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Chapter 202 Wednesday morning

 As September fades away and October comes, the moon-hunting drum beats slowly, and an anxious atmosphere begins to permeate every corner of First University.

The freshmen who have just entered the school urgently need a major ceremony to anchor their existence in the new environment, while the senior students who have entered the senior year need an unfettered carnival to release the academic pressure piled on them.

This sense of anticipation for the school hunting competition has almost become a substance, like a huge spider web that spreads across the entire Phuket Island, so that every individual who moves on this web can feel the tremors of other individuals.

This falls on the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, which means that they need to further strengthen their pre-game training.

Monday night's night training ended peacefully.

There was no mutated Gatrash attacking the hunting party, nor was there a mad two-headed ogre rushing out of the darkness wielding a thick wooden club - Zheng Qing had reason to believe that someone was not so happy with this peaceful outcome.

For example, assistant coach Hilda had a very bad expression when he saw Zheng Qing the next day. When Zheng Qing greeted him, he didn't even bother to raise his hands, he just curled his lips perfunctorily and sighed.

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t sleep well the night before, or because I feel unlucky because my plan failed.

"Treating us as bait, I don't know how they could come up with such a stupid plan." Turning around, Zheng Qing complained to the doctor in a low voice: "...even if there is really a dark wizard who causes trouble, he will not risk the world.

It's too big to cause trouble for the same hunting team at the same time period and at the same hunting ground."

He bit the three 'identical' ones very hard to emphasize the folly of that plan.

"Perhaps the school thinks that our hunting team is different and more attractive to those dark wizards." The fat man guessed and stuffed a nut into his mouth.

This is a very irresponsible but dangerous guess.

Zheng Qing blinked and naturally changed the subject: "Maybe... Having said that, I don't know what the specific terms of the new plan for the school hunting competition announced today are... It feels like the people in Alphaburg are already gearing up and preparing for a collective protest."

Alphas who advocate freedom will protest against any topic they don't like, including but not limited to the extension of study room hours at Jiuyou College, too many hospitalizations for Starry Sky College students, insufficiently detailed divisions in the Atlas College cafeteria, and Linzhong Lake

Murlocs are treated unfairly, etc.

"Finding faults is always the easiest, just like reform, which is always the most difficult."

Xiao Xiao, who had just finished taking notes, finally raised his head, summed up in his usual tone, adjusted his glasses, and glanced at the fat man angrily: "Don't eat during class, the crunch will affect the image of our entire dormitory!


The fat wizard held a piece of mung bean cake in his hand and hesitated for a second, then threw it back into the box, replaced it with a fried broad bean that was louder to chew, and threw it into his mouth like a demonstration, making a crunching sound.

While chewing, he also laughed and said: "Just because this is Sima's class, you can't ask me not to eat... let alone half an hour before class!"

Zheng Qing always felt that the fat man's mouth was very similar to the quill pen in his hand. He was always busy - just like two magic quill pens can record different things at the same time, the fat man's mouth can also complete a chat at the same time.

Two tasks with eating.

"Okay, okay."

The young public-sponsored student skillfully positioned himself between the two companions, and started chatting: "It doesn't matter if you have some snacks before class, as long as you don't eat during class... Is there anything new in the newspaper about the rules of this school hunting competition?"


Fatty Xin took out a stack of newspapers at any time, slapped it on the desk, and wiped his greasy fingers on the newspaper.

Zheng Qing carefully avoided the oil stains, picked up the corner of the newspaper, and opened it.

"Nothing new, just commonplace."

The fat wizard picked up the piece of mung bean cake again and stuffed it into his mouth. His voice suddenly became muffled: "For example, relevant people said that this reform was implemented without more extensive discussion, which was an illegal act by the student union to expand its own power; others

I suspect that the hunting committee has received strong lobbying, because it is said that some freshmen this year spent a lot of money to organize a new hunting team..."

"I can testify to this." Zheng Qing glanced at the headlines in the newspaper and chatted with a smile: "The freshman named Lin Yan in Alpha is very rich... Didn't he plan to buy Exoneration at the beginning?"

"During the last night training, I remember that he was with Andrew. He must have joined the Ouroboros hunting team." Xiao Xiao opened the "Big History" textbook at hand and said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which

, Ouroboros is also a very strong hunting team, especially their fortune teller Amber... is very powerful."

Zheng Qing was also deeply impressed by that skinny little fortune teller.

"I don't know if it's powerful or not, but I think Lin Yan may regret his choice." Fatty Xin took out a piece of cake, took a hard bite, narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, and then explained: "...Since Se

After Plano became Augustus, as the 'Guards' second only to the Cheung Kei Hunting Team, the Ouroboros Hunting Team was sought after by many students in Fort Alpha. The number of official hunters in the hunting team has exceeded double digits.

...So I heard that many 'not-so-reliable hunters' have been put on the waiting list."

"Not so reliable?" Zheng Qing felt that this word was very subtle.

"Well, like fish-men, or new students." Fatty Xin winked, trying to make the smile on his face appear less sarcastic.


The young public student suddenly remembered the tall fish-man he saw by the river some time ago, and couldn't help but shake his head: "Iseni won't be happy..."

"What can it do if it's not happy? Can it form another hunting team?"

The fat wizard was a little dissatisfied: "Although for informal hunting teams, the rules do not restrict a hunter from serving in different hunting teams at the same time, but Ouroboros has a special relationship with Serprano... Even in order to maintain their small

trade network, it will not make Augustus of Alpha unhappy... Don’t turn it over, there is nothing new in the front, but this report may interest you.”

Fatty Xin interrupted Zheng Qing's aimless reading, flipped through several pages with his icing-covered fingers, and photographed a report sandwiched in the center in front of the young public-funded student.

Before seeing the content, Zheng Qing was first attracted by the pictures accompanying this report.

Next to the report, there is a picture with a dark style and blurry quality.

In the picture, Zhu Si is walking out of the door of No. 33 Gudiao Street in a black robe. The slightly raised corners of her robe make her look like a vampire who has just eaten. Her pale face is in sharp contrast to the dark background.

As if noticing the reader's gaze, the witch in the photo glared at him fiercely, turned her head and hid her face in the deep night.

There is also a line of small text annotation under this photo

——Ms. Zhu Si left in a hurry after having a late-night secret conversation with the North District Great Sage.

This chapter has been completed!
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