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Chapter 200 The third exhibition hall

 Blue and black vines crisscrossed each other, building a tight network.

The clicking sounds of fossilized bones echoed throughout the entire exhibition hall.

A blue giant, with several young wizards hanging on its waist, holding its head, ran rampant among the dense white bones, like a traveler passing through a blizzard, or like a blue hurricane blowing through the white desert.

From time to time, golden sparks can be seen blooming in the darkness.

Some sparks fell on the white bone fossil, leaving a scorch of blackness; some sparks fell on the blue giant, causing a rumble of thunder.

The thunder was the roar of pain from a giant.

The thunder started from the entrance of the second exhibition hall and continued to the end of the exhibition hall. It was not until the blue giant passed through the door that was slightly narrow for him and entered the third exhibition hall that the thunder finally came to an end.


The threshold, door frame, and lintel of the entrance to the exhibition hall remained silent as the blue giant and the young wizards passed by. However, when the bone fossils tried to cross this limit, the gold and silver runes engraved on the threshold, door frame, and door lintel suddenly bloomed.

The bright light builds a thin but stronger barrier than those thick vines.

The frantic white bone fossils are firmly isolated in the second exhibition hall.

The light seemed to be white, but there were faintly flashing colorful lights in it, making people unable to help but lower their eyelids and not dare to look directly.

The white waves beat against the light barrier, and the waves broke, scattering fine water drops all over the ground.

So the tide receded.

Most of the white waves rolled back, chasing the drop of blood on the branch of the aralia tree. But there were still many weak, stupid and innocent white waves, lingering at the entrance of the third exhibition hall, wandering around.

He stayed and refused to leave.

Through the thin but extremely tough light barrier, the young wizards could hear the creaking sounds of the walls, thresholds and floors on the other side being scratched by the fossilized bones.

The blue giant sat on the ground, his body like a deflated rubber ball, hissing, shrinking from a height of more than ten meters to less than two meters.

The rumble of thunder also changed from dull, to loud, to crisp, until it was weak but clear:

"Hiss...it hurts me to death!"

Fatty Xin gasped, and a bright light flashed through the watch case on his wrist. A large number of bottles and cans fell to the ground. He didn't look carefully, but seemed to be rummaging through them randomly, and quickly poured out a cup.

He piled up a gel-like potion, mixed it to create a gray-white color, and then applied it randomly to the wounds on the body with rough techniques.

The blueness on his body has not completely faded yet.

Apply these gray ointments.

It looks like a repaired sculpture. Even if it is placed on the stand behind those red ropes, it will not feel out of place at all.

When Banner was still Big Blue, the wounds on his body looked inconspicuous. The blue color and hugeness concealed the extent of the injuries. But when he became Fatty Xin, many of the wounds could no longer be covered up.

The white bone fossils are driven by instinct, and there is no concept of "keeping hands". Under the criss-crossing wounds, blue flesh rolls, and the edges of some wounds are surrounded by tiny arcs or steaming black aura, such as tarsal bones.

The maggots refused to dissipate. The gray-white ointment could only heal the wound, but was powerless against the damage caused by curses and spells attached to the wound.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zheng Qing's face turned pale, and he took out a bunch of debridement talismans and evil-dispelling talismans from the gray cloth bag, and helped to stick them on Fatty Xin's wound. The talisman paper collided with the black aura and tiny electric arcs, and instantly a plume of green smoke emerged.

, a moment later, it turned into a puff of fine ash and fell from the fat man's body.

Most of the blue energy on Banner's body has faded.

The wound is mostly healed.

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, took out a steaming chicken leg from his watch, took a bite, shook his head and sighed: "What a loss, what a loss."

Zheng Qing knew that the 'too bad' he was talking about was not that he was injured at the hands of the Bone Fossils today, or that the ointment just wasted was too bad. It was that the hunting team was caught off guard and did not react quickly enough, which made him feel a little bad.

Maodou jumped out of nowhere, squatting at Zheng Qing's feet, waving his gray tail wildly, squinting at the chicken leg in the fat man's hand.

"Want it?" The fat man touched the grease at the corner of his mouth and looked down at Gouzi.

The dog glanced at Zheng Qing, then let out a soft 'meow'.

"If you want it, you have to tell me. If you don't tell me, how will I know that you want it?" The fat man's stubby fingers brushed the watch case, and he took out another plump chicken leg, sliding out a beautiful line in mid-air.


The dog jumped up, grabbed the chicken leg, and disappeared in mid-air with a swish.

No hesitation at all.

"That's it?!" Fatty looked at the disappearing dog in shock, and then looked at Zheng Qing again: "Wag your tail at me twice!"

A gray tail poked out from the void and waved twice in front of the fat man.

Then it shrank back again.

On the other side, Xiao Xiao put away the grass and tortoise shells in his hands, and used his fingers to extinguish the flame of the white candle on the floor. He had just divined the hunting team's next action plan.

"It's very bad," the doctor did not mince words about the divination results: "The divination conclusions were confusing. The grass told us that we should just move forward as planned, but the tortoise shell told us that the road ahead was full of dangers... If this museum hadn't been confused.

According to my divination, it means that tonight’s adventure is really risky.”

The young hunters fell silent one after another and looked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing thought of his husband's prophecy, of Gouzi's discovery, of the little girl in the mirror, the feast she had treated him to, and the warm world in the matchlight that she had enjoyed.

His eyes became much firmer.

"I must go." He just expressed his attitude and did not persuade others to leave. Because he knew that others would not choose to leave under such circumstances.

"Very good, the divination conclusion also shows that firm belief is a necessary condition to eliminate the dangers ahead."

Xiao Xiao nodded, seemingly satisfied with the choice of public-funded students. Then he adjusted his glasses and looked around: "Besides the fat man, is anyone else injured?"

Almost everyone shook their heads.

The reason why I say almost is because when Zheng Qing shook his head for the first time, he touched his whole body to make sure that all the parts on his body were still intact.

Then his fingers stung.

This is the wound caused by being pricked by a thorn on the Aralia tree, and there is still a slight residual pain.

The young public-funded student opened his mouth, intending to make a joke.

Then his smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

This chapter has been completed!
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