confirm...who in the class has used Yuan Chen Guardian?"

Zheng Qing raised his arms reservedly and proudly.

Then he immediately realized that his reserve was justified - including him, only four people in the entire Astronomy Class 08-1 raised their arms.

The other three people are Liu Feifei, Jiang Yu and Matthew.

This surprised him greatly.

Although he thought that not many people in the class could master this spell, he did not expect that they would be so poor. Zhang Jixin did not learn it, which Zheng Qing could understand. After all, the proportion of muscles in the elder's head was too high. But Xiao Xiao, Tang Dun and others

Several students with excellent grades have not mastered the Yuan Chen Guardian Curse, which is a bit puzzling.

"You haven't successfully cast it yet?" Zheng Qing confirmed to the doctor with a slight sneer: "I thought you would ask Mr. Sima for advice on this spell."

Xiao Xiao glanced at him.

"Listen to the lecture." The doctor poked the notebook in front of him with the quill tip in his hand, his face expressionless.

Zheng Qing withdrew his gaze with some boredom.

"Which of the students who cast this spell understood the meaning of this spell?" On the podium, the professor asked the second question, while his eyes slid over the faces of the four students one by one.

This time, only two people raised their hands.

Jiang Yu and Matthew Cullen.

The last time Zheng Qing successfully cast Yuan Chen's Guardian, it was a complete surprise - Elena unexpectedly agreed to his reckless request for a date - and then at a certain moment, the wizard blessed his soul and suddenly mastered this spell.

It can be said that success was a blur.

Naturally, there won’t be any deep feelings.

"As expected." Professor Yao looked at the remaining two classmates, nodded, and put the pipe into his mouth. Then he realized that it was class now and this action was not appropriate, so he took the pipe out of his mouth again.

, he tapped the classmate in front of him with his bucket handle:

"Just like the 'beacon' represented by this mantra, students who already have clear 'beacons' and 'guides' can always master this mantra faster."

As he spoke, he turned around, picked up the chalk and wrote the word 'road mark' on the blackboard.

"These two words are the key to understanding this spell."

"From the moment we are born, each of us has an inseparable connection with the starry sky above our heads. This connection is extremely secret, but it is real."

"Maybe it's a certain star, maybe it's a certain constellation, maybe it's a certain starry sky... Everyone's degree of connection with the starry sky is different. In other words, how far can you go on the path of magic? How close are you to the starry sky?

The connection is so profound.”

"Return to the name of this spell."

"When you hear the words 'Yuan Chen Guardian', most students may go astray in their thinking. If you are thinking about this spell, from the perspective of 'spell number', think of it as 'consuming Yuan Chen'

, can explain the meaning of the word 'guard', but it has nothing to do with this spell."

"In this spell, 'Yuanchen' tends to mean 'zodiac', 'good time' and 'original (New Year's Day)'."

The so-called "great consumption of Yuan Chen" is a saying in numerology, which has a large market in classical mysticism. People who hold this theory believe that if Yuan Chen is born prosperous, he will be poor and generous; if he dies, he will be poor.

It is shabby and poor; combined with the official talisman, it will attract innocent troubles; it brings disasters and does not follow the fine line; it is auspicious, but it is difficult to have great luck in the passing years.

To put it simply, Yuan Chen is one of the worst fates among the hundreds of "destinies" of the Eight-Character God.

"Can anyone review for us the popular classification of wizard ranks?" the professor asked again, and then casually asked Zheng Qing to answer the question.

This is a scoring question, Zheng Qing thought as he stood up.

Then he answered without hesitation: "Unregistered wizard, registered wizard, great wizard, legendary wizard, ancient wizard..."

"Okay, okay." Professor Yao hurriedly interrupted the young public-sponsored student's answer, motioning for him to shut up and sit down. At the same time, he quickly changed his answer: "Of course, it is also popular in the alliance to subdivide registered wizards into low-income students.

High-level registered wizards, mid-level registered wizards, high-level registered wizards, etc... What I want to say is that behind this series of levels, we can all see a clear direction that has been established by predecessors.

'the way'."

"But this 'road' is too wide. As we walk, we may walk in circles or diagonally back and forth without realizing it. As the saying goes, 'running to death in Wangchuan', on the endless flat ground, looking at the very close

Even if we walk a long way, there is no sense of progress. At this time, we will inevitably have self-doubt."

"Such emotions are very harmful to learning and research."

"So at this time, we need a clear 'road mark', from top to bottom, from a high-level perspective, so that we can see whether we are staying where we are or whether we are continuing to move forward."

After hearing this, most people in the class still looked dazed and confused. Especially Elder Zhang, who was scratching his head and scratching his head, looking confused, not knowing what the point of the professor's lecture was.

But Zheng Qing felt a sudden sense of enlightenment.

He finally understood what his 'Yuan Chen Guardian' was all about - for him, the clearest and most profound path was to follow the direction of the 'Forbidden Curse'.

His forbidden curse seed is 'Order'.

The essence of the forbidden curse is destruction, which represents death.

From this point of view, it is understandable that the messenger of Death, who represents the 'World Order of Death', is his guardian Yuan Chen. As for why he is not the 'God of Death' but just a messenger, the wizard thinks that it may be just a seed with the forbidden curse.

, it has not yet taken shape.

This chapter has been completed!
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