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Chapter 313 The Daily Bugle

 With Zheng Qing's lessons learned, the other wizards in the Exoneration Hunting Team became more cautious about their 'gift boxes', including Jiang Yu and Li Meng, who postponed opening the box until they returned to the dormitory at night.

What annoys Zheng Qing is that according to the information he received, no one else has received 'dress-up dolls' or similar prank toys. They are all normal gifts. Councilor Su is even very considerate.

gives the best gift for everyone.

Inside Xiao Xiao's box is a century-old turtle shell that has been dried in the sun. There is also a disposable iron chisel next to it, which can be used to drill holes in the turtle shell during divination.

The golden quill that Fatty Xin received was said to have been left by a very famous editor of the school newspaper in the history of First University, and it could automatically correct grammatical errors in writing.

Zhang Jixin also got a brand new pair of boxing gloves, Dylan got a set of teeth-cleaning gadgets in a coffin-shaped box, Lan Que got a small bottle of black jade intermittent ointment, and classmate Li Meng got two homework books.

That's right, two copies.

The gifts in the two gift boxes she picked were both homework assignments. One was an exercise booklet for advanced magic texts, and the other was a must-memorize reference for potions. They were very substantial.

The little witch sat on the bed unhappily and chose for half an hour. Finally, she pinched her nose and accepted the exercise booklet for advanced magic texts.

After all, compared with memorizing prescriptions, translating magic texts seems easier.

In the entire Exoneration Hunting Team, she should be the most unlucky person after Zheng Qing.

As for Jiang Yu, inside the gift box was a white crystal-carved kitten. The kitten was having a great time playing with the same white crystal-carved yarn ball under its paws.

"Wow! This kitten is so cute!"

Li Meng put aside her homework and walked over to her cousin to watch with great interest. She even couldn't help but reach out to touch the kitten. The kitten squinted its eyes and purred comfortably.

The stuffed bear Li Neng also stood on tiptoes, clinging to the other side of the gift box, leaning his head to look at the little things playing in the box, his eyes sparkling.


In the eyes of one person and one bear with disappointment, monitor Jiang calmly closed the lid, and then reminded classmate Li Meng: "I will start working on the magic essay exercises tomorrow, and do one page a day... I can't live up to Councilor Su's good intentions.


The little witch's expression suddenly fell.

The stuffed bear shrank down and crept toward the corner of the bed, fearing that in this bad atmosphere, it would anger someone who was very angry.

Life is always worse than you think.

When you feel that everything is getting better, it is often the beginning of bad luck; when you feel that you are already very unlucky, it may actually be even worse.

Zheng Qing has a deep understanding of this point of view.

From missing out on being the runner-up in the school hunting party, to walking through most of the university back to the dormitory wearing a gorgeous Crenolin skirt at noon on Monday, the young wizard thought that nothing could be worse than these things in the world.

The next day, reality gave him a cold glance.

Tuesday morning is a divination class.

After Zheng Qing got up, he was full of hope and drew a line at the lowest point where yesterday's line ended. As the beginning of today's line, he looked back at the line in the recent period, such as the Qianchuan waterfall flying down, and several bad luck lines with bare heads and bare feet. The line created a steep and profound downward channel in his fortune chart.

As the saying goes, "Nothing will come in time." If you have been unlucky for so long, it's your turn to turn around.

With these thoughts in mind, Zheng Qing came to 1001 East Annex of the teaching building.

The residual heat of the school hunting competition has not completely dissipated. Nicholas is still surrounded by many students who hope to join the fringe hunting team. He can vaguely hear him analyzing the Zeus Cup event information at an extremely fast speed.

Zheng Qing smiled slightly and sat in his usual seat.

The other three members of the quartet have not arrived yet. The doctor should be in the library at this time. Zhang Jixin is most likely following his brother. As for Fatty Xin...

Just as this thought passed through Zheng Qing's mind, the fat wizard's huge figure burst in from outside the classroom like a whirlwind with a tragic aura. He even ignored classmate Li Meng's greeting and rushed straight towards Zheng Qing. The momentum seemed to eat the young public servant alive.

"What happened?"

Zheng Qing took out his divination textbook in his spare time, glanced at the fat wizard displeased, and lectured: "After all, he is also a member of a well-known hunting team, so he must be more cautious..."

"Oh, steady?"

Fatty Xin sneered, threw a newspaper, and threw it in front of Zheng Qing: "Go be so prudent... See for yourself whether you should be prudent in this matter!"

Zheng Qing glanced at the masthead.

Daily Bugle.

The top 'third-rate' tabloid in the wizarding world mainly targets middle- and lower-class wizard readers. The reporting techniques are rough and the content of the report is not objective and neutral. It has almost no market in 'high-end areas' such as Phuket Island and Daiichi University. Especially this newspaper report The content is full of vulgar, erotic content and unprofessional writing techniques. It likes to make fun of the Wizards Alliance and its affiliated organizations, so it is banned from all formal organizations of the alliance.

What impressed Zheng Qing the most was that this newspaper had long used a fixed page to track and report on Su Shijun's love history. The beautiful girl Su scolded her in the Qingqiu Residence that it was a fly newspaper.

"When did you start reading the Daily Bugle?" the young public-funded student picked up the newspaper with a smile and joked: "I remember you said that the reports in this newspaper are a piece of shit, and only shit beetles and flies... …”

The smile on his face stopped abruptly.

It's like swallowing the fly.

Fatty Xin fell on the page in front of him and used almost half of the newspaper to publish two spliced ​​photos. One was a photo of Su Shijun wearing a black robe with her back to the reader. She tilted her head to the left, as if Look at the figure in the photo frame on the left; the other photo is of Zheng Qing wearing a red robe from Jiuyou College and waving. His head is slightly drooping, but his eyes are trying to look up, showing a sneaky look.

Between the two photos, there was a mosaic of a little fox. Even after it was covered up, Zheng Qing could still recognize at a glance the blurred, flowing blue stripes on the little fox's body.

As if aware of the figure outside the newspaper.

Su Shijun snorted, turned his head, and turned his back completely to the reader. The black robe mixed with the black background turned the photo into a dark background; Zheng Qing on the other side lowered his head completely, completely unable to see. See what he looks like at this moment.

There is only the figure of the little fox between the two photos, waving its paws and wagging its tail cheerfully towards the outside of the newspaper, causing the large mosaic to sway endlessly along with it.


Zheng Qing did not dare to continue reading, so he closed the newspaper in his hand and raised his hand to form a barrier to block sound and sight, ensuring that any sound within the barrier would not be transmitted outside.

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