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Chapter 442 The Mutated Emperor Insect

  In front of the Black Hell Barrister.

The great wizards from the school, including the five senators of the Moon Parliament, all took action to try to interfere with Sir Ulrich's magic, but the great demons stopped him at all costs, interrupting the efforts of the great wizards.

Powerful spells were born, shot out, and then died in the middle. Violent magic wavered from the ground to the deep space, from the wilderness to the deepest part of the inner castle. The entire battlefield was like a boiling soup pot, making all beings who could sense the magic...

Feel the heat from the inside out.

There were a few extremely powerful spells that fell on the hatching place.

But smashing a few, dozens, or even hundreds of giant eggs will not have much impact on the entire battle situation. On the contrary, those smashed giant eggs turned into black or red air currents, flowing at a faster rate.

The speed blends into other giant eggs around it, which actually speeds up their maturation.

 “Very prompt response.”

Sitting cross-legged in the void, holding the Ziwu Jue, the great wizard in Taoist attire looked at the giant eggs flashing like fireflies in the distance, and sighed slightly: "...It seems that it will be difficult to catch them off guard."

As he spoke, he made a gesture with his hands and retracted the flying sword that was facing a big snake with many heads in the distance. The green rainbow flashed back, and the sword was filled with blood without a trace of blood.

The big snake raised its upper body, raised its seven heads to the sky and roared in victory, but it was hidden behind the seven heads. The neck with one head missing made its roar appear much weaker.

Next to him, the great wizard who was sitting on the couch and playing the piano leisurely glanced at the big snake and said in a low voice: "Lv Zhiyuan, the Yamata-no-Orochi, it is said that you have to cut off all eight of its heads before it will die... You just cut off one."

, why not try it a few more times?”

“It’s too simple to think.” The great wizard in Taoist costume shook his head: “My intuition tells me that even if I cut off all the heads, it will not die. In this case, there is no need to waste magic power.”

“After all, the Drought Demon and the Imperial Insect are very troublesome guys.”

As he spoke, in the distance, in the hatching land at the end of the battlefield, several giant eggs began to shake violently. The magic patterns on the eggshells were extinguished one after another, and spiderweb-like cracks started from the top and slowly spread downwards.

 After a while, the egg skin falls off.

From the giant red eggs, mandrill-like beings crawled out. They were seven or eight meters long, covered with slender red fur, with long flame-like hair hanging from the back of their heads. They had narrow eyes and swollen noses, intertwined fangs, and roared.

Like howling, the energy of death surges to the sky.

When they first left the giant egg, these newly born Drought Demons still stumbled a bit, but after a while, they became familiar with their bodies and mastered the skills that were imprinted deep in their souls.

The earth is cracked and dry under their feet. The long hair hanging down from the back of the Drought Demons' heads falls between the cracks in the ground, stirring up the blazing underground fire. Dark red magma surges, sending waves of magical power full of destructive aura through those long hair.

After being introduced into the bodies of the Drought Demons, the dissipated magic power lingered around them, like red tornadoes.

Wizards have very detailed solutions to this kind of existence that is born from the dead - such as thunder spells, magic arrays, and the moon zombie clan that also belongs to the undead lineage - but no matter which one, it will cost a lot of money.

Huge manpower.

Perhaps this is what Sir Ulrich intended.

Compared with the Drought Demons, the ‘Emperor Insects’ that emerged from the giant black eggs were more troublesome for the wizards.

Under normal conditions, the King Insect is like a heavy tank, covered with thick black plate armor, with two rows of cone-shaped dorsal spines growing along its spine.

Imperial Insects are immune to most magical attacks and are extremely resistant to physical attacks. The rib-shaped scythes on their front can cut through most known materials, and the sharp horns can block the magic circuit in the void.

The distance sprint speed is comparable to that of a unicorn running at full speed.

It can be said that this is a creature specially born for destruction and destruction. It has a very significant advantage in large battlefields or when attacking strongholds such as the Black Hell Castle that are covered by multiple magic circles and have strong protection.

 But now, in addition to the "classic type", the royal insects appearing on the battlefield also have a special type.

It was a completely different type from the ordinary black emperor insect. It was bright pink all over, and there were no cone-shaped dorsal spines on its back. Instead, there were pairs of dorsal fins that looked like bat wings - or it could also be called membranes.


The sharp horn on the forehead of its head also disappeared, and the location of the horn was replaced by an ellipsoid full of wrinkles. There were countless very short tentacles on the ellipsoid, and there were many swirling ellipses at the roots of the tentacles.

The tumors, those tumors will glow. They gather together, like the compound eyes of a fly, shining with dazzling spots of light.

This special kind of 'Emperor Bug' - let's call them King Bug for the time being - can glide short distances by using the vibration of its dorsal fin after a short sprint.

 As soon as it was born, it caused great trouble to the wizards.

Because they did not actively attack the "Bofu" giants, but when the tank-type royal insects and drought demons entangled the giants, they used the power of gliding and the innate ability to pierce the protective barrier to rush towards the multi-armed swarm.

The gap in the outer castle opened by the giant Kotos and the big willow tree followed the gap in the city wall and spread under the inner castle wall.

 “You have only one mission!”

"go forward!"

 “Don’t look back!”

Sir Ulrich's cold voice echoed in the minds of every 'Pink King Bug'. They screamed, and the tumors on their foreheads flashed violently. Every time the bat wings flapped, it brought out afterimages, causing both sides to

Spells rained down from the city walls, shattering the city walls.

When the fastest pink royal insect crossed the Misty Horn and approached the inner city, it suddenly stopped, tilted its head, and looked hesitantly at a collapsed city wall on the left.

There was a wave that felt very familiar yet strange to it.

The innate intuition tells it that the fluctuations have the same source as it and are all gifts of the supreme existence. However, the remaining instinct of the emperor insect keeps denying this intuition and drives it to continue rushing towards the inner castle.

 Two contradictory consciousnesses clashed fiercely in this creature's small mind, causing the tumor on its forehead to dim for a moment.

 On the battlefield, any slight distraction may have serious consequences.

What's more, this pink emperor insect stayed in place for dozens of seconds.


A stream of cyan light fell from the top of the city, and with lightning speed, it hit the sluggish Pink Emperor Insect. Not only did it turn the weird-looking creature into ashes, the stream of light continued unabated, and also fell on

A huge hole was blown out of the side of the Mist.

This chapter has been completed!
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