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Chapter 292 Choice and Test

 A soft tentacle stretched out from behind the door, bypassed Zheng Qing, and hung less than a foot away from Zhang Jixin, squirming slowly. There was a golden bean stuck to the tentacle.

If it hadn't been for that golden bean, Zhang Jixin's raised palm would have crushed the wriggling tentacles into pulp.

"The gold will be returned to you," the blurry face behind the door said in a muddy voice: "Leave here, leave this house, leave this mountain...the gold will be returned to you."

Zheng Qing turned around and looked at Zhang Jixin in surprise.

Unsurprisingly, the red-faced wizard looked even more confused than he did.

Xiao Xiao gave up the pile of smoking beech leaves, walked to the tentacle, and carefully looked at the golden bean stuck on the tentacle. After a long while, he turned back and asked Zhang Jixin: "This is what you left behind when you left the house before.

That golden bean?”

Zhang Jixin nodded uncertainly.

"Probably...what does it mean when it comes back?" He scratched his head with a confused expression: "When I left before, I did leave a golden bean...but don't all those golden beans look the same?

Isn’t it the same? Who would have the time to remember the appearance of every golden bean in their pocket..."

"I can." Dr. Xiao Da said confidently.

Fatty Xin stared blankly and complained: "That's because you only have a few golden beans in your pocket."

Unlike his teammates who were cautious and discussing carefully, Zheng Qing acted very simply when faced with the puzzling behavior of the old house owner.

"Why did you return the gold to us?" He asked directly: "Why did you let us leave here? We just want to know the way up the mountain."

"Why go up the mountain?" the face behind the door flashed with strange colors and asked.

"We want to go home."

"Why go up the mountain?"

"Elder Attar said that the road on the mountain is wider. If you climb to the highest mountain, you can return to reality. This mountain is the highest mountain we know."

"The essence of magic is a kind of balance... If you want to go up the mountain, what are you going to pay?"

Regarding this issue, the Forgiveness Hunting Team had already discussed this issue several times. When the owner of the old house asked the question, Zheng Qing immediately replied: "Gold, gems, potions, talismans...even knowledge, what do you need? We can do it all."


"Where's life?" The voice behind the door was full of sizzling noise, as if such a conversation was a huge burden for him.

Zheng Qing glanced at the two banshees.

"If you need it," he replied shortly.

This time, there was complete silence behind the door. It seemed that he did not expect that the wizard would answer so decisively and simply, and at the same time he was also aware of the determination of these guests.

The mushroom soup in the black crucible bubbled and bubbled under the licks of the flames, and wisps of pearl-colored mist escaped from the bubbles, hovering over the crucible and condensing into a thin but clear cloud.

Until that layer of clouds became a little thicker.

Only then did the old owner of the house speak again.

"Life is a precious word." He seemed to be reminding the guests of the preciousness of life, and also seemed to be sighing at the choices of the young wizards: "It is true that there must be cracks in life so that sunlight can shine in... But on the top of the mountain

Above, there are only endless clouds and darkness, and not a single crack can be seen. I think the choice of this demon lady is more worthy of your reference."

"Miss Demon's choice?"

The five young wizards all looked at Nikita, some were surprised and some were confused. But without exception, these eyes were full of vigilance. Zheng Qing took a step back slightly, the muzzle of the rune gun tilted.

Aim at the banshee.

No one knows when the banshee got in touch with the being behind the door and reached some kind of consensus.

Nikita didn't seem to expect that her simple negotiation with the owner of the old house would be shaken off on the spot, but she immediately realized that hesitation at this moment would not do her any good.

"I'm willing to stay! I'm willing to go down the mountain!" She raised her arms high and shouted loudly.

The dark eyes on the blurry face of the old house owner slowly turned to look at Nikita, then stared at her face for a long time, and finally refused lightly: "Your destiny does not belong to you now... You don't

Power decides the deal."

"I know a way that can help you get out of the current predicament and even advance to legend!" The banshee seemed to know that this was her last chance and shouted: "Our captain has a very great plan!"

There seemed to be a hint of movement in those dark eyes.

Zheng Qing knew that he had to say something to stop the banshee's plan.

"Quiet!" He shook the muzzle of his gun and shouted, signaling the banshee to back off. At the same time, he said in a mocking tone: "If your captain's plan is to rob the Xuanhuang Fruit from the Black Prison, then it can indeed be called 'great'

Two words... After all, not many demons have the courage to challenge the prepared First University."

"There is still half the power of the New World." Zhang Jixin immediately added: "As far as I know, the school has recalled a large number of hunting groups that have pioneered in the New World... They are now staying in the Black Prison, acting as temporary guards."

"Xuanhuang fruit? That's it." The voice behind the door revealed a hint of surprise, and the pair of dark eyes slowly turned again, leaving the banshee and falling on Zheng Qing: "...The sky is the place where the 'Tao' is clearest

.The higher you climb, the closer you are to the sky, and the closer you are to the 'road' home. This is indeed true. But even if Randolph Carter stood in front of me, he would not have the confidence to face the huge

Stay awake in front of the truth..."

Randolph Carter is a legendary investigator who graduated from Miskatonic University. This university is located in the famous town of Arkham. It has achievements on par with the First University in the field of occultism, but it is different from all others.

Compared to the First University, which was composed of wizards, Miskatonic University retains many of the redundancies of old-school educational institutions - in other words, only a small number of members of this university are wizards, and the vast majority of members are ordinary people.

This is also the most common way for ancient wizards to hide their existence. There is no place better than a university to accommodate superhuman thinking and outstanding souls.

"... If you lose your consciousness, you will fall down the mountain." The voice behind the door was extremely threatening: "The mountain is as high as the mountain, and how miserable you will be after you fall down... Do you still want to go up the mountain?"

This time, Zheng Qing did not immediately answer the old house owner's question.

He subconsciously looked back at his companions.

Jiang Yu hugged Zhu Si and nodded vigorously; Zhang Jixin curled his lips indifferently; Fatty Xin was squatting on the ground studying the mushroom soup in the crucible, not paying attention to the threats behind the door.

Even Xiao Xiao, who is usually the most cautious, just adjusted his glasses: "We have no other choice, right?"

The young public-funded student grinned and turned back: "Yes."

This chapter has been completed!
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